考试常见英语单词辅导(一),清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account。
0NSn5Hq 会计报表statement of account
|zu>G9m vtFA#})~ NEO~|B*oDU lxK_+fj
q 往来帐目account current
&bJ98Nxl ~MY(6P mm=Y(G[_%y Uc0AsUu}? 现在往来帐||存款额current accout
e![Q1!r oQDOwM, skcMGEB UBRMV
s 销货帐account sales
kXC.rgal Snt=Hil` lkg-l<c\J FGx_qBG4| 共同计算帐项joint account
YeJ95\jf 7o
z(hO~ ;_i0@@J #|XEBOmsQ 未决帐项outstanding account
ud:?~?j&w MatC2-aV1 ~+>M,LfK "|DR"rr'j 贷方帐项credit account||creditor account
zs"AYxr 8"LaP3U ^qbX9.\ /^[)JbgB 借方帐项debit account||debtor account
ID+'$u& &SN$D5U' N0RFPEQ~ Xs?7Whc6 应付帐||应付未付帐account payable
`^J~^Z7Y- 8VcAtrx_ `A
<yDy \N#)e1.0P 应收帐||应收未收帐account receivable
Dlj=$25 .%wEuqW=0 ,f?#i%EF& Y)u}+Yg 新交易||新帐new account
(1KE L)nVNY@Mc J#V`W&\,6 Sw1]]-E
s 未决帐||老帐old account
jPU#{Wo# 9jPb-I- IPxfjBC+J , D1[}Lr=K 现金帐cash account
>qF KXzI PYHm6'5BtB Y(SI`Xo[ @I"Aet'XV 流水帐running account
MZjiJZaO:L }BogE$tc Ic=V: $g$`fR
) 暂记帐||未定帐suspense account
UiZ61lw *VlYl" 1M;)$m: :s'%IGy>: 过期帐||延滞帐overdue account||pastdue account
<dYk|5AdLF iz^wBQ fd,~Yj$R? 3N*Shzusbt 杂项帐户sundry account
}"&(sYQ*` pWx3l5)R fBLd5 b/K&8C,c 详细帐单||明细表detail account
\~)573' &vF "I'V BkZ%0rw% xRY5[=97 呆帐bad account
&*F`\ .FXQ,7mZ- UUU^YT \ "G,*Z0V5 会计项目title of account
3QHZC0AY O(~Vvoq g^C6"rsnl B7 PmG
f)b 会计薄||帐薄account-book
}1W$9\% a,4g`? 2DC#P
X)i 5,c` 营业报告书||损益计算表account of budiness||business report
2>!ykUw^O 5->PD
p {;}8Z $ Td F< 借贷细帐||交验帐account rendered
$"FdS,*qKl ;dFe >`~ piG1&* :9YQX(l8 明细帐account stated
LX fiSM{o g7P1]CZ} lewDR"0Kx 与…银行开立一户头to open an account with
l =yHx\ 0/ Ht;( o/zCXZnw# gCJ'wv)6|% 与…银行建立交易to keep account with
=; 7asq]Y}< fEjW7 c Ds
X>xzM 继续记帐to keep account
K(d!0S LbR-uc?x W*<]`U_. xB(:d'1| 与…有交易to have an account with
g,:Nzb v/czW\z 4cQ5E9 K*Jty
y}r 作成会计帐||有往来帐项to make out an account with
2%:;phH C'._}\nX 1955(:I @;6}xO2
清算||清理债务to make up an account
Wn^^Q5U# c Vn+~m_% DH
!Br OD]J@m 清洁帐目||与…停止交易to close ones account with
pNlisS M: "ci;*$
gn"&/M9E XX-T
", 结帐to close an account
qYiAwK$ >t2b?(h/x #'x?)AS
j>*SJtq7 清理未付款to ask an account||to demand an account
$ t $f1? g8+,wSE y^=oY
L 1[l>D1F? 结清差额to balance the account with
l,u{:JC l~YNmmv _ XQOprIJ
U h
!K2F~i{P 清算to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account
:|' 5{q/z^] l _O~v? E ZKz-} 审查帐目||监查帐目to audit an account
! |h2&tH t4@g;U?o z8|9WZ: ]&U| d 检查帐目to examine an account
#L.}CzAz 23$hwr&G\ uS#Cb+*F
sGls^J) 转入A的帐户to charge the amount to As account
hZWK5KwT "IG$VjgcB 1K9?a;. -Y=c g; 以计帐方式付款to pay on account
,?<h] !aQ `U_>{p&x \a2oM$PX f_h"gZWV 代理某人||为某人on ones account||on account of one
