General Comments eJ+V!K'H2
The examination consisted of five compulsory questions.Section Acontained question 1 for 30 marks and question 2 for 10 marks.Section Bcomprised three further questions of 20 marks each. `wt*7~'=
The majority of candidates completed all five questions;however therewas some evidence of time pressure as a significant minority of candidates didnot attempt all questions.This seemed to mainly occur for question 5 or for thequestions candidates found challenging,which are listed below.In addition asignificant minority answered question 1 last and their answers were oftenincomplete.As question 1 is the case study and represents 30 of the availablemarks,leaving this question until last can be a risky strategy,as many answerspresented were incomplete or appeared rushed. ?Xscc mN
Candidates performed particularly well on questions 1b,2c,3ci and4bi.The questions candidates found most challenging were questions 1a,2b,3a,3ciiand 5b.This was mainly due to a combination of failing to read the questionrequirement carefully and insufficient knowledge.A number of these areas werenew to the F8 study guide in 2010 and hence as new topic areas should have beenprioritised by candidates. {umdW
A number of common issues arose in some candidate’sanswers: )J&