1. Assurance engagements and external audit
保证约定和外部审计 ]
]U )wg @A1f#Ed< Materiality, true and fair presentation, reasonable assurance e3 v^j$ 物质性,真实公平的描述,合理的保证 "u^Erj# / ?wB_fDb} Appointment, removal and resignation of auditors 4,sE{%vb 审计人员的的任命、免职和辞职 ;l
*%IMB '8;bc@cE Types of opinion: unmodified opinion, modified opinion, adverse opinion, disclaimer of opinion G]ek-[- 意见类型:无保留意见,保留意见,否定意见,拒绝表示意见 A2 +% U4!KO;Jc Professional ethics: independence, objectivity, integrity, professional competence, due care, confidentiality, professional behavior S oeoUI]m 职业道德:独立,客观,完整,专业能力,应有的谨慎,保密,职业行为 Nnh\FaI a yoC]rE Engagement letter +LRKS 约定书(委托书) *-9i<@|(U^ U*C^g}iA 2. Planning and risk assessment w6V/Xp][U 规划和风险评估 DJ"PP5d iM<$
n2t General principles m%[e_eS 一般原则 _Xd"'cXw +|LM" Plan and perform audits with an attitude of professional skepticism aoey
5hts 持专业的怀疑态度计划和执行审计工作 n&:ohOH%
sq2:yt Audit risks = inherent risk ×control risk ×detection risk O^MI073Q>t 审计风险=内在风险×控制风险×检查风险 UDG1F_&h 9w=7A>.U Risk-based approach <r#FI8P;X
基于风险的办法 v])ew| /2?
CB\ Understanding the entity and knowledge of the business _;k<=ns(= 了解商业的实质和知识 "/zgh yu'-'{% Assessing the risks of material misstatement and fraud MrR`jXz 评估材料错报和舞弊的风险 %nZ:)J>kz #sw4)*v Materiality (level), tolerable error |cU75
S 1 重要性(级别),可容忍误差 \
\k=N(n eNd&47lJ Analytical procedures =%m{|HQ` 分析程序 f}bq (mIjG)4t Planning an audit L?h?LZnq 规划审计工作 X84T F~2Y lbAhP+B Audit documentation: working papers 'f<N7%eZ 审计文件:工作底稿 vxmX5. =Dq&lm,n The work of others x4*
bhiu 其他机构的文件 \U$:/#1Oe Jc#D4e1# Rely on the work of experts $Lp [i
<O] 依靠专家的工作 -P}A26qB ]Ucw&B*@ Rely on the work of internal audit e`n ZiM> 依靠内部审计工作 mXz*Gi EX8+3>) 3. Internal control P PJ^;s 内部控制 D6L+
mTN M8~3 0L The evaluation of internal control systems JdS,s5Z> 对内部控制系统的评估 ,ucRQ&P o-rX 4=T Tests of control F@?-^ E@ 控制测试 Or? )Nlg6x iAz0 A Substantive procedures (time, nature, extent) H7Q$k4\l 实质性程序(时间,性质,程度)
T IAQ<|3Q Transaction cycles: revenue, purchases, inventory, etc. )95k3xo 交易周期:收入,采购,库存等。
LFax$CZc e{E\YEc
rQ.zqr 4.Audit evidence q}Q G<%VR 审计证据 $9X
+dvu* @:?[R&` Obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence O(/~cQ 获取足够、适当的审计证据 b&P)J|Fe T_D3WHp Assertions contained in the financial statements: completeness, occurrence, existence, measurement, presentation and disclosure, rights and obligations r]!#v{#. 财务报表要求包含:完整性、发生、存在、计量、描述和披露、权利与义务 _RaE:) 'W(u. The audit of specific items P*
6m~`"5 审计的具体项目 M G$+Blw> [h'u@%N|/ Receivables: confirmation ?>B?*IK! 应收帐款:确认 i M !`4 -zFJ)!/? Inventory: counting, cut-off, confirmation of inventory held by third parties DKjiooD 存货:数量,减值,第三方持有存货的确认 !`e`4y*N gO8d2?Oh Payables: supplier statement reconciliation, confirmation Fl_}Auj{&( 应付帐款:供应商的申明一致,确认 qTJ0}
F Ikdj?"+O Bank and cash: bank confirmation [\W& 银行存款和现金:银行的确认 <G}Lc KVOV<uDCj Auditing sampling ,1{qZ(l1 审计抽样 )jOa!E" `$/a-K} 5.Review
.z gh,#= 复核 J]U_A/f vQ
}ZfP Subsequent events ;0Z- 随后发生的事件 +E</A:|}S _[R(9KyF0f Ye3o}G9z v/ N[)< $rX
CNew( Going concern zu1"`K3b 持续关注 -W9DH^EL< %4Lo Em=U Management representations YIRe__7-NU 与管理层的交涉沟通 T#qf&Q
Z rC!O}(4t%$ Audit finalization and the final review: unadjusted differences ym|7
i9 审核定稿和最后审查:未经调整的差异 mS'Ad
< >8"(go+02
ms0V1` 6. Reporting P4#i]7% 报告 Z;G*wM" 学会计论坛bbs.xuekuaiji.com 2OJlE)
. Appendix mFTuqujO 附录 $sY'=S Audit procedure Ef`'r)) 审计程序 W^8