考试常见英语单词辅导(一),清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account。
je&dioZ> 会计报表statement of account
zwM"`z r{t.c?/ ,|T*|2Gm K1?Z5X(b
往来帐目account current
`zdH1 p^w 7?6xPKQ)H yz[%MXI CfPXn0I 现在往来帐||存款额current accout
dtB[m^$ Pm$F2YrO3 &Ki>h Op`I;Q
#%d 销货帐account sales
]b4pI*:$I 2y3?!^$ E2^ KK:4s 0LetsDN7I 共同计算帐项joint account
,>D ja59 )R jb/3*! @GN(]t&3 YV5Yx-+3w$ 未决帐项outstanding account
r5t;'eCea H@K#|A=a S5uJX#*; uQH%.A 贷方帐项credit account||creditor account
To3^L_v" B4`2.yRis Y\.-v
\uJu LtC~)R 借方帐项debit account||debtor account
fv|]= e !Tv?%? 2l -glugVq 5\okU"{d7 应付帐||应付未付帐account payable
h,^BC^VU9- T!MZ+Ph`F ;avQ1T'{?g qs=Gj?GwGQ 应收帐||应收未收帐account receivable
0CT}DQ._^N cppL0myJ j7K5SS_] &|)hCJu 新交易||新帐new account
he"L*p*H }$l8d/_$[ n'THe|:I "[k1D_PZ 未决帐||老帐old account
538fK9[ %B@! t5xb"F
J0=7'@(p 现金帐cash account
*'6s63)I2 5?Bc
Y; hw;0t,1 )T9;6R$b 流水帐running account
f0vJm T'E]
i!$ Q8p=!K =-_)$GOI' 暂记帐||未定帐suspense account
K4C^m|e 2gt+l?O<PS 7AFE-'S @<2d8ed 过期帐||延滞帐overdue account||pastdue account
D}-o+6TI? N#4N?BBP" Pg`JQC| {;*}WPYb 杂项帐户sundry account
_3/ec]1 /#f
^n]v >
)Ioo$B wxE?3%.j\ 详细帐单||明细表detail account
%,/lqc Fo 9e!vA6Fx 8!&nKy<Y ygN>"eP 呆帐bad account
joqWh!kv7U $/+so;KD F|Q H I.1D*!tz 会计项目title of account
/t*YDWLg <?YA,"~ ND5$bq Nu? Pe}PH
I 会计薄||帐薄account-book
Di> rO038 m[spn@SF }k7_'p&yk >"%ob,c:# 营业报告书||损益计算表account of budiness||business report
/4*W DiH Fi4UaJ3K dy2rkV.z ; DDe.f" 借贷细帐||交验帐account rendered
?DPHo)w Mu{BUtkzG :'}@Al9=> Pz%~ST 明细帐account stated
z}+i=cAN $
KB *nRNg.i3D z\T Ls
x 与…银行开立一户头to open an account with
8O7Yv< y(5:}x&E jZd}OC< 'H|~u&? 与…银行建立交易to keep account with
&J$##B X`:'i?(yj d]SYP "$| Zr 继续记帐to keep account
@pFj9[N jnJZ#=) w2dcH4& j+kC-U; 与…有交易to have an account with
};b1aha G _w!a`w*3 +&5'uAe P|xG\3@Z 作成会计帐||有往来帐项to make out an account with
8y BMFF= fvqd'2 t c?E{fD"Fc3 清算||清理债务to make up an account
=rFN1M/n{E fDh]tua *jITOR!uF` (dqCa[ 清洁帐目||与…停止交易to close ones account with
</[: 9Cl "35A/V G$bJ+ "& 25D 结帐to close an account
lG:kAtx4 7K;!iX<d 5l{Ts04k% Z[?mc|*x 清理未付款to ask an account||to demand an account
A m"(+>W21 ldqLM 4_^[=
p/R 6RoAl$}' 结清差额to balance the account with
MYdO jcN HrM$NRhu =(o']ZaaA {tiKH=&J 清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account
ZDt?j ~h$wH{-U# %*}Y6tl '| 审查帐目||监查帐目to audit an account
Dw6 fmyJ: !t#F/C 5's~>up& 检查帐目to examine an account
sG7u}r mtAE aYn^)6^ vB\]u. 转入A的帐户to charge the amount to As account
2UsqVU 9=`W p6Gmn 0#_'o ,
以计帐方式付款to pay on account
<0P5 o| C[sh, S\i@s_ 4rg2y] 代理某人||为某人on ones account||on account of one
(p#0)C k[j90C5 Smw QET<H 4T6 {Y 为自己计算||独立帐目on ones own account
