chart of account——会计科目名称和编号 M,6
Formats of Financial Statements——会计报表格式 V7 c7(G
Balance Sheet——资产负债表 qdzc"-gH`
Income Statement——利润表 AWGeK-^
Cash Flow Statement——现金流量表 t+ Fm?
Statement of provision for impairment of Assets——资产减值准备明细表 pnDD9u-4;
Statement of changes in owner’s (Stockholders’) Equity——所有者权益(或股东权益)增减变动表 J8(v65
VAT Payable Movement table——应交增值税明细 kIM*
Statement of profit Distribution——利润分配表 z$;z&X$j
Business Segment Statement——分部报表(业务分部) 3<?#*z4]_
Geographical Segment Statement——分部报表(地区分部)