考试常见英语单词辅导(一),清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account。
_sqV@ J 会计报表statement of account
bSk)GZyH\d SuJ4)f;'0 $$---Y #D Oui] 往来帐目account current
k mX:~KMb I*=
=I4qx 82w=t ?[hkh8| 现在往来帐||存款额current accout
}b]z+4Ua( ft Rza 'z x1kq1 WTj,9 销货帐account sales
71k>_'fl fTV3lyk 6$\'
dkufQ hR~~k~84 共同计算帐项joint account
B&z~}lL T']G:jkb \']_ y\ K7]+. f 未决帐项outstanding account
_iZ9Ch\ -e_L2<7 S!.H _=z%p gP>`DPgb^ 贷方帐项credit account||creditor account
%gV~e@| cDLjjK7: eW;0{P
Q1u/QA:z7 借方帐项debit account||debtor account
,&rHBNS zr1A4
%S" 1zJ
)x? >vc$3%L[$ 应付帐||应付未付帐account payable
f]]UNS$AYQ LVxR*O ^ub@Jwe (b;*8 应收帐||应收未收帐account receivable
"tg?V Tj,1]_`=V$ o_on/{qz TCetd#;R 新交易||新帐new account
1x3 gSXidh}^ GGkU$qp2~ M}xyW"yp 未决帐||老帐old account
a X:,1^ NmZowh$M =.8fES 45$FcK 现金帐cash account
}(Dt,F` ;n;bap o@A|Lm. ~)IiF.I b 流水帐running account
2H2Yxe7? - ctu`FQ 8;1,saA_9 XmX{e.<NZ 暂记帐||未定帐suspense account
&u~#bDh zpBkP-%}E -5sKJt]+i db5@+_ 过期帐||延滞帐overdue account||pastdue account
!<vakCK Z<@dM2b) rJ)8KY> VJ()sbl{k 杂项帐户sundry account
TjLW<D(i> oeIza<:=R kNrN72qg ud:5_* 详细帐单||明细表detail account
We?cRb >Eqr/~Q |++\"g #Zt(g( T 呆帐bad account
.<kbYo:MV n(?BZ'&!O s2t9+ZA+s TIYo&?Z) 会计项目title of account
|.Vs(0O uo[W|Q 6Us*zKgW ?$Jj^/luD 会计薄||帐薄account-book
5tQZf'pHfd Z[?zaQ$ R
gTrj (~OP)F). 营业报告书||损益计算表account of budiness||business report
^M~Z_CQL2 FoB^iA6e G"D=ozr
9A!B|s 借贷细帐||交验帐account rendered
GfF![v 3T84f[CFJ $
fFh4O4 m*H' Cb 明细帐account stated
4"~l^yK =--oH'P=M SKeX~uLz > xie+ ^ 与…银行开立一户头to open an account with
1Zt>andBF b>x03% f S-PM3 cbaa*qoU 与…银行建立交易to keep account with
pRH'>}rtuH `|WEzW~ uN+]q qCf @e:=
D 继续记帐to keep account
Z% fe8}2#<o l _g JC. ~>B`T%=H 与…有交易to have an account with
U\GuCw r2G38/K fOJTy0jX8 ,jq:%Y[KZ 作成会计帐||有往来帐项to make out an account with
r<c&;* .)Zs:50l 2wwJ>iR` ><i: P*ht 清算||清理债务to make up an account
H7dT6`<~Y W*r1Sy pj#l s 9|NH5A"H. 清洁帐目||与…停止交易to close ones account with
2uLBk<m5c hI 1or4V o1Nfn'!3/> Nk;ywC"e; 结帐to close an account
a4\j.(w)$D +=K =B \[&&4CN{ 0)r
ayzv 清理未付款to ask an account||to demand an account
0cC~}4 ve^gzE$<I ;(&S1Rv9 | Pi! UZB 结清差额to balance the account with
1 #\Zr$?t|V ,Q<mU4 Z -fiJ75 清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account
mI'&!@WG 6uIgyO*;k ?azcWf z0 kgh0 审查帐目||监查帐目to audit an account
0Ua&_D" Vw]!Kb7tA n
zU;Bi^m F
