重点例题分析 l0U6eOx
以下是针对2009年12月份考试出现的错误率(大于70%)最高的题目, 5caYA&R
Example 1 OV7vwj/-
Amachine is no longer used by a company. It could be sold now for net proceeds of$300. Its only other use is on a short-term contract which is underconsideration. The variable running costs of the machine during the period ofthe contract would be $400. On completion of the contract the machine would haveno realisable value and would cost $150 to dismantle and remove. (|'w$
What is the total relevant cost of usingthe machine on the contract? %,
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A$450 -102W{V/T
B $550 "f!*%SR:
C $700 yD#w @yG
D $850 w_KGn17
官方解释:The correct answer was D. This question tested Sections F2(b)and (c) in the Study Guide, which require candidates to be able to calculaterelevant costs for overheads and those for non-current assets. c~5#)AXMT
By not selling the machine now there isan opportunity cost of $300, the variable running cost ($400) are relevant andat the end of the contract the dismantling and removal cost ($150) is alsorelevant. This gives a total relevant cost of $850. }(ay(
Answer B was chosen by more than 50% ofthe candidates. This wrong answer could have been obtained in two ways. First as$300 + $400 – $150, the mistake here is to treat the dismantling cost as revenuefrom the sale of the machine. Second as $400 + $150, the mistake here is toregard the realisable value now as being non-relevant. d%t]:41=Z
解释:这是一道考核固定资产相关成本的考题。如果现在卖出则获利$300。如果继续使用一段时间,则这段时间需要的投入的成本是$400,并且丢弃时需要用处置成本$150。那如果选择不卖出那需要花费是成本一共是$400+$150=$550,相对应所放弃的机会成本就是$300。所以这个固定资产的相关成本是$300+$550=$850 C:
Example 2 7v?tSob:b
A companyuses absorption costing with a predetermined hourly fixed overhead absorptionrate. Last year, the following situations arose: {;n?c$r
(i) Actual overhead expenditure was lessthan the budgeted expenditure. I%e7:cs >
(ii)Actual hours worked were less than the budgeted hours used to set thepredetermined overhead absorption rate. 6
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Which of the following statements iscorrect? >:W)9o
A Both situations wouldcause the overheads to be under absorbed }sPY+ZjV
B Both situations would cause theoverheads to be over absorbed (PsA[>F
C Situation (i) would cause the overheads to be under absorbed and situation(ii) /v5Pk.!o
cause the overheads to be overabsorbed **_VNDK+
D Situation (i) wouldcause the overheads to be over absorbed and situation (ii) pr;<n\Y{
cause the overheads to be underabsorbed K[~Wj8W0
官方解释:The correct answerwas D. This question tested Sections D3 (g) of the Study Guide, which requirescandidates to be able to explain, as well as calculate, the under and overabsorption of overheads. ~<v{CBq[
Answer Bwas the most popular of the wrong answers, which suggests that candidatesunderstood that situation (i) leads to over absorption and that it was situation(ii) that caused the problem. If actual hours worked are below budget then byapplying the predetermined absorption rate (which is based on budgeted hours) tothis lower number of actual hours will lead to under absorption. Pu/0<