Amount unpaid at beginning of year (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 年初未交数(多交数以“-”号反映)
Cc,,e` B
[O1^jdO Amount transfer in at current period (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 本期转入数(多交数以“-”号反映)
i~6qOlLD- F&lvofy23 Amount paid at current period 本期已交数
3"hPplE 3v%V\kO=F Amount unpaid at end of period (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 期末未交数(多交数以“-”号反映)
V"@]PI pr It@.U| Head of unit 单位负责人
beYaQz/@W Hh8)d/D Finance employee in charge 财务负责人
l;SqjkN H?>R#Ds- Double-check 复核
w? 5}4r'P$m: Prepared by 制表
0xM\+R~, 1yN/+Rq Enterprise Income Tax - Annual Tax Return (企业所得税年度申
0Y9\,y_ i7w>Nvj] English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term Income Tax on Enterprises Annual Tax Return 企业所得税年度纳税申报表
1lg$ Q_F8u!qrZ Taxation period 税款所属时间
QuJ)WaJkC *.J)7~(P Monetary Unit 金额单位
=q(;g]e k/yoRv% Taxpayer's registration number 纳税人识别号
C<\|4ERp 'lym^^MjL+ Taxpayer's Name 纳税人名称
4D$Xl jR#g>MDKB Taxpayer's Address 纳税人地址
IgOo2N"^l gI
qYIt Zip code (postcode) 邮政编码
COa"zg 0BM3:]=wr Type of business 登记注册类型
@<tkwu m]$!wp Industry type 行业
&AI/;zru ^[
SQw)* Taxpayer's bank 纳税人开户银行
jLf. qf8qm &JM|u ww?1 Bank account number 账号
dw8Ce8W ;k<g#She Gross revenue 收入总额
mpBSd+;Z :Uf\r
`a9 Line No. 行次
DKu4e MkG3TODfHB Items 项目
EC2KK)=n} JZP>`c21y] Business income 销售(营业)收入
Ms. 1RCup %B$~yx3# Less: Sales return 减:销售退回
6" p*8LS7UT Depreciation allowance 折扣与折让
z )
2h\S O<Rm9tZ8 Net operating revenue 销售(营业)收入净额
t/\J #N?EPV$ Amount of exempt income included 其中:免税的销售(营业)收入
[ 44d(P' ika/ G
G Income from royalties 特许权使用费收益
y_:i'Ri. Rdd[b? Investment income
{1.t ZCMT K%ltB& Net income in investment transfer 投资转让净收益
EM+#h'%- %l!Gt"\xm Rental net income 租赁净收益
F'DO46 FV>LD% uu Exchange net income 汇兑净收益
.V9/0 y|1,h}H^n Net income from asset/inventory surplus
't:|>;Wx 9pD=E>4?# Subsidy income 补贴收入
&{?*aK&%3l TOp|Qt
n Other income 其他收入
)>$@cH !SAjV) Final. total income 收入总额合计
gwtR<2,p 5"=qVmT) Operating expenses 销售(营业)
成本 /(Se:jH$> st"uD\L1p: Sales tax 销售税金及附加
M/XxiF p9ligs7V' Total period expenses 期间费用合计
ORhe?E] {k=H5<FV Deduction items 扣除项目
2?hc94 $IzhaX Including salary bonus Employee benefits. Employee labor union dues. Employee education expenses 其中:工资薪金 职工福利费、职工工会经费、职工教育经费
TQyi-Dc ^|
L@f Depreciation of fixed assets 固定资产折旧
6vySOVMj <\<[J0 Amortisation on intangible assets and deferred assets 无形资产、递延资产摊销
2`qO'V3Q FMCX->}$ Research and development expenses 研究开发费用
c`94a SnV j]\3>. Net interest expense 利息净支出
S3rN]!B+ _zq"<Q c Exchange net loss 汇兑净损失
#'N"<o[ pBV_'A}ioh Rental net expense 租金净支出
og<mFbqkq7 ;*K@8GnU Head office administrative expense 上缴总机构管理费
i7u ^sR]w]cz. Entertainment expenses 业务招待费
!e?g"5r{Bv WV]%llj^ Taxation expense 税金
##~";j Y;yt
#= Loss on bad debts 坏账损失
,2\?kPoc8 t .*z)N Additional bad debts provision for prior year 增提的坏账准备金
+.gM"JV Gzxq] Mg Net loss due to inventory shortage, spoilage and obsolescence 资产盘亏、毁损和报废净损失
eYd6~T[9 <smi<syx Net loss in investment transfer 投资转让净损失
bi`{ k\3A UV}\#86! National insurance payment
VPG+]>* ZPHiR4fQli Workers insurance expense 劳动保护费
es}j6A1 \mRRx#-r% Advertising expenditure 广告支出
#-b0U[,. GORu*[U8 Donations Contributed 捐赠支出
{00iA} =\;yxl Auditing, consulting and litigation expenses
"iFA&$\ q3a`Y)aVB Travelling expenses 差旅费
*7: )k NV 6kj=r Conference expenses 会议费
<i9pJGW XRi/O)98o Transportation, packing, handling and insurance exhibition expense on sales 运输、装卸、包装、保险展览等销售费用
\*{tAF gd~# uR\ Bankruptcy compensation cost 矿产资源补偿费
Hgs=qH l
AF/O5b Other deductible expense items 其他扣除费用项目
6q^Tq {I hs'J'~a Taxable income calculation 应纳税所得额的计算
,})x1y Income before tax adjustment 纳税调整前所得
Z|&Y1k-h t
Plus: Adjustment for additional tax payment 加:纳税调整增加额
$6\-8zNk +3B^e%`NPm Including salary bonus tax adjustment Adjustment to tax payment for employee benefits , employee labor union dues, employee education expense.
gY'w=(/` E[N5vG< 其中:工资薪金纳税调整额职工福利费、职工工会经费和职工教育经费的纳税调整额
V_Owi5h A#&Q(g\YE Interest expense tax payment adjustment amount 利息支出纳税调整额
(x7AV$N 99Jk<x
k Entertainment expenses tax adjustment amount 业务招待费纳税调整额
moO=TGG;F -oGJPl {r Advertising expenditure tax payment adjustment amount 广告支出纳税调整额
p, B{IYVviiP Tax adjustment for contribution expenditure 赞助支出纳税调整额
Iu- 4
qdLH^dX 点击查看《
税收报表词汇英汉对照(一) 》