考试常见英语单词辅导(一),清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account。
h> 会计报表statement of account
|wZ8O}O{E 0f
2 lV-7bZ _1`*&k
JL~ 往来帐目account current
DLkNL?a hp}J_/+4n ` =!&9o +!V*{<K 现在往来帐||存款额current accout
.::: jl=<Q.Mm7 9LGJ -gL elZ?>5P$} 销货帐account sales
#}9?>UV tH<v1LEZN PY.c$)az> 7{:| ) 共同计算帐项joint account
8| zR8L ZN|DR|cUY l/_3H\iM %,GY&hTw 未决帐项outstanding account
u7&r'rZ1_! W 0Q-&4 N
G1]!Vz5 G|yX9C]R 贷方帐项credit account||creditor account
`/<KDd:_t F9ry?g=h ?MuM _6 uYS?# g 借方帐项debit account||debtor account
/J8AnA1 #"6(Q2|
l S'HM|& ~!'%m(g 应付帐||应付未付帐account payable
r+0"1\f3 0%}$@H5i ,*r"cmz gqJ&Q
t#f 应收帐||应收未收帐account receivable
[zK|OMxoV >/EmC3?b! jcN84AaRFI rSB"0W7 新交易||新帐new account
6z"fBF 4-=> >#
<FMW%4 [bJ/$A 未决帐||老帐old account
x$AF0xFO 7CABM b
mc1S 52tIe|KwL 现金帐cash account
oDx*}[/ 1&Rz'JQ+ FqQm*k_ (80]xLEBL 流水帐running account
@h([c {.z2n>1J{T )dG7$,g 0[xu
m 暂记帐||未定帐suspense account
xzy7I6X D*`|MzlQ WYwsTsG{_ ?)7uwJsH 过期帐||延滞帐overdue account||pastdue account
8S0 N6$pOQ =XJ
SE+ 7 ?.IT!M}DR 杂项帐户sundry account
4*lShkL U#+S9jWe D<#+
R" HLAWx/c,j" 详细帐单||明细表detail account
+%6{>C+bZo $B*E k>EK Z~~{!C+G +e%9P%[+ 呆帐bad account
f$iv+7<B^ [U]*OQH`e S,lJ&Rsu X7{ueP#L 会计项目title of account
Yp./3b VO Y1H8+a5@ i15uHl ,JN2q]QPP 会计薄||帐薄account-book
]y p{NS {~k/xM.- m7^aa@^m U'UV=:/- 营业报告书||损益计算表account of budiness||business report
B1JdkL 3h ,
4jkTQ*@2 ^u:7U4 R?Ki~'k= 借贷细帐||交验帐account rendered
`&4L'1eF{ mgL~ $ qWGnIPk e4y dn 明细帐account stated
?zQ\u{]= #!OCEiT_ 8V;@yzIha >1,.4)k%K 与…银行开立一户头to open an account with
|zKe*H/ kUmrJBh$ `ndesP BP,"vq $'+ 与…银行建立交易to keep account with
%L2eXL MmI4J$F (8qMF{ kT
< 继续记帐to keep account
~_QZiuq& 75r>~@)*
?5Wj y tlV> 与…有交易to have an account with
tU>wRw=d &vLz
{ Lz2wOB1Zc+ .|JJyjRA+ 作成会计帐||有往来帐项to make out an account with
P\tP0+at <MB]W`5 <h4"^9hL 4vT!xn 清算||清理债务to make up an account
@ JZ I u01 'f-h [pUw(KV2m \6-x~%xK 清洁帐目||与…停止交易to close ones account with
UZi^ & !lKO|Y AMG}'P: N#Y%+1 结帐to close an account
d=o|)kV jA$g0> Q g"hN (8TB*BhQ_ 清理未付款to ask an account||to demand an account
,=O`'l>K b4Br!PL@G =<e|<EwSZ -$f~V\M 结清差额to balance the account with
jGl8y!aM )XmV3.rI
kQ7$,K# 清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account
8i!AJF9IQ} ((Ak/ qz P9p:x6 NZ djS9 审查帐目||监查帐目to audit an account
L3JFQc/oh~ U&yXs'3a& >G
&]j 8W#/=Xh? 检查帐目to examine an account
- dF:@BEo 1
0lvhzU 转入A的帐户to charge the amount to As account
p f.JZ[+ L^i=RGx A-^[4&rb 以计帐方式付款to pay on account
^hzlR[ FRd!UqMXY Ef{rY|E ."&,_F 代理某人||为某人on ones account||on account of one
Aayh'xQ :K>v
F`SM _BO:~x ,(dg]7 为自己计算||独立帐目on ones own account
C,~wmS )@ R''nZ/R y=g9 wO u\wdb^8ds 由某人收益并负风险on ones account and risk||for ones account and risk
