重置成本(replacement cost) I2TaT(e\
转租赁(subleases) %{ABaeb]
准改组(quasi-reorbganization)(美) ;hYS6
资本保全(capital maintenance) Rd2qe /
资本化价值(capitalized value) iEd\6EZ
资本因素(capital factor) QFw +cy
资产负债法(asset/libility method) *-MM<|Qt
存货转让价格(inventory transfer price) wN`jE0
创立合并(consolidation) }x@2]juJ
出租人会计(accounting for leases-lessor) %JXE5l+pJ
持有(产)损益(holding gains losses) @HQ`~C#Z'
持仓盈亏(opsition gain and loss) xgbJ2Mh
承租人会计(accounting for leases-leasee) { D^{[I
成本回收法(cost recovery method) SNfr"2c'h~
纵向合并(Vertical integration) wLmhy,
综合变动(general change) H(bs$C4F
子公司权益变动(change in ownership of a subsidiary) !;0U,!WI
子公司(subsidiary company) IAYR+c
资源税(resources tax) ]+(6,ct&.
成本法(cost method) t\NqR
财产信托会计(fiduciary accounting)(美) s8-<m,*
财产税(property tax) y&Mr=5:y
部分分摊法(partial allocation) Du`JaJI
不合并子公司(unconsolidated subsidiaries) #z&&M"*a|
最低退休金负债(minimum liability)(美) /s?
r`' j[
租赁(leases) ?!9)q.b
租金(rents) sp#p8@Cj
企业会计 C
企业财务(business finance) (5#nrF]
期权市场(option market) PK;*u,V
期货市场(future market) >SML"+>
可转让定期存单市场(negotiable CDmarket) /`f^Y>4gD
货币市场(money market) qDv9
黄金市场(gold market)