Amount unpaid at beginning of year (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 年初未交数(多交数以“-”号反映)
y|}~"^+T yov~'S9 Amount transfer in at current period (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 本期转入数(多交数以“-”号反映)
=EP`,zqn$9 </{Zb. Amount paid at current period 本期已交数
4w^o ! 2|,L 9 Amount unpaid at end of period (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 期末未交数(多交数以“-”号反映)
[34N/;5 vd4@ jZ5 Head of unit 单位负责人
Q?k*3A ~\_VWXXvIW Finance employee in charge 财务负责人
.J)TIc__|A q@ -B+ Double-check 复核
)x|;%.8FX7 WR)=VE Prepared by 制表
B`B=bn+4 2h Enterprise Income Tax - Annual Tax Return (企业所得税年度申
t]LiFpy2IC JpC'(N English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term Income Tax on Enterprises Annual Tax Return 企业所得税年度纳税申报表
[s>3xWZ+a w(Z ?j%b Taxation period 税款所属时间
4k;FZo]S m1X7zU Cy Monetary Unit 金额单位
[tpiU'/Zl KS$t Taxpayer's registration number 纳税人识别号
);gY8UL^ ^3$l!>me Taxpayer's Name 纳税人名称
Ub0r DXiA4ihr= Taxpayer's Address 纳税人地址
=Z^5'h~ DXLXGvcM Zip code (postcode) 邮政编码
e xb}
OUv<a`0 Type of business 登记注册类型
Z+El(f x G]'ah1W Industry type 行业
JTGCFl }%_|k^t Taxpayer's bank 纳税人开户银行
y&NqVR= kv:9Fm\$ Bank account number 账号
|p6d]#z3 7ftn
gBv? Gross revenue 收入总额
Qg*\aa94 -+*h'zZ[<w Line No. 行次
>v:ex(y0 }>xwiSF? Items 项目
^[?y 2A: *-T.xo Business income 销售(营业)收入
F0:]@0>r #rlgeHG!fs Less: Sales return 减:销售退回
!#KKJ`uB" QL/KY G Depreciation allowance 折扣与折让
NI V}hf YF ${ {4L?7 Net operating revenue 销售(营业)收入净额
3B1\-ry1M 24jf`1XFW Amount of exempt income included 其中:免税的销售(营业)收入
9{u8fDm! tIuM9D{P Income from royalties 特许权使用费收益
pbVL|\oB} L`+[mX&2B Investment income
op6]"ZV-C '}Fe&% Net income in investment transfer 投资转让净收益
rnIjpc F cJo%j -AM Rental net income 租赁净收益
s@\3|e5g Lw>B:3e Exchange net income 汇兑净收益
PIri|ZS tu
-a`h_NJ Net income from asset/inventory surplus
t1']q" 7V"?o Subsidy income 补贴收入
WPNB!"E98 5|H;%T3_ Other income 其他收入
\dk1a ';I}6N Final. total income 收入总额合计
r[L.TX3Ah= k~tEUsv Operating expenses 销售(营业)
成本 %SmOP sz z=D5* Sales tax 销售税金及附加
UsE\p9mCuV -<g9) CV5 Total period expenses 期间费用合计
qezWfR` pv]@}+<Dt Deduction items 扣除项目
8+'}` h"`\
'(,X Including salary bonus Employee benefits. Employee labor union dues. Employee education expenses 其中:工资薪金 职工福利费、职工工会经费、职工教育经费
$ XA |;gx;qp4cN Depreciation of fixed assets 固定资产折旧
HWjJ.;k}a %K Q1{" Amortisation on intangible assets and deferred assets 无形资产、递延资产摊销
tia}&9; |J&\/
8Q Research and development expenses 研究开发费用
j\uZo.Ot+ @@Q4{o Net interest expense 利息净支出
mA(kq =Vg~ VD Exchange net loss 汇兑净损失
S@,/$L ;As~TGiT Rental net expense 租金净支出
!:+U-mb* Vl5r~+$| Head office administrative expense 上缴总机构管理费
7U [C=NL .O-)m'
5 Entertainment expenses 业务招待费
|O8e;v72g^ :w^:Z$-hf Taxation expense 税金
392V\qtS ;j0.#P:a Loss on bad debts 坏账损失
ktU:Uq nDrRK Additional bad debts provision for prior year 增提的坏账准备金
Ab$E@H# !@z9n\Yj Net loss due to inventory shortage, spoilage and obsolescence 资产盘亏、毁损和报废净损失
G@s:|oe lU1SN/'zx Net loss in investment transfer 投资转让净损失
neEqw+#Z 2zj`
H9 National insurance payment
wX] _Abk ~A0AB
`7 Workers insurance expense 劳动保护费
Q=Q+*oog 3U6QYD55]] Advertising expenditure 广告支出
Ec7xwPk r6
S Donations Contributed 捐赠支出
Vz mlKVE (Q{JI~P Auditing, consulting and litigation expenses
m-{DhJV oIrc))j,$ Travelling expenses 差旅费
&OU.BR> $
DN. Conference expenses 会议费
#c|l|Xvq2 |6AR! Transportation, packing, handling and insurance exhibition expense on sales 运输、装卸、包装、保险展览等销售费用
(M IR/S`HD_ Bankruptcy compensation cost 矿产资源补偿费
5zS%F: 3 ?"b __(3 Other deductible expense items 其他扣除费用项目
4f j}d.? ],c0nz^%BR Taxable income calculation 应纳税所得额的计算
r,eH7&P9{ }Z <I%GT Income before tax adjustment 纳税调整前所得
Q}&'1J 9^Xndo]y Plus: Adjustment for additional tax payment 加:纳税调整增加额
:$Cm]RZ 9No6\{[M
Including salary bonus tax adjustment Adjustment to tax payment for employee benefits , employee labor union dues, employee education expense.
c:${qY:! za6 hyd^ 其中:工资薪金纳税调整额职工福利费、职工工会经费和职工教育经费的纳税调整额
tCI t(}Y /' Interest expense tax payment adjustment amount 利息支出纳税调整额
WGV]O| {:cGt2*~^ Entertainment expenses tax adjustment amount 业务招待费纳税调整额
1\o 5]{rim Advertising expenditure tax payment adjustment amount 广告支出纳税调整额
@.e4~qz\ J#d,? Tax adjustment for contribution expenditure 赞助支出纳税调整额
r%: :q^b3 /: !sn-( 点击查看《
税收报表词汇英汉对照(一) 》