g}"`@H(9r3 %KHO}gad1 >/mi#Y6 0<_|K>5dS| 由某人负担for ones account||for account of one
(|)`~z x|U~? W t4ROj
v,y nz'>) 按某人指示||列入某人帐户by order and for account of one
x;)bp7 ma9q?H#X QEKSbxL\W d0Xb?-
}3M 列入5月份帐目for May account
2_ M+akqy^ ph{p[QI:{X PPk\W7G
A]ZCQ49 编入某中帐项下to pass to the account of||to place to the account of
}/&Q\Sc 7ksh%eV <k?o
fE1o 5OeTOI()&5 寄出清算书to send in an account||to send in render an account
uMVM- (g% Z?X0:WK
$2B_a DP\s-JpI[ 支票薄cheque book
2 w\$}' KwK[)Cvv ?3X! Go~bQ2*'(/ 支票陈票人cheque drawer
i{[=N9U5o uT'_}cw D FDC'E u$ [R>l9 持票人cheque holder
K*iy ^} #:C;VAAp ?&;d#z*4 R}Pw#*B 不记名支票cheque to bearer||bearer cheque
= ms(dr^n x{4Rm,Dxn N<lejZ}!q uo0g51%9 记名支票||认人支票cheque to order
%pj6[x`@ fm$eJu
h4rIt3` #p&&w1 到期支票antedated cheque
-c-af%xD +Go(y
S ].F7.
zi @(>XSTh9 未到期支票postdated cheque
1Vq]4_09g1 X"WKgC g$ jv$Y]nf lyGQ6zlSn 保付支票certified cheque
iEx.BQ+ O@JgVdgf ,XT#V\qne +. /c=o/v 未获兑现支票,退票returned cheque
^0"^Xk* 5/x"!Jk AA][}lU:5 +5J "G/f 横线支票crossed cheque
7sP;+G QZy+` l`lo5:w 普通横线general crossing
yMdEH-?/ s_]p6M Bz}Dgbb <p@c%e,_ 特别横线special crossing
+-w2Mu eXJt9olI q6A!xQs< R=M"g|U6 空白支票blank cheque
}e3M5LI1L o
`?0D)/O B;9"=0 o(xRq;i 失效支票,过期支票stale cheque
%bI( <S~_|Y*v ;t!n%SnK9! (]7*Kq 普通支票open cheque
9 o ?DcR D)X Enee\!@v 5,=Yi$x 打10%折扣的10000元支票,(即9000元)a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount
[?3*/*V >cwyb9;!kK )6|7L)Dk *S_e:^ 加10%费用的10000元支票,(即11000元)a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges
%M8Egr2|0 [% chN/ `abQlBb* vQrce& 支票换现金||兑现to cash a cheque
i^P@? xt]Z{:. :LRR\v0HM $ q*kD#;mh 清理票款to clear a cheque
"%~\kJ(G Ke-Q>sm2Q VlKy6PSIg w+VeT @ 保证兑现to certify a cheque
UnNvlkjq9 w?CbATQ dDH
+`;$. tf64<j6 填写支票数额to fill up a cheque
a2W}Wb+ ^q6H
=Dl 0
eZfHW& &{QB}r 支票上划线to cross a cheque
.4={K)kz|F M ,V+bt z
M6yUEg !mFo:nQ)} 开发支票to make out a cheque
ln.kEhQ3B Vzy]N6QT{ GypZ!)1
2&91C[da0 签发支票,开立支票to draw a cheque||to issue a cheque
:1u>T3L.z !f_GR Pj' K#M
h .lu:S;JSnS 透支支票to overdraw a cheque
\3K 6NA!L a?' 3 ZCPK{Ru QE /uI/8>p( 背书支票to endorse a cheque
Wu)ATs} AIsM:sV] 1!/+~J[
# 7=XQgbY/ 请付票款||清付票款to pay a cheque||to honour a cheque
q!W~>c! nPq\J~M .;WJ(kB\U Fk D 支票退票to dishonour a cheque
"@B!5s0 S-Va_t$ "FQh^+ "M6a_rZ2W 拒付支票to refuse a cheque
7ka^y k@Q o^~6RZ qx
3.oU etf ft8 拒付支票to stop payment of a cheque
K-wjQ|*1 l^xkXj 322W"qduTZ q?z6|]M|u 提示要求付款to present for payment
x6HebIR+ FcIH<_r Lhl)p P17 5X&<+
{bX 见票即付持票人payable to bearer
(Wr;:3i Wy#`*h, 6bnAVTL5 d_J?i]AP|' 支付指定人payable to order
3iYz<M 3sGrX"0D M
Ia].S# )xQxc. 已过期||无效out of date||stale
1hZM)) "W6nW *wt y
=D5@PHpv( 请给出票人R/D||refer to drawer
|}Mkn4 w GZ(bKyO ~p;<H X1<)B]y 存款不足N/S||N.S.F.||not sufficient funds||I/F||insufficient funds
5K'EuI) zq!