^h' Sla OHv! GL$De,V KqY["5p 由某人收益并负风险on ones account and risk||for ones account and risk
fWnD\mx?0 yLE7>48 zAzP,1$? CusF
/> 由某人负担for ones account||for account of one
>$WQxbwM( Yr.sm!xA yw-
8#y :rMM
4 按某人指示||列入某人帐户by order and for account of one
\y`+B*\i : 18KR*;p `l;n:]+ dP?Ge} 列入5月份帐目for May account
F,BOgWwP "TyJP[/ Fb`a~c~s TfYVw~p_ % 编入某中帐项下to pass to the account of||to place to the account of
N["W Ir nfSbM3D]h 8BOZh6BV {%lXY Myu 寄出清算书to send in an account||to send in render an account
S8[=S Q_-_^J @hQlrq5c 支票薄cheque book
y;wx?1) vX0f,y TxjYrzC c#-U%qZ 支票陈票人cheque drawer
-i0(2*< h,aA w#NE* R'EUV0KX>Y N'r3`8tS 持票人cheque holder
9EDfd NN 9{k97D/ 0.T4{JS# %VYAd)gC 不记名支票cheque to bearer||bearer cheque
"k*PA\U An;MVA $3`>{3x$ m(RXJORI 记名支票||认人支票cheque to order
@1.QEyXG EVp,Q"V] D]w!2k%V mMsTyM-f 到期支票antedated cheque
1p$n *.L81er5~ x~xa6 'WaPrCw@Mf 未到期支票postdated cheque
8Ac)'2t;U G9g1hie@% /VmR<C?h _^Mx>hb4. 保付支票certified cheque
ee%fqVQ8P =mA: ctu~v ^O^l(e!3 0#w?HCx=
未获兑现支票,退票returned cheque
(Yp+bS(PU* ono4U.C9 xX*H7# >:D
j\"o 横线支票crossed cheque
Wu4Lxv]B4 Q+4Xs.# T] 2q?;N $)3%U?AP 普通横线general crossing
*OuStr \o V&-~x^JK 0-~\
W( (`y*V;o4 特别横线special crossing
': N51kC $<:E'^SAS (aD_zG=k5 {?'fyEeg 空白支票blank cheque
7S?4XyU/o I\YV des# 0eK*9S] z dO#0tN 失效支票,过期支票stale cheque
E b=}FuV 7o8{mp'_ G:zua`u[ *S/_i-ony 普通支票open cheque
=Zi2jL?On R: l&2k@ 'fW6
.0fXa 5nsq[Q` 打10%折扣的10000元支票,(即9000元)a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount
u:Weoz o6V}$wT3J HttiX/2~ 4~B>
9<$e> 加10%费用的10000元支票,(即11000元)a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges
.A6(D$O k :=J,z,H_U *zr(
Zv N^3N[lD{ 支票换现金||兑现to cash a cheque
_q~=~nub ;[fw]P n qK)73eNSR 8MSC.0 清理票款to clear a cheque
8']9$# {GC?SaK 3YVi"
k?2 @|\}.M<e*) 保证兑现to certify a cheque
Q[nEsYP 3-&QRR#p o<N nV
9/nn)soC3 填写支票数额to fill up a cheque
\EVBwE, V O3x~E *8LMn ^Vpq$'! 支票上划线to cross a cheque
b,CaWg l8?>>.<P= )kP5u`v )b:7-}d 开发支票to make out a cheque
Y 'ow 7AObC4 g z_|/5$T>U K"r*M.P> 签发支票,开立支票to draw a cheque||to issue a cheque
e d<n9R C+TI]{t Y./2Ely M8tRjNWS? 透支支票to overdraw a cheque
^/r7@: nJo`B4'U Z4lO?S
5%J m%76i;uP 背书支票to endorse a cheque
]N+ ll C#1 >"C,@cN}B 请付票款||清付票款to pay a cheque||to honour a cheque
>k'c'7/ !P-^O R=|{n'n$0| s D=n95`v 支票退票to dishonour a cheque
Cvf[/C+ -:na:Vsi ;A*`e$ BG<q IQd 拒付支票to refuse a cheque
Qc pm! O<,\^[x #E&80#Z5 *FM Mjz 拒付支票to stop payment of a cheque
q 9pX&ZjYP- T7#W0^tj dUQDOo 提示要求付款to present for payment
{QwHc5Bf I= &stsH s#WAR]x0x 2Tagr1L 见票即付持票人payable to bearer
HBMhtfWW 43@{JK9G K2<9mDn& |y2w9n0D 支付指定人payable to order
MerFZd 1 RR]CW v~^{{O lb3]$Da
已过期||无效out of date||stale
