Amount unpaid at beginning of year (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 年初未交数(多交数以“-”号反映)
]Fb8.q5(Y 8/Lu'rI Amount transfer in at current period (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 本期转入数(多交数以“-”号反映)
^[k6]1h kO
/~i Amount paid at current period 本期已交数
%4o bEBZ!ghU Amount unpaid at end of period (amount overpaid represented by a “-” sign) 期末未交数(多交数以“-”号反映)
`[w}hFl~q o}5'v^"6, Head of unit 单位负责人
_SU,f> Finance employee in charge 财务负责人
Ir'DA_.. @G^j8Nl+J} Double-check 复核
E&}H\zt# !NlB%cF Prepared by 制表
{"qW~S90YO 54, Ju'r Enterprise Income Tax - Annual Tax Return (企业所得税年度申
>$d d9|[ @ J?-a m> English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term Income Tax on Enterprises Annual Tax Return 企业所得税年度纳税申报表
F#zQQ)(Pf o{s4.LKK
Taxation period 税款所属时间
a,en8+r] p{('KE)
Monetary Unit 金额单位
3<V.6'*k w*]_FqE Taxpayer's registration number 纳税人识别号
krnvFZRTQ gDUoc*+h Taxpayer's Name 纳税人名称
{&6l\| #d7)$ub Taxpayer's Address 纳税人地址
rd f85%%7 6
d{D3e[p^ Zip code (postcode) 邮政编码
P,s)2 s'nZ D/NIn=>j Type of business 登记注册类型
.)oQM:F(h |\yDgs%EGy Industry type 行业
\oD=X}UQw( 3RY|l?n> Taxpayer's bank 纳税人开户银行
v=8~ZDY :$) aMEq Bank account number 账号
+4p2KYO ?Mgt5by Gross revenue 收入总额
F~11 _ K~9 jin Line No. 行次
` Items 项目
3l41r[\ }VJ hw*s Business income 销售(营业)收入
=qVAvo' 8k*k Less: Sales return 减:销售退回
J}93u(T5 noD7G2o Depreciation allowance 折扣与折让
MXu+I,y* PhI{3B/ Net operating revenue 销售(营业)收入净额
zuRM^5 =r@ie
>*U Amount of exempt income included 其中:免税的销售(营业)收入
/Wta$!X{- ).@)t:uNa Income from royalties 特许权使用费收益
+LU ). hyr5D9d Investment income
iI/'!85 j2C^1:s@m Net income in investment transfer 投资转让净收益
`cy"-CJS ,m_&
eF Rental net income 租赁净收益
Av[|.~g 'j=PbA Exchange net income 汇兑净收益
_j?=&tc ^AC+nko* Net income from asset/inventory surplus
`;8u9Ff v6,
o/3Ex Subsidy income 补贴收入
N'q/7jOy itvy[b-* Other income 其他收入
SJY"]7 Yru1@/; Final. total income 收入总额合计
sC'A_ -' c_j)8 Operating expenses 销售(营业)
成本 bN~'cs8 e _{@}Fd?o Sales tax 销售税金及附加
w2mlqy2L N'W>pU Total period expenses 期间费用合计
Ts ?>"@ -a#AE|` Deduction items 扣除项目
#)c;i<Q3S Et[QcB3 Including salary bonus Employee benefits. Employee labor union dues. Employee education expenses 其中:工资薪金 职工福利费、职工工会经费、职工教育经费
)SO1P6 1\9BO:<K Depreciation of fixed assets 固定资产折旧
Z6HkQ=A64 N"Nd $4 Amortisation on intangible assets and deferred assets 无形资产、递延资产摊销
-O,O<tOm RM=+ZmA Research and development expenses 研究开发费用
?&t|?@ ) a2m<"
Net interest expense 利息净支出
_}%#Yz ,t,65@3+b Exchange net loss 汇兑净损失
!D]6Cq T;vPR,]rz Rental net expense 租金净支出
Ns] 9-D ri_6wbPp Head office administrative expense 上缴总机构管理费
b|C,b"$N0 )6S}
1 Entertainment expenses 业务招待费
h4xf%vA(; mJ#B<I' Taxation expense 税金
C{Xk/Er5< !wufoK Loss on bad debts 坏账损失
"r(pK@h V,%5
hl'& Additional bad debts provision for prior year 增提的坏账准备金
3lEU$)QA3 Net loss due to inventory shortage, spoilage and obsolescence 资产盘亏、毁损和报废净损失
Z.#glmw^=R LFry?HO,D Net loss in investment transfer 投资转让净损失
T;e (Q,!H +c2=*IA/ National insurance payment
s)ajy^6'M +_K;Pj]x Workers insurance expense 劳动保护费
pt;Sk?-1 Advertising expenditure 广告支出
]m,p3 g KY
,G Donations Contributed 捐赠支出
uA&9 r}M4()9L Auditing, consulting and litigation expenses
h 7P?n.K :JG}% Travelling expenses 差旅费
~8 a>
D<b =1B&d
[3; Conference expenses 会议费
K%#C+`Ij xa axj Transportation, packing, handling and insurance exhibition expense on sales 运输、装卸、包装、保险展览等销售费用
{Q3#]Vu a5+v)F/= Bankruptcy compensation cost 矿产资源补偿费
"f$A0RL ?ew]i'9( Other deductible expense items 其他扣除费用项目
tQ<2K*3] ju6_L< Taxable income calculation 应纳税所得额的计算
a,LV %R5MAs&-5 Income before tax adjustment 纳税调整前所得
R$3+ 01j| w3hL.Z,kV Plus: Adjustment for additional tax payment 加:纳税调整增加额
-5B([jHgR \crmNH)3 Including salary bonus tax adjustment Adjustment to tax payment for employee benefits , employee labor union dues, employee education expense.
s9dBXfm {.)~4.LhQM 其中:工资薪金纳税调整额职工福利费、职工工会经费和职工教育经费的纳税调整额
K#yH\fn8 9Qd'=JQl Interest expense tax payment adjustment amount 利息支出纳税调整额
+0042Yi mq}
#{ Entertainment expenses tax adjustment amount 业务招待费纳税调整额
>zn$d*0 Advertising expenditure tax payment adjustment amount 广告支出纳税调整额
J(*"S!q)6 [vT,zM
Tax adjustment for contribution expenditure 赞助支出纳税调整额
fxa^SV XfDQx!gJ 点击查看《
税收报表词汇英汉对照(一) 》