Administration Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 行政处〔香港金融管理局〕 +`!>lo{X
administration expenses 行政费用 ULO_?4}B
administration fee 手续费;行政费 AqHGBH0
administration in bankruptcy 破产管理 qKE +,g'
administration order 遗产管理令 m ;wj|@cF
administrator 管理人;遗产管理人 O\h%ZLjfO
administrator of the estate 遗产管理人 dJ>tM'G
admission of debt 债项承认书 {7`1m!R
admission of proof 接纳债权证明 g+Y &rz
advance 放贷款项;垫付款项;预支款项;预付款项 )S}.QrG
advance account 暂支帐目;预付款帐户 0a1Mu>P,
advance compensation 预付补偿金 X_)x Fg'k
advance from shareholder 股东垫款 w|4CBll
advance pending reimbursement 预支以待日后付还 #}Bv/`t
advanced economy 先进经济体系 u/xP$
advancement 预付;预付财产 n6 wx/:
advances warrant 垫款令 ]ZH6
advancing 贷出 k#Qjm9V
adverse balance 逆差 Ox@$ }
adverse exchange 逆汇 7^1K4%IPl
advertisement addressed to shareholders 在报章刊登的致股东通告 7|
advice for collection 托收通知书 [}4\CWM
advice of drawing 提款通知书;汇票通知书 i8%Z(@_`
advice of payment 付款通知 VBW][f
Advisory Committee [Securities and Futures Commission] 谘询委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕 %.8(R
Advisory Committee on Diversification 经济多元化谘询委员会
affidavit 誓章;遗产申报誓章 s~k62
affidavit of no receipt 述明无收款的誓章 olm'_{{
affiliate 联号;联营公司;附属公司 .=) *Qx+
affiliated company 附属公司;联号;联营公司 v~0l
affirmation [estate duty] 非宗教式宣誓〔遗产税〕 ,^jQBD4={
affordability 负担能力 ry+|gCZ
African Development Bank [AfDB] 非洲开发银行 Ex6Kxd}8
after-acquired property 事后取得的财产 ~+PK Ws'}F
after-hours dealing 市后交易 bNHsjx@
after-tax profit 税后盈利;税后利润;税后溢利 }4Q3S1|U
agency agreement 代理协议 @6-3D/=
agency expenses 代理机构的开支 W#kLM\2L
agency fee 代理费 TN/&^/
Agency Law 《代理法》 e}s,WC2-
agent 代理人;承销人 bPMf='F{r
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agent of company 公司代理人 lq?N>~PG
agent's fee 代理人费;经纪费 xXJzE|)1h!
aggregate 总计;总数;总体数字 %Rf{v5
aggregate amount 总款额;总额 {;o54zuKf
aggregate assets and liabilities 总体资产与负债 dvglh?7d
aggregate at constant price 按固定价格计算的总体数字 ebLt:
aggregate demand 总需求 Kr`.q:0GK
aggregate gross position 总持仓量 mS.!lkV
aggregate limit 总限额 |T-Ytuy8
aggregate of salaries tax 合计薪俸税 -L2?T
aggregate performance 总体表现;总体业绩 g^U-^f
aggregate supply 总体供应 H~:g=Zw
aggregate surplus 总盈余 }IQ! [T5
aggregate total 整体总额 mA
aggregate value 总值;合计价值 5Gz~,_
aggregated basis 合计基准 89W8cJ$yW
aggregated net chargeable income 合计应课税入息实额 mn(MgJKQ\
aggregation 合并计算;合计;总和 QRF:6bAxsL
aggregation of incomes of husband and wife 夫妇入息合并计算 @?</8;%3W
aggregation of property 财产的总和 6!){-IV
agio 差价;贴水 {@s6ly].
Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of Japan for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和日本政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》 "*KOU2}C
Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of Austria for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和奥地利共和国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》 hJX;/~L
Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of France for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和法兰西共和国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》 ^plP1c:
Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of Korea for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和大韩民国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》 r%LG>c`^
agreement for a settlement 授产协议 [mF=<G"
agreement for assignment 转让协议 }(WUZ^L
agreement for sale 售卖协议;买卖协议 buHUBn[3)
agreement for sale and purchase 买卖协议 YP{mzGdE&