~h j' KobyX< ,,_K/='m 0^.4eX:E_ 为自己计算||独立帐目on ones own account
u7zB9iQ& G=!bM(]R~ UUf1T@- `$Fl gp0P 由某人收益并负风险on ones account and risk||for ones account and risk
[l%fL9 M(zY[O ,35:Srf| qm8n7Z/ 由某人负担for ones account||for account of one
B"8JFf}"q >?W;>EUH dh;Mp E +'j*WVE%5 按某人指示||列入某人帐户by order and for account of one
G\>\VA y7)[cvB w+9C/U;|s O;BMwg_7 列入5月份帐目for May account
y8*@dRrq n+\Cw`'<H qVD!/;l v#%>uLl 编入某中帐项下to pass to the account of||to place to the account of
_Kl{50}] Ky9No"o _HHJw""j 寄出清算书to send in an account||to send in render an account
'"]>`=R zHoO?tGf KT;C RO> Hrg=s
R 支票薄cheque book
}:9|*m<$t J%f=A1Q 76_8e{zbr :KV,:13`D 支票陈票人cheque drawer
@7l=+`.i OZB}aow .`Old{< 1Q&WoJLfR 持票人cheque holder
E0)mI)RW. Z_V&IQo-7 QV'3O| n?e@): 不记名支票cheque to bearer||bearer cheque
]i,Mq W`/jz/ ?V5Pt s "Eok;io 记名支票||认人支票cheque to order
t`8e#n 9 mam5G!$ *4hOCQ[ M ,_^hm7 到期支票antedated cheque
AYPf)K;% uWR,6\_jY lQ<#jxp mWN1Q<vn,l 未到期支票postdated cheque
^=izqh5S qSC~^N` K+7yUF8XP PD}SPOA`U3 保付支票certified cheque
)0n29 qD$GKN
@u"kX2>Eq R(/[NvUb 未获兑现支票,退票returned cheque
Bgk~R.l @q{:Oc^ 6Y>,e;R VO @
4A6 横线支票crossed cheque
z%}CBTm cFI7}#,5 P$(WdVG 9&XV}I,~?| 普通横线general crossing
]U#[\ Z :_fjml/ s;-78ejj7 特别横线special crossing
a_ 9 |xI <(#xOe -n=$[-w oieQ2>lYh 空白支票blank cheque
>p]WCb'PH mI?* Z%>g Y @XkqvX yd0=h7s 失效支票,过期支票stale cheque
1C}pv{0:& 4+/
fP j1;_w U!a!|s> 普通支票open cheque
r3[t<xlFf _gPVmGG Wk\mgGn+ 打10%折扣的10000元支票,(即9000元)a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount
0.J1!RIK/ kO..~@aY W2F+^ qEK4I}Q-= 加10%费用的10000元支票,(即11000元)a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges
{ k\+y4F8$x teq^xTUF[ G!!-+n< 支票换现金||兑现to cash a cheque
=9;[C:p0- >+
Sv9S 5eiZs 1EC -e|M. 清理票款to clear a cheque
Qm35{^p+ &jXca| wAR ?$30NK3G SZim
>@R 保证兑现to certify a cheque
g{g`YvLu^ >G-8FL zmy4tsmX eD*?q7 填写支票数额to fill up a cheque
*1|YLy ot|N;=ZKo KAj"p9hq+k ShL1'Z}^{ 支票上划线to cross a cheque
-\%_J_( a'
IX yj ~
YB 开发支票to make out a cheque
38V $ <w bc3|;O ;
=5@h!@R eW\?eq+ `A 签发支票,开立支票to draw a cheque||to issue a cheque
Gt^|+[gD 7>nhIp)) .DgoOo%?" NqiB8hZ~ 透支支票to overdraw a cheque
8 *4@-3Sx (l\a '3a. $l#v/(uFa \]Y\P~n 背书支票to endorse a cheque
+Od1)_'\D3 B,~f " i&A{L}eCr: 2x-'>i_|g 请付票款||清付票款to pay a cheque||to honour a cheque
=8$|_ QRsqPh&- Nj0-`j0E MZCL:# 支票退票to dishonour a cheque
?Q SL[rn<x| /HB+ami, +IwdMJ8&8 拒付支票to refuse a cheque
@MNl*~'$.[ T6sr/<#<( ((Vj]I%
; AkxH 拒付支票to stop payment of a cheque
Jn@Z8%B@Z +\+Uz!YS e(?:g@]-r 6!4';2Q 提示要求付款to present for payment
9T8|y]0F T$: >* fUb1/-} z[WC7hvU 见票即付持票人payable to bearer
FZ~r@- mZ`1JO9 X}3P
1.n: oHxGbvQc 支付指定人payable to order
