编者按:日前,国际会计师联合会(IFAC)年度会员大会在南非开普敦召开,会议选举了新任理事会理事,中国注册会计师协会副会长兼秘书长陈毓圭成功当选。此外,会议还宣布新西兰的沃伦﹒艾伦(WarrenAllen)当选新任主席,美国的奥利维亚﹒科特利(OliviaKirtley)当选副主席;通过了6家准会员和2家会员资格申请;通过了IFAC2013-16年战略计划。现将该公告全文转发,供参考。 hw~cS7
The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the globalorganization for the accountancy profession, today announced the election ofWarren Allen, of New Zealand, as president for a two-year term ending November2014. The IFAC Council also approved the nomination of Olivia Kirtley, of theUnited States, as deputy president, a role previously held by Mr.Allen. L)B?p!cdLT
“Ours is a global profession—in fact, p robably the only truly globalprofession,” said Mr. Allen. “We have much to celebrate, but there are stillmany demands to be met. I am completely committed to meeting these demands—toworking with the boards and committees, IFAC member bodies, and IFAC’sexceptional management team and staff to deliver on all of the prioritiescontained in the strategic plan.” )2rI/=R
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Mr. Allen has served on the IFAC Board for six years. He was electeddeputy president in 2010, and served as chair of the Planning and FinanceCommittee, which leads the development of IFAC’s strategic plan. He is executivedirector and recently retired partner of Ernst & Young New Zealand and is apast president and Life Member of the New Zealand Institute of CharteredAccountants. He previously served on IFAC's Education Committee (now theInternational Accounting Education Standards Board) for over 10 years, includingas chair from 1998 to 2004. For more information on Warren Allen,seehisbiography. / HaS.
Ms. Kirtley will serve as deputy president for a two-year term andalso take the role of chair of the Planning and Finance Committee. She joinedthe IFAC Board in 2007, and has chaired the Governance and Audit Committee. Ms.Kirtley is a non-executive director for U.S. Bancorp, Papa John’s International,Inc., and ResCare, Inc. She has also served as chair of the American Instituteof Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and of the AICPA Board of Examiners. Formore information on Olivia Kirtley, see herbiography. )#*c|.
“As the world continues to face the effects of the sovereign debt andfinancial crises, and the accountancy profession continues to play its role as avalued leader in the development of strong and sustainable organizations,financial markets, and economies, the experiences Warren and Olivia bring toIFAC and to the accountancy profession are indispensable,” said G?ran Tidstr?m,outgoing president of IFAC. “Warren’s experience on the Education Committee andhis service as deputy president and as chair of IFAC’s Planning and FinanceCommittee will serve IFAC well, and Olivia’s experience as a professionalaccountant in business and corporate director will bring new perspectives to therole. In addition, I am personally very gratified that we have appointed thefirst female deputy president of IFAC.” Q&M(wnl5
New Board Members Elected mjs*Z{_F^
The IFAC Council meeting also included the election of six newmembers to the IFAC Board: Carol Bellringer (Canada), Norunn Byrkjeland(Norway),Dr. Yugui Chen (China), Pamela Monroe Ellis (Jamaica), Dr. In-Ki Joo (SouthKorea), and Russell Loubser (South Africa). The IFAC Council also re-electedJacques Potdevin (France) and Marta Rejman (UK). These additions andre-elections add to the diversity of the IFAC Board—in gender, geography, andprofessional experience. 2$1rS}}
IFAC Admits New Members pLyX9C
Six new associates were admitted to the organization: the AlbanianInstitute of Certified Accountants, the Association of National Accountants ofNigeria, the Institute of Professional Auditors (Russia), the Ordre National desExperts Comptables et des Comptablies Agréés du Togo,the Institute of CertifiedPublic Accountants of Rwanda,and the Ordem Dos Tecnicos Oficiais dos Contas(Portugal) were admitted as associates. Two existing associates were admitted tothe organization as a members: the Association of Accounting Technicians (UK)and the Mongolian Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Additionally, IFACofficially granted the Pan African Federation of Accountants Recognized RegionalOrganization status. For a full listing of IFAC members, seethemembership section of IFAC’s website. pR\etXeL d
Approves Strategic Plan 2013-16 Y>%A*|U%
As part of the Council Meeting, IFAC’s strategic plan for 2013-16 wasapproved. The theme of the plan,Leading the Way, signifies IFAC’s intentto solidify its position as the global voice of the accountancy profession andto take on an increased leadership role on key global initiatives. *bv
The plan highlights IFAC’s responsiveness to the major globalregulatory shifts that will continue to shape the profession in the comingyears. It will continue to focus on its core activity: development, adoption,and implementation of high-quality international standards. In addition, it willcontinue its focus on improved public sector financial reporting and integratedreporting, and enhance its focus on regulation and public policy. It willcontinue to take an inclusive approach, with an emphasis on capacity building.And finally, it will pursue a sustainable funding model. lD C74g
To download the plan, seeStrategicPlan for 2013–2016.