2011年注册会计师考试常见英语单词辅导(三),consolidated profit and loss account 合併損益表。 <8r"QJY/
acceptance 承兌 |x}TpM;ni
account 賬戶 aV;|2}q "
accountant 會計員 8}QM~&&.
accounting 會計 iOfm:DTPr
accounting system 會計制度 :.:^\Q0
accounts payable 應付賬款 C,| &
accounts receivable 應收賬款 9{Hs1MD[
accumulated profits 累積利益 .$U,bE
adjusting entry ?#123;整記錄
adjustment ?#123;整 dX[I
administration expense 管理費用 LjZlKB5C
advances 預付 osp~)icun
advertising expense 廣告費 fNNl1Vls
agency 代理 SmXoNiM"y
agent 代理人 FXCBX:LnvU
agreement 契約 *|rdR2R!
allotments 分配數 \@Wv{0a(
allowance 津貼 ~Ztn(1N
amalgamation 合併 6-U_TV
amortization 攤銷 d4y#n=HnnV
amortized cost 應攤成本 :H}iL*
annuities 年金 8JLf @C:
applied cost 已分配成本 -]3 K#M)s
applied expense 已分配費用 o/AG9|()4
applied manufacturing expense 己分配製造費用 e!u]l
apportioned charge 攤派費用 :6Ri%
appreciation 漲價 |rx5O5p
article of association 公司章程 {&1L &f<
assessment 課稅 d`sZ"8}j
assets 資產
attorney fee 律師費 M9"Bx/
audit 審計 '|C%X7
auditor 審計員 t{})6
average 平均數 w2B)$u
average cost 平均成本 gawY{Jr8I
bad debt 壞賬 196aYLE
balance 餘額 k+J3Kl09hM
balance sheet 資產負債表 K^WDA])
bank account 銀行賬戶 @A[)\E1
bank balance 銀行結存 yfl?\X{
bank charge 銀行手續費 %"
bank deposit 銀行存款 N* g
bank discount 銀行貼現 pGie!2T E
bank draft 銀行匯票 &xGdKH
bank loan 銀行借款 ()lgd7|+
bank overdraft 銀行透支 OVLVsNg
bankers acceptance 銀行承兌 TQR5V\{&%
bankruptcy 破產 ^O}a,
bearer 持票人 V]zZb-m=
beneficiary 受益人 O-,
bequest 遺產 .n\JY;"
bill 票據 jKUEs75]
bill of exchange 匯票 ZU 3Psj
bill of lading 提單 9#DXA}
bills discounted 貼現票據 CW1l;uwtU
bills payable 應付票據 x`6MAZ
bills receivable 應收票據 l b(
board of directors 董事會 p4T$(]7
bonds 債券 ')jItje|
bonus 紅利 >LBA0ynh
book value 賬面價值 }aWy#Oe
bookkeeper 簿記員 ebA:Sq:w
bookkeeping 簿記 {!Qu(%
branch office general ledger 支店往來賬戶 # ~<
broker 經紀人 ~&Z>fgOTJ
brought down 接前 oU=vl!\J
brought forward 接上頁 H-_gd.VD
budget 預算 eo+<@83
by-product 副產品 :jTSOd[r
by-product sales 副產品銷售 ` o)KG,
capital 股本 ztVTXI%Kz
capital income 資本收益 cSt)Na~C
capital outlay 資本支出 M 5#wz0
capital stock 股本 %a/3*vz/I%
capital stock certificate 股票 ysnW3q!@
carried down 移後 +tPBm{|
carried forward 移下頁 ~b_DFj
cash 現金 5FZw
cash account 現金賬戶 Yjoe|
cash in bank 存銀行現金 JM7mQ'`Ud
cash on delivery 交貨收款 ,X!6|l8
cash on hand 庫存現金 rC8p!e.yL
cash payment 現金支付 ZvRa"j
cash purchase 現購 t:10
cash sale 現沽 ;!<}oZp{
cashier 出?#123;員 xmg
cashiers check 本票 ytttF5-
certificate of deposit 存款單折
certificate of indebtedness 借據
certified check 保付支票 Sa g)}6+
certified public accountant 會計師 Pb&tWv\ql
charges 費用 o[>d"Kp
charge for remittances 匯水手續費 UhH#>2r_
charter 營業執照 1Q@]b_"Xh
chartered accountant 會計師 j_JY[sex
chattles 動產 wnS,Jl
check 支票 =WTSaC
che stub 支票存根 `Gio
closed account 己結清賬戶 $tZ
closing 結算 QF
closing entries 結賬紀錄 _a$qsY
closing stock 期末存貨 w/|&N>ZOx
closing the book 結賬 \_Bj"K
columnar journal 多欄日記賬 wm~7`&
combination 聯合 Gxw1P@<F:
commission 佣金 v@qP &4Sp
commodity 商品 J?O0ixU
common stock 普通股 nCY kUDnZ
company 公司 [=K
compensation 賠償 5%}e j)@
compound interest 複利 *(9Tl]w
consignee 承銷人 9q'&tU'a=c
consignment 寄銷 ;e
consignor 寄銷人 !|[rh,e]
consolidated balance sheet 合併資產負債表
consolidated profit and loss account 合併損益表 /DAR'9@h
consolidation 合併 9xR5Jm>k
construction cost 營建成本 .!3e$mhV
construction revenue 營建收入 C:B 7%<
contract 合同 /p
control account 統制賬戶 PYCN3s#Gi
copyright 版權 >pF* unC;
corporation 公司 v~mVf.j1
cost 成本 h%/BZC^L]|
cost accounting 成本會計 | N/d}
cost of labour 勞工成本 >V6t
cost of production 生產成本 =Dn<DV
cost of manufacture 製造成本 3RaduN]
cost of sales 銷貨成本 1'&.6{)P
cost price 成本價格 Dh
credit 貸方 9,?~dx
credit note 收款通知單 afrF
creditor 債權人 @f-:C+(Nsg
crossed check 橫線支票 #*g=F4>t
current account 往來活期賬戶 CXq[VYM&X
current asset 流動資產 +4 k=Y
current liability 流動負債 syw1Z*WK
current profit and loss 本期損益 1G
debit 借方 x?L[*N_ml
debt 債務 FCt<h/
debtor 債務人 YPGM||
deed 契據 |^Iox0A
deferred assets 遞延資產 o h{>nwH
deferred liabilities 遞延負債 <Z^by;d|z
delivery 交貨 %ax
delivery expense 送貨費 YYQvt
delivery order 出貨單 QP\9#D~
demand draft 即期匯票 I
Cc{ 2l
demand note 即期票據 qPPe)IM'Sc
demurrage charge 延期費 DZqPCMz)^
deposit 存款 `vBBJ@f4)
deposit slip 存款單 FOF@@C~aH
depreciation 折舊 \B#tB?rA
direct cost 直接成本 fOi
direct labour 直接人工 ]Q"T8drL
director 董事 UyRy>:n
discount 折扣 JVoC2Z<
discount on purchase 進貨折扣 uU^DYgs