2011年注册会计师考试常见英语单词审计词汇(七),审计法实施条例 the Implementary Rules of the Audit law。 ~q +[<xR\
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审计法 Audit Law, Audit Act #b0{#^S:
审计法实施条例 the Implementary Rules of the Audit law ewsKH\#
审计标准 audit criteria,audit standard Y]`.InG@
审计准则 auditing standard !{^\1QK
审计原则 auditing principles #Sg\q8(O
审计手册 audit manual (LAXM
公认审计准则 Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Ma-\^S=
审计法律规范 audit laws and regulations g\oSG)
审计体制 audit system w>?Un,K
审计权限 audit purview; audit jurisdiction;audit mandate @{
审计职责 audit responsibility 3+7^uR$/I4
审计监督 audit supervision; supervision through auditing "](6lB1Oe
审计管辖权 audit jurisdiction &.i^dO^}
审计执法 implementation of audit laws and regulations "R
审计处理 audit sanction Pj#'}ru!
审计处罚 audit penalty 5wt TP ;P
依法审计 conduct auditing in accordance with laws >:sUL<p
审计意见 audit opinion %5Kq^]q;Y
审计决定 audit decision )4Q?aMm
审计建议 audit suggestion, audit recommendation 7[v%GoE
复核意见 conclusion of audit review bJr[I
审计复议 audit appeal +~Cy$MCX
审计听证 audit hearing Jwn AW}=
审计复核 audit review Ft{[ae?4
审计战略 audit strategy dpZ;l 9
审计计划 audit plan <g8K})P
审计方案 auditing program 8
审计目标 auditing objective {0\,0*^p
审计范围 audit scope p 5u_1U0
审计内容 audit coverage ZsP2>%"
审计结论 audit conclusion wz8PtfZ
审计任务 audit assignments 7
审计结果 audit finding Nw J:!
审计报告 audit report 0O!cN_l|
审计方法 audit method C2e.2)y
审计过程 auditing process R/b4NGW@
审计证据 audit evidence "HMP$)d
审计测试 audit test Aez2*g3
审计风险 audit risk d=.2@Ry
审计抽样 audit sampling i hL/n
审计软件 audit software 9W*+SlH@!
审计程序 auditing procedures @!=\R^#p
审计调查 audit investigation 5@osnf?
审计小组 audit team Ru!He,k7
审计线索 audit trail H!e 3~+)
工作底稿 working paper R_P}~l