科学事业单位结余(scientific research institutes’surplus) ux-Fvwoh
科学事业单位会计制度(accointing regulations for scientific research instifutes) ~Jq<FVK
科学事业单位会计报表分析(scientific research institutes-analysis of accounting statements) pT[C[
科学事业单位会计(sicentific research institute accounting) 3 YRhqp"E
科学事业单位成本费用管理(scientific research institutes-cost maragement) KeXQ'.x5O
科学事业单位财务制度(financial regulations for scientific research institutes) GS)l{bS#[O
经营支出(orerating expense ) vsES`
经营收入(operating revenue) v
基金预算支出(fund budget expenditure)
基金预算收入(fund budget revenue) <4(rY9
基金预算结余(surplus of fund budget) \Dr@n^hk@[
国家预算(state budget) (^057
国家决算(final accounts of state revenue and expenditure) ^#"!uCq]gM
高等学校资产(colleges and universities assets) ~W`upx)j
高等学校支出(colleges and universities expenditures) c
高等学校预算管理方式(budget management method of colleges and universities) BU])@~$
高等学校收入(colleges and universities revenues) ^WM)UZEBC
专用基金支出(expenditure on special purpose fund) (ob
专用基金收入(proceeds from special purpose fund) 4$vya+mAk5
专用基金结余(surplus of special purpose funds) 4d6F4G4U
中华人民共和国预算法(the budget law of the people’s Republic of China) Y+WOU._46I
资金调拨支出(expenditure on allocated and transeferred fund) t
财政收入(public finance-revemue) FtE%<QHt
财政净资产(public finance-net assets) $7PFos%@
财政负债(public finance-liabilities) 9Y*6AaKE6
财政补助收入(grant from the state) 2:2rwH }e
拨入专款(restricted appropriation)