F1 十大容易混淆概念 WFh!re%Z
1. Public sector & Private sector 2Hq!YsJ4]
Public sector is the organization owned or run by the government or government agencies. 9^}GUJy?
All the other organizations are classified as the private sector. #6YNgJNk
2. Public company & Private company 9PGSr4V1
Private company is usually owned by a small number of people and these shares are not easily transferable. Fs=nAn#
Shares of public company will usually be traded on a Stock Exchange. \^YJs?
3. Geographic departmentation _=cMa's
Where the organization is structured according to geographic area, some authority is retained at Head Office but day-to-day operations are handled on a territorial basis. .rMGI"
So it is centralized. k r/[|.bq
4. Divisionalisation fa!iQfr
It is the division of a business into autonomous regions of product business, each with its own revenues, expenditure and capital asset purchase programs, and therefore each with its own profit and loss responsibility. &