退休金给付义务(pension benefit obligations)(美) (9aOET>GG
外币(foreign currency) s-WZ3g
外币业务(foreign currency transaction) ",gVo\^
吸收合并(merger) CStNCBZ|\
物价变动会计(accounting for price changes) ti9e(Jt!O
无偿债能力(insolvency) O
完全合并(full consolidation) Z.@n
物价指数(price index) |iBf6smF
物价变动(price changes) W9c&"T9JT
完全应计法(full accrual method) Y&=DjKoVh
物价总指数(general price index) ['\R4H!x
外汇期货交易(foreign exchange frtrues transaction) ivl %%nY'
下推会计(push-down accounting)(美) 420K6[
先折算后调整法(translation-remeasurement method) 2@Nd02v|
现行成本/稳值货币会计(current cost/general purchasing power accountin) b1IAp >*2l
现行成本(crurent cost) v ,h"u
现行成本会计(current cost accounting) *.wj3'wV
先调整后折算法(remeasurement-translation method) h~
销售代理处(sales agency) RXAE
相互持股(mutual holdings) C,>n
相对账户调节(reconciliation of home office and branch accounts) JLWm9c+UTG
新合伙人入伙(admission of a new parther) 8(K:2
向上销售(upstream sale) 1:T"jsWw
衍生金融工具(derivative financial instru-ments) ]Ri=*KZa
销售式融资租赁(sales-type financing lease) dgX%NKv1
向下销售(downstream sale)
R -ek O7z
消费税(consumer tax) "u~` ZV(
一笔交易观(one-transaction opinion) Q
业主权论(the proprietorship theory) ERK{smL
一般物价水准会计(general price level accounting)
一般购买力单位(units of general purchasing power) Nes|4Z<
招股说明书(prospectus) 4x+[?fw
中间汇率(middle rate) s1W n.OGR4
中期报告(interim reporting)