-Bj 检查帐目to examine an account
9DdR"r'7 dngG= HZqk)sN xVk5% 转入A的帐户to charge the amount to As account
|]5`T9K@b# N}>[To3 Q^bYx (r5w foUB/&Ee 以计帐方式付款to pay on account
SHT` .$fSWlM; ?Wc+
J4 ow{J;vFy\ 代理某人||为某人on ones account||on account of one
+ZOKfX % {-r'Yi% Eq|5PE^7 6MNr H 为自己计算||独立帐目on ones own account
WPAT\Al&AE G*_qqb{B 0S96x}]J B sI.p(
-KQ 由某人收益并负风险on ones account and risk||for ones account and risk
mLx=Zes:. ,0c]/Sd*p _F8THYg (
nZ)E @ 由某人负担for ones account||for account of one
O?ODfO+> $[Q;{Q pHXs+Ysw
+ w{ ;Sp?Os 按某人指示||列入某人帐户by order and for account of one
VP.9( cyo[HI?WM D|*yeS4> W1521: 列入5月份帐目for May account
1nw\?r2 5|cRHM# -y>~ :. S+"Bq:u" 编入某中帐项下to pass to the account of||to place to the account of
3V)3} \~g,;>%7Y C`R<55x6 N\];
{pe> 寄出清算书to send in an account||to send in render an account
F2Y!aR Ii&p
v /EG'I{oC `5e{ec
c7 支票薄cheque book
+u&[ j/ na|sKE;{ !FD d5CS D(OJr5Gg 支票陈票人cheque drawer
&>B"/z plp-[eKcD 684d&\(s lXZ*Pb<j 持票人cheque holder
Oxa8u e? =H3tkMoi2 N:+)
6a YWs?2I 不记名支票cheque to bearer||bearer cheque
) f%i%QZP PXqG;o*Q*? M9""(`U 记名支票||认人支票cheque to order
U1HG{u,"y }Z{FPW.QK !\$V?*p7 9K#3JyW* 到期支票antedated cheque
zhm 0J-g [sjkm+
? .6T0d
r@m]#4 未到期支票postdated cheque
*c [^/
,wM4X']HR E3l*_b0 %1:caa@_p 保付支票certified cheque
:vX%0| co3\1[q"b +'-.c" NPrLM5 未获兑现支票,退票returned cheque
]ly" K!1, [61*/=gWe S1I.l">P hxK;f 横线支票crossed cheque
-fl6M-CYX oda, C l,vBjl h 8*@{}O## 普通横线general crossing
\Dy|}LE D[ #V PkI+z_ e).;;0 特别横线special crossing
Y#XRn_2D @aZ Tx/ ($kw*H{Ah^ ?h&?`WO( 空白支票blank cheque
&H]/'i- 5.oIyC^Ik ,!b<
SQ5M %^
HE^ & 失效支票,过期支票stale cheque
~^V&n`*7D 4|E^
#C (Jw_2pHxr" QcW8A ,\q 普通支票open cheque
@anjjC5a~ |[IyqWG9 `vgaX,F* UJSIbb5 打10%折扣的10000元支票,(即9000元)a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount
-]HZ?@ #$-E5R;x T" W<l4i- h7!O
K 加10%费用的10000元支票,(即11000元)a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges
ESIP+ *H/3xPh,* e5>'H!) 5EcVW|( 支票换现金||兑现to cash a cheque
xdm \[s
l^9gFp~I .Mb[j1L^ &]#L'D!" 清理票款to clear a cheque
LK~aLa5wG HDhISPg 32<D9_ /oHCV0!0
保证兑现to certify a cheque
3WJk04r GQn:lu3j: p@su:B2Rl kFWwz^x 填写支票数额to fill up a cheque
eMC^ORdY 3T F_$bd{ B5;%R01A oNAnJ+_ 支票上划线to cross a cheque
5'I+%66?h$ q[a\a7U z r
|C.K vTO9XHc E 开发支票to make out a cheque
p8~lGuH 1N8] ~j bTc>-e, |(3y09 签发支票,开立支票to draw a cheque||to issue a cheque