2);, d!8q+FI \!ESmxSa; 文字与数字不一致words and figures differ
~b\7qx_a9 CW\o>yh XeDU
, QZ{&7mc> 支票
!#V!^ o 时间已过account closed
R'dF<&Kj| SNvK8,"g ?]fBds= 5YS`v#+ 更改处应加盖印章alterations require initials
`RGZ-Q{_ QN_5q5 EfDo%H^!j 0IDHoNaT< >[|:cz
BCUw"R# 时间已过effects not cleared
}/c.>U CyG @ |D]jdd@!a2 h>mQ; L 停止付款payment stopped
4n3QW%# 6 /4OFvL1 a]X6) 6 w2{k0MW 支票毁损cheque mutilated
jv2l_ W[^XG\ )Xd=EWGUS ! FHNKh 汇款||寄钱to remit||to send money
@TgCI`E }i[i{lKj Br#]FB|tD !&Q,]\j 寄票供取款||支票支付to send a cheque for payment
~fCD#D2KU g-^CuXic }GkEv}~t W@wT,yJ8@ 寄款人a remitter
; UrwK |lJXI:GG (3]7[h7 -^#Ix;% 收款人a remittee
$ya#-pi`; Y}1|/6eJ <R3S{ty Tr@`ozp8 国外汇票foreign Bill
4D58cR} Kq{s^G c"O\fX QJ"Bd`wc 国内汇票inland Bill
}A 42m`7uQ '
J-(v N#,4BU 跟单汇票documentary bill
).tZMLM/- |d%Dw^ (^Nf;E + !_^MB kk 空头汇票accommodation bill
8E<P y $u3N ',& Opjt? ] ny=CtU!z 原始汇票original bill
sXhtn'<v 3I"&Qp%2 -CL7^ d9Q
%GG0] 改写||换新票据renewed bill
kN}.[enI~ &)bar.vw/ /u #
9M { /au\OBUge 即期汇票sight bill||bill on demand
l,v:[N {.!:T+'Xi\ #Jm_~k e9%6+9Y …days after date||…days after date…日后付款
W& }>Os@]*'^( %<
W1y _&dGo(B …months after date||…months after date…月后付款
"\>3mVOb *K+*0_ <c\aZ9+V {Ua5bSbh 见票后…日付款…days after sight||…days sight
e,4!/|H: W
B!$qie\ zM@iG]?kc =} vG| 见票后…月付款…months after sight||…months sight
Vm6^'1CY hVGakp9WE <4O=[Q 5S QY^ y(I49 同组票据set of bills
_X]? +6;OB@ 单张汇票sola of exchange||sole of exchange
Wc]Fg9E ,]cd%w9 -_314j=`/ 3[e@mcO 远期汇票usance bill||bill at usance
R 7{r Y x`lBG%Y[-v ar^`r!ABEh GB
!3Z 长期汇票long bill
zc2,Mn2 Zv-6H*zM6 *}v'y{; qkBnEPWZy 短期汇票short bill
[2FXs52 o3W5FHFAv )b-G2< kb v(t&8)Uu 逾期汇票overdue bill
j2\G1@05 8W
yG49eic }YSH8d -#i%4[v 宽限日期days of grace
keWgbj *Zc-&Dk:Ir ?_^9e (&gCVf 电汇telegraphic transfer (T.T)
3{c&%F~! P `oR-D :heJ5*!, 0SDCo\ 邮汇postal order||postal note (Am.)||post office order||money order
_E"[% {Ise (>V Jg Xbs+. 7dakj>JM 本票promissory note (P/N)
::5-UxGL<2 pE`(kD S_QDYnF)` ~Ep&:c4:D 押汇负责书||押汇保证书letter of hypothecation
y>#j4%D~4 >Y,7>ahyt "ulaF+ tT
v@8f 副保||抵押品||付属担保物collateral security
Kr#=u~~M "E8!{ AH}
nTm 担保书trust receipt||letter of indemnity
givK{Yt<B 4 '+)9&g RS:0xN\JN t #AQD]h 承兑||认付acceptance
_7 UkYQ<MNO q"cFw${ ,S8Vfb &
单张承兑general acceptance
\Dc\H) u)V*o 5 4OYAkPCk F;ZLoG*U 有条件承兑qualified acceptance
d-*9tit z_H2L"Z vIRE vj#U SB;Wa% 附条件认付conditional acceptance
YU"Am ! 2ReulL8j H z6H,h w Vof_'F1 部分认付partial acceptance