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[对外交流]国际会计师联合会征集2012年国际金质服务奖提名人选 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0楼 发表于: 2012-07-27
  编者按:国际会计师联合会最近就2012年国际金质服务奖得主公开征集提名。该奖于2010年设立,旨在表彰为会计行业做出杰出贡献的人,征集提名截至2012年3月15日。现将相关公告全文予以发布,以供参考。 K$h\<_V  
  The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the global organization for the accountancy profession with members and associates in 127 countries, has opened nominations for the 2012 IFAC International Gold Service Award. n>q!m@ }<  
  The IFAC International Gold Service Award was established in 2010 to recognize outstanding individual contributions to the accountancy profession, including protecting the public interest; exemplifying professional conduct and ethics; exceptional quality of work; and/or, contributions to a particular project or initiative. Candidates may or may not be members of the accountancy profession, and contributions may or may not be made through IFAC. '?veMX  
  The recipients of the IFAC International Gold Service Award in 2011 were Sir David Tweedie (United Kingdom) and Professor Stephen Zeff (United States).The awards were presented on November 16, 2011, at IFAC’s annual Council Meeting in Berlin, Germany, by Goran Tidstrom, president of IFAC. ;(/go\m tB  
  Nominations from IFAC member bodies must be submitted to the chief executive officer of IFAC by March 15, 2012. The nomination should consist of a completed nomination form, available on the IFAC website, and a cover letter. The cover letter should include reasons why the member body believes that the individual should receive an award and must be signed by the president and/or chief executive, or their equivalents, of the member body. If a member body wishes to include other supporting material, it should not exceed two pages. Nominations received in a format other than the stipulated form will not be considered. n >y,{"J{  
  In addition to nominations from IFAC member bodies, IFAC’s Nominating Committee will identify and recommend candidate(s) for this award. The Nominating Committee will review the nominations, make the necessary inquiries, and recommend candidate(s), if appropriate, to the IFAC Board, which will make the final selection(s), if any, during its meeting in June 2012. The chief executive officer of IFAC will notify the selected candidate(s) in writing, and the president of IFAC will present the award(s) at the annual IFAC Council Meeting, to be held November 14-15, 2012. Uw.')ZY=  
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