六、英文附加题(本题型共1题,共10分。有小数点的,保留两位小数。小数点两位后四舍五入。用英文在答题卷上解答,答在试题卷上无效)。 _N|%i J5
John, CPA, is auditing the financial statements of Company A for the year ended December 31, 20×8. The un-audited information of selected financial statements items is as follows: v}u]tl$,
(Expressed in RMB thousands) >D!R)W`
20×8 +_fFRyu>
20×7 7uc\AhOk6
WcqR; Nm
Sales (4 ZeyG@
64000 %z@ Z^Jv
48000 J.h` 0$!
Cost of sales 0yC~"u[N Y
54000 xS_;p9{E
42000 &zy%
Net profit R
30 X,VI5$
-20 QnOgF 3t
December 31, 20×8 ;iX~3[]
December 31, 20×7 %"
Inventory ]'Eg2(wy
16000 <J+Oh\8tad
12000 ~_JfI7={Jn
Current assets 2o<*rH
60000 >I4BysR
50000 -y!Dg6A
Total assets qX\85dPn@}
100000 3>VL>;75[
90000 #3
Current liabilities ?aTH<
20000 3Ed
18000 K
Total liabilities p3 5)K5V
30000 1(Vv-bq$
25000 `&c[s%0
^V; r
During the audit, John has the following findings: J&\Q3_vro9
(1)On December 31, 20×8,Company A discounted an undue commercial acceptance bill (with recourse) amounted to RMB 6000000, and was charged discounting interest of RMB 180000 by the bank. Company A made an accounting entry on December 31, 20×8 as follows: (v?@evQ
Dr. Cash in Bank RMB 5820000 M**Sus87Q
Dr. Financial Expenses RMB 180000 P<R^eLZ<&
Cr. Notes Receivable RMB 6000000 bgE]Wk0
(2)In June 20×8, Company A provided guarantee for Company B’s borrowings from Bank C. In December 20×8, since Company B failed to repay the borrowings in time, Company A was sued by Bank C to make relevant repayment amounted to RMB 3000000. As at December 31, 20×8, the lawsuit was still pending, and, based on the reasonable estimate of the guarantee losses made by the management, Company A made an accounting entry as follows: l=XZBe*[g'
Dr. Non-operating Expenses RMB 3000000 Ag0w8F
Cr. Provisions RMB 3000000 #\X)|p2
On January 10, 20×9,Company A received a judgment on repaying RMB 2500000 JmCHwyUK?
to Bank C to settle the guarantee obligation. Company A made the payment and an accounting entry at the end of January 2009 as follows: i695P}J2
Dr. Provisions RMB 3000000 Ux',ma1JK
Cr. Cash in Bank RMB 2500000 $rj:K)P
Cr. Non-operating Income RMB 500000 zu?112-v2
Required: QmSj6pB>
(1)For Revenue and Net Profit, explain which one is more appropriate to be used to calculate planning materiality for Company A’s 20×8 financial statements as a whole. Explain the reasons of that conclusion. ;q-c[TZC
(2)Based on the un-audited in formation of selected financial statements items, for the purpose of using analytical procedures as risk assessment procedures, calculate the following ratios: sT1
(a)Inventory Turnover Rate in 20×8; 4qDO(YWf
(b)Gross Profit Ratio in 20×8; hd'QMr[;
(c)After Tax Return on Total Assets in 20×8; and E!}'cxb^
(d)Current Ratio as at December 31, 20×8 P
(3)For each audit finding identified during the audit, list the suggested adjusting entries that John should made for Company A’s 20×8 financial statements. Tax effects, if any, are ignored. 6,LE_ -G5
【中文翻译】注册会计师约翰负责审计A公司20×8年12月31日的财务报表。 YvG$2F |_)
以下是未经审计财务报表的部分信息: X_X7fRC0
(单位:千元) 4S4MQ
项目 20×8 20×7 prS%lg>
营业收入 64 000 48 000 AoGpM,W]5
营业成本 54 000 42 000 XO?WxL9k]
净利润 30 -20 />Zfx. Aj6
20×8年12月31日 20×7年12月31日 ?
存货 16 000 12 000 y'>9'/&
流动资产 60 000 50 000 }!fIY7gv
总资产 100 000 90 000 FDuA5At
流动负债 20 000 18 000 4IZAJqw(*
总负债 30 000 25 000 W<&/5s
在审计过程中,约翰发现以下事项: xp:I(
(1)20×8年12月31日,A公司将未到期金额为人民币6 000 000元的商业承兑票据(附追索权)贴现,银行收取了人民币180 000元的贴现利息。A公司在20×8年12月31日做会计分录: Iw[zN[oz
借:银行存款5 820 000 Hvz;[!
财务费用 180 000 vh2/d.MO
贷:应收票据6 000 000 bhRa?wuoY
(2) 20×8年6月,A公司为B公司在C银行的贷款提供了担保。20×8年12月,由于B公司未能及时偿还贷款,A公司被银C行起诉,要求偿还贷款3 000 000元。20×8年12月31日官司尚未判决,根据管理层对担保损失的合理性估计,A公司做出以下会计分录: {@
借:营业外支出 3 000 000 ]+ub
贷:预计负债 3 000 000 ,.{M1D6'R`
20×9年1月10日,A公司收到法院判决:A公司应赔偿C银行人民币 2 500 000元。A公司支付了这笔款项,并于20×9年1月末将做出如下会计分录: ;FwUUKj
借:预计负债 3 000 000 1H">Rb30@
贷:银行存款 2 500 000 o
营业外收入 500 000 nO6UlY
要求: kygj" @EX
(1)在营业收入和净利润两者之中,选择一个用于计算A公司20×8年财务报表层次的计划重要性水平,两者中哪一个更合适一些?并说明理由。 mgjcA5z
(2)根据以上未经审计的财务报表信息,运用分析程序分析重大错报风险,请计算以下比率: aO |@w"p8
(a)20×8年存货周转率 ?8grK
(b)20×8年销售毛利率 _0naqa!JyH
(c)20×8年总资产净利率 ?
(d)20×8年12月31日的流动比率 "(H%m9K
(3)根据上述事项,注册会计师约翰应提出哪些审计调整建议,并列示调整分录。(调整分录不考虑所得税的影响) lu>G=uCJ
【答案】 arKf9`9
(1)应选择营业收入作为计算重要性水平的基础。 (Q `Ps/
因为营业收入具有稳定性,净利润有亏转盈,不具有稳定性。 BuM#&]s
(2)存货周转率=54 000/[(16000+12000)/2]=3.86 a>#$&&oQ0
销售毛利率=(64000-54000)/64000×100%=15.63% JK{2hr_a
总资产净利率=30/[(100000+90000)/2]=0.03% C-49u<;,
流动比率=60000/20000=3 o\tw)_ >
(3) (`Y;U(n
a.应建议做如下审计调整分录: +{6:]
借:应收票据 6 000 000 cc=_KYZ1k
贷:短期借款 5 820 000 dcemF
财务费用 180 000 ffB<qf)?G
b.应建议做如下审计调整分录: r.LO j6c
借:预计负债 3 000 000 b't6ek
贷:营业外支出 500 000 D)L~vA/8b
其他应付款 2 500 000 kN<;*jHV