FGoy8+nB1M ;9c<K apu4D
Ay&8 ]VD|xm:kj 请给出票人R/D||refer to drawer
r_-_a(1R: o<|P9#(U" ?]}8o}G LL3#5AA"k| 存款不足N/S||N.S.F.||not sufficient funds||I/F||insufficient funds
#N`~xZ|$ lw<c2C -$dXE+& HxIIO[h 文字与数字不一致words and figures differ
!y@6Mm #3+!ee27# HlH64w2^R (w}H]LQ 支票
FgB&b c1E'$
K@ 时间已过account closed
4x 8)gE ce7CcHQ?B Bq$rf < W @*6 C=LL 更改处应加盖印章alterations require initials
}n4V|f- 23DiW#
o' _tYx~J2.Q :(M(>4t vy\RcP 'coV^~qy 时间已过effects not cleared
<|SRe6m 'LO^< oyYR-4m\ -(~!Jo_*' 停止付款payment stopped
i}B2R$Z3 a_'2V; }#^
B#?O F;7dt@5; 支票毁损cheque mutilated
TzNn^ir=HX |bO"_U i:OK8Q{VI Yq%9M=#k 汇款||寄钱to remit||to send money
AMyIAZnYq) w%JTTru '.81zpff Z2'Bk2 L 寄票供取款||支票支付to send a cheque for payment
mqSQL}vR %nV]ibp2) *%S
"eWb p(/dBt[3k 寄款人a remitter
$h*L=t( \
b )|DM~%$QM 7r~~Y%=C| 收款人a remittee
N<IT w/@^ Yd#/1!A7u i5CK*"$Q &i$ldR 国外汇票foreign Bill
<U!`J[n% /XzH?n/{R Ljx(\Cm 国内汇票inland Bill
;;:-l99 k{Me[B b"#WxgaF 4 Dw@r{ 跟单汇票documentary bill
P8*=Ls+-F i03w1pSH,
er!DYv ^]W<X"H+Z 空头汇票accommodation bill
'>' wK. (K)] qNH (4dhuT o
aoU _V 原始汇票original bill
'i4_`^:+ (3
{YM( @jsDq
Ln \4-"
L> 改写||换新票据renewed bill
g!+|I "3)4vuX@;c LYaZ1* Q2F+?w;, 即期汇票sight bill||bill on demand
~1W x= +KvU$9Ad> 7 D^gMN%p A<qTg`gA …days after date||…days after date…日后付款
Fpa_qjL; 9Bw|(J O"c;|zCc> O]1y0BOQ …months after date||…months after date…月后付款
.xH5fMj," bdF.qO9
%|86:* ~,5gUl?Il 见票后…日付款…days after sight||…days sight
)`A3M) TTt#a6eJ 49dd5ddr
zY('t!u8 见票后…月付款…months after sight||…months sight
IbP#_Vt I/L_@X<*r
Qg[/%$x. ZGYr$C~ 同组票据set of bills
c q4i Xt@Z}B))pu g#t[LI9(F[ +E.GLn2/ 单张汇票sola of exchange||sole of exchange
-U/c\-~fU fH> NJK; %Cv D-![0 D~$r\]av 远期汇票usance bill||bill at usance
fvF?{k> ~} HLZ;8/|48m .[JYj(p =yyp?WmC8 长期汇票long bill
; o0&`b? $}jssnoU p~,]*y:XT K3x.RQQ- 短期汇票short bill
Ndcg/d Ju
:CMkv %]8qAtV^3j A?t%e 逾期汇票overdue bill
=MLcm^b kZerKP %^>ju;i^O *Ie7{EhJ' 宽限日期days of grace
FWHNj.r vbD{N3p)?n FcYFovS )8UWhl= 电汇telegraphic transfer (T.T)
IB0=A{v dOoK Lry \,7}mdQSv [>1OJY.S}T 邮汇postal order||postal note (Am.)||post office order||money order
vc+A RgvH+ bdibaN-h
S4h:|jLUF 0#S W!b|% 本票promissory note (P/N)
:E@3Vl#U v!ujj5-$I YA
+E\ XoCC/ 押汇负责书||押汇保证书letter of hypothecation
g0"F( QiLEL - qy6Un+ a8i]]1Blz 副保||抵押品||付属担保物collateral security
u(wGl_ e*;c(3>( Qe}`~a9P (v}>tb*#` 担保书trust receipt||letter of indemnity
r.>].~}4 cgm~> KB'qRnkc lobGj8uxq 承兑||认付acceptance
d\61;C \e'R@ V%YiAr> Eg2[k.{P 单张承兑general acceptance
!>e5z|1 ,>eMG=C; g D[mSmpjE6& Y<Xz
wro0 有条件承兑qualified acceptance
<Gt2(; 1I<rXY(a` L?Qg#YSd~ 2GWMlI 附条件认付conditional acceptance
;r>snJ=M E
gal4 QzzW x2 >b6-OFJx 部分认付partial acceptance