What will be examined in this paper (F5) M,DwBEF?
1) Specialist cost and management accounting techniques. ActivityBased Costing, Life Cycle Costing, Throughput accounting and back – flushaccounting. As ABC was examined regularly, but you still can not ignore it,especially calculation part,make sure you are aware of what is the differencebetween ABC and absorption costing. Life cycle and back-flush, you may focus onthe main ideas about the theory, the discussion parts. Pay attention toback-flush, as it has not been examined yet. Throughput accounting, please makesure you understand the theory and calculation of this method. It could betested this time. 9t&m\J
2) DecisionMaking Techniques. All the pricing strategies for detail, especially for the newproduct to launch into the market. Do not neglect areas such as relevant costingas this is a very important topic that could easily be examined again soon. Alsolinear programming is another key area. For the calculation part, you have topay attention to expected value, joint probabilities, sensitivity analysis, anddecision methods such as maximax, maximin… <bh!wf6;
3) Budgeting.You need to prepare implications of differing budget approaches and (.g?|c
theirimpacts on motivation. The conflict between ZBB and incremental budgeting isalso likely to be explored. Also, you have to know the behaviour aspects ofbudget. Numbers elements in a budgeting question could include flexed budgets ortime series analysis & learning curves. lfLLk?g3k
4) Standardcosting and Variance Analysis. Standard variances and planning and operationalvariances; calculation and discussion, factors to consider when investigating avariance. An operating statement which included budgeted idle time has also beenrequired. Mix and yield variance are required to be explained andcalculated. LJ*W&y(2>Q
5) Performance management and control. Questions here couldfrequently focus on interpretation of performance and a discussion of financialvs non financial measures. These have featured on all papers to date. Questionscould also focus on performance evaluation in the public sector so perhapsfeaturing calculations using the 3 Es. Alternatively they could focus ondivisional performance measures such as ROI / RI and a discussion of the impacton performance of various transfer prices. (transfer price could be tested forvery simple calculation) 3lef
This exam consists entirely of compulsory questions; this makesquestion spotting particularly dangerous. The purpose of this analysis is tohighlight key areas that we would expect to be regularly tested. Use the abovetips as important areas to cover but remember that no one knows what is in theexam, apart from the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good syllabuscoverage in your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam. G"*ch$:
At last, do not forget to spend one or two days to read thearticles which can be found on the website. They may tell you what the examinersare thinking and give you a guide of the exam you will face to verysoon. 6CNxb
Wish all the good luck in your exams! }FC(Z-g
YueWu 9XN/
Lecturer of Paper F5,Performance Management