OWRT6R4v 【F3】考试核心知识点及考点梳理 —— Ivy
8=U0\<wT The areas that we would expect to see most regularly in the examare: yy%'9E ldc AsW!GdIN • IASBFramework – identification and explanation of the qualitative characteristics offinancial information
TxD,A0 • Inventory –accounting entries and valuation (FIFO, weighted average and net realisablevalue)
%`[Oz[V • Tangible non-currentassets – accounting entries for the acquisition, depreciation, disposal andrevaluation of assets
lU[" ZFP • Thecriteria which must be satisfied in order to recognise an intangible non-currentasset
lef,-{X- • Accruals and prepayments –accounting entries for both accruals and prepayments and accrued and deferredincome
E9IU,P6a • Irrecoverable debts –accounting entries and calculation of bad debt write offs and increases ordecreases in allowances
Nf<mgOAT1 • Therelevant criteria for recognising a provision in the financial statements
ZCAdCKX| • The adjustments necessary to reconcilethe balances per the receivables and payables ledger control accounts to therelevant memorandum ledgers
j%m9y_rg} • Accounting entries for contras anddiscounts (including sales tax)
#DI%l`B • Bank reconciliations – calculation ofthe adjusted cash book balance
B~RVFc + • Correction of errors – journaladjustments and the use of a suspense account
OIMsxXF\J • Incomplete records – calculationsinvolving margins and mark-ups and deriving missing figures such as inventoryand drawings
$&Ntdn • Partnerships –appropriation of profits
$G • Companyaccounts – adjustments for share capital transactions, dividends andtaxation
i0y^b5@MOb • Identification of eventsafter the reporting period as adjusting or non-adjusting
*+ql{\am4N • Statements of cash flows – adjustmentof profit before tax to cash flows from operating activities and the calculationof cash flows from investing and financing activities
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It should be remembered, however, that because the format ofthe exam contains 40 two mark and 10 one mark questions the examiner has theability to test all areas of the syllabus. It is therefore essential that youcover all areas and do not rely on question spotting.