MO8}i?u=z Ig`q[o II=`=H{ 1@}F8&EZ 透支支票to overdraw a cheque
iY,C0=n5Y FfJp::|ddr B>^6tdz #T_!-;(Z 背书支票to endorse a cheque
*#mmk1` O8@65URKx CUI3^;&S 't5ufAT 请付票款||清付票款to pay a cheque||to honour a cheque
My8d%GfM SN}K=)KF# Cdz&'en^ Xfq`k/ W 支票退票to dishonour a cheque
JX=rL6Y@:; 1_]X a|7C6#iz$ _YF
>Y=D- 拒付支票to refuse a cheque
V/ G1C^'/ N>H@vt~ .*-8rOcc Ay?<~)H 拒付支票to stop payment of a cheque
Q$ )}@D\(/@ #Q8_:dPY "[_j8,t` 提示要求付款to present for payment
lFBpNUnzU (u@:PiU/eP @Z~YFnEJi Z!"-LQJ 见票即付持票人payable to bearer
j 2ag
b %} `` : ##rkyd S;% &X 支付指定人payable to order
mAW.p=; 6nW)2LV =
j1Jl^[ og}Ri!^ 已过期||无效out of date||stale
M}\h?s ~S8:xG+s |H?t+Dyn)q J\@6YU[A 请给出票人R/D||refer to drawer
yJ $6vmQ 9&Jf4lC94 ks#3
o+ |(>`qL{| 存款不足N/S||N.S.F.||not sufficient funds||I/F||insufficient funds
lx:$EJ X0;u7g2Yz 7?Wte&C];p >O-KJZ'GV 文字与数字不一致words and figures differ
qDW~ xb,d,(^ ]R f$C{Z9_SX 支票
m)Plv+R} 5kiW@{m 时间已过account closed
$tmdE)"& Lnh=y2
;qWu8\T+ a{nR:zPE 更改处应加盖印章alterations require initials
*dw.=a9 >w
S'z]T9 X4V>qHV72 !Km[Qw
k- s;VW
%e `8!9Fp 时间已过effects not cleared
2l<2srEK TR DQ+Z xb;{<~`71 ix!xLm9\ 停止付款payment stopped
6'# 5Dqw"r :$k*y%Z*N& +{:uPY#1 ZNQx;51 支票毁损cheque mutilated
jr=w sW]_Ky.] 4IeCb? 9;@p2t*v 汇款||寄钱to remit||to send money
N'`X:7fN .t "VsY| /|?$C7%a\D =]7o+L4 寄票供取款||支票支付to send a cheque for payment
Q~N,QMr)k& jWrU'X |:eTo<
WNyW1?" 寄款人a remitter
S{=5nR9 j _**Nlp*% >#]A2, g
b_Y]U 收款人a remittee
o "VKAP | b'Ut)E pfN(Ae
Pt /qLO/Mim 国外汇票foreign Bill
2R/|/>T v luoQ#1F?sl qf? "v; 5u!\c(TJ+ 国内汇票inland Bill
D] @:>"VP<( Z
[!"x&H]h 8b/$Qp4d 跟单汇票documentary bill
`!]|lI!GW (D>_O$o ,L<JG NqD]p{>Y 空头汇票accommodation bill
(nqry[g& eCGr_@1 :;{M0 `zQuhD 8W 原始汇票original bill
:j&enP5R(q j9
nw,x$ :v^/k]S
yv,FzF}7 改写||换新票据renewed bill
dNe!X0[ ~gI%lORqN bmG`:_ &n<YmW?" 即期汇票sight bill||bill on demand
*'Yy@T8M 6`e{l+c=F '/>Mr!H# s#X/
F …days after date||…days after date…日后付款
!rnjmc iH(7.?.r aXe&c^AR f+Y4~k …months after date||…months after date…月后付款
D3Q+K im>(^{{r& SzW;Yb"#^k x9l7|G/$ 见票后…日付款…days after sight||…days sight
w#.3na GHv6UIe& !^arWH[od Y%
iqSY 见票后…月付款…months after sight||…months sight
=KPmZ ,/w {ZeY:\G~ e;.,x 5+ /v!yI$xc 同组票据set of bills
D \ rns+ Hx#YN*\.M -@N-i$!;J kvbZx{s 单张汇票sola of exchange||sole of exchange
0%f}Q7*R $ f:uBhM u]*7",R
uU owN
wj 远期汇票usance bill||bill at usance
R~g|w4a@sC LK'(OZ 7@c!4hmrU SEgw!2H 长期汇票long bill