Bj;\mUsk ?RZq =5Um& $-m@KB K5P Gi# 已过期||无效out of date||stale
m,\i 6{5q@9F CkRyzF t[%x}0FP-F 请给出票人R/D||refer to drawer
U5|B9%:& BmJkt3j." u8|@|t &foD& 存款不足N/S||N.S.F.||not sufficient funds||I/F||insufficient funds
1v;'d1Hg; WLE%d]'%M lo"j )Zt +#0~:&!9 文字与数字不一致words and figures differ
7;^((.]ln {d| |q<.- -<8B, 7rH'1U 支票
)\8URc|J 3 t/ R 2
M 时间已过account closed
L_E^}^1! [6O04"6K "]v
mY 更改处应加盖印章alterations require initials
Vre=%bGw `+oV/:Q3 5(423"(y _B}9f Cy`26[E$S X2i*iW< 时间已过effects not cleared
"\_, +
<F ew<r2 3Hs$]nQ_X 停止付款payment stopped
P= e4lF. \$j^_C> IeZ&7u mU50pM~/i 支票毁损cheque mutilated
itw{;j ooY\t + >o#ERNf )Ea8{m! 汇款||寄钱to remit||to send money
-3 `n6/ A
) CF\R<rF<VS "2%>M 寄票供取款||支票支付to send a cheque for payment
`{DG;J03[ mqdOu{kQ c!mG1lwD. F%Kp9I* 寄款人a remitter
}~rcrm. _$8{;1$T? bQ<b[ )AJ=an||5 收款人a remittee
cI3 y {$0&R$v3 cs
t&0 A])OPqP{ 国外汇票foreign Bill
3I]Fdp)' `YU=~xQ BMdSf(l t=Jm|wJnUA 国内汇票inland Bill
l~rb]6E <~N%W#z/ yQ'eu;+]
vu<#wW*9 跟单汇票documentary bill
b_|u< pr$~8e=c R5~gH6K| |:N>8%@6c 空头汇票accommodation bill
l0Y?v 4 1+a@k |0kXCq %kq ^]S2O 原始汇票original bill
0vn[a,W<A K^aj@2K{ mL$
f[ (')(d
HHW 改写||换新票据renewed bill
'PpZ/ry$ R]Ek}1~? ljVIE/iq W^k,Pmopy 即期汇票sight bill||bill on demand
;SKcbws )&,K94
(UGol[f< ) "[HZ/ …days after date||…days after date…日后付款
&wjB{% Tm_8<$ 7 {]`p&@ 2d 8=h6 …months after date||…months after date…月后付款
J(e7{aRJ9 4sIXO csDQva\ 7}%H2
$Do 见票后…日付款…days after sight||…days sight
+ubnx{VC t8/%Dgu _=EZ `!% @1g&Z}L
o 见票后…月付款…months after sight||…months sight
4mJFvDZV` ('4wXD]C Sy 'E -FO_N 同组票据set of bills
Jq)U</ Za%LAyT_s $P n
LG]X A=X-;N# 单张汇票sola of exchange||sole of exchange
ertBuU bi$VAYn.^ CT p!di| :u/mTZDi 远期汇票usance bill||bill at usance
jct./arK \|t{e8} NR3`M?Hjf M{E{N K 长期汇票long bill
6D/tK| [zh"x#AyI R=M!e<' m$:&P|!'p 短期汇票short bill
lj\#'G3 zCV7%,H~ ARWZ; GX v{y{sA 逾期汇票overdue bill
Y(r@v WYszk ,E bfdVED
;:OsSq& 宽限日期days of grace
B+"g2Y OipqoI2 ;#/0b{XFj Mu2`ODe] 电汇telegraphic transfer (T.T)
zF: j ,S!w'0k|n Gx'TkU= 邮汇postal order||postal note (Am.)||post office order||money order
nIBFk?)6 hs(W;tR@W Hg+
F^2<y t&}6;z 3 本票promissory note (P/N)
~pz FZ7n4 !9 f4R/ ? KDTDJ8 o8ppMM8_R[ 押汇负责书||押汇保证书letter of hypothecation
W dm F,T~\gO5, Eju~}:Lo 副保||抵押品||付属担保物collateral security
:2y"3azxk d8OL!Rk \#6Fm_b]u $$1qF"GF 担保书trust receipt||letter of indemnity
n:4uA`Vg v(O=IUa =k{`oO~:9+ GwLFL.Ke 承兑||认付acceptance
9wh2f7k ^Z}Ob= .G z$[C#5+2 s9j7Psd 单张承兑general acceptance
o6L9UdT ,t,wy37*D Y*LaBxt Q YnTB&GPxl 有条件承兑qualified acceptance
YZE.@Rz O#_b7i q_t4OrLr= P Sx304 附条件认付conditional acceptance
$nPAm6mH ,Em$ !n Q@QFV~ Qa`hR 部分认付partial acceptance