2011年注册会计师考试常见英语单词辅导(三),consolidated profit and loss account 合併損益表。 K#N9N@W jR
acceptance 承兌 tk R~(h
account 賬戶 sT"ICoo
accountant 會計員 2J{vfF
accounting 會計 j
accounting system 會計制度 vanV |O
accounts payable 應付賬款 $~G5s<r
accounts receivable 應收賬款 d,N6~?B
accumulated profits 累積利益 `kxC#
adjusting entry ?#123;整記錄 k(pJVez
adjustment ?#123;整 E0Q6Ryn
administration expense 管理費用 xGQP*nZ
advances 預付 Im\ ~x~{
advertising expense 廣告費 7%EIn9P
agency 代理 0 K#|11r
agent 代理人 }~|`h1JF
agreement 契約 g-
allotments 分配數 (*P`
allowance 津貼 =
amalgamation 合併 B )[RIs
amortization 攤銷 l^ay*H
amortized cost 應攤成本 \1gAWUt('
annuities 年金 l[IL~
applied cost 已分配成本 W{.:Cf9
applied expense 已分配費用 !L{mE&
applied manufacturing expense 己分配製造費用 K<:%ofB"S
apportioned charge 攤派費用 y>x"/jzF#
appreciation 漲價 bR)P-9rs
article of association 公司章程 vR:#g;mnk
assessment 課稅 Y @'do)
assets 資產 ?k4Hk$V
attorney fee 律師費 >oWPwXA
audit 審計 jvsSP?]n
auditor 審計員 gJX"4]Ol#}
average 平均數 nvf5a-C+q
average cost 平均成本 XWAIW=.
bad debt 壞賬 iB(?}SaAZ
balance 餘額 ~EY)c~H
balance sheet 資產負債表 ed/B.SY
bank account 銀行賬戶 NZv 8#
bank balance 銀行結存 VD7-;
bank charge 銀行手續費
bank deposit 銀行存款 fsPNxy"_
bank discount 銀行貼現 6]%=q)oL[
bank draft 銀行匯票 r<1W.xd":
bank loan 銀行借款 Yg '(
bank overdraft 銀行透支 PvV\b<Pe+
bankers acceptance 銀行承兌 Q2Ey RFT
bankruptcy 破產 *5BVL_:~J
bearer 持票人 'l<$H=ZUVG
beneficiary 受益人 =23B9WT
bequest 遺產 [[^r;XKQ
bill 票據 kVM*[<k
bill of exchange 匯票 4cSs=|m?+
bill of lading 提單 AZhI~QWo
bills discounted 貼現票據 qjkWCLOd
bills payable 應付票據 #&IrCq+
bills receivable 應收票據 w9GY/]
board of directors 董事會 u`N
bonds 債券 @HMH>;haE
bonus 紅利 5OGwOZAj52
book value 賬面價值 V.u^;gr3
bookkeeper 簿記員 \G v\&_
bookkeeping 簿記 <:/aiX8
branch office general ledger 支店往來賬戶 rwUhNth-Qh
broker 經紀人 \R@}X cqZ
brought down 接前 n8!|}J
brought forward 接上頁 ~h8k4eM
budget 預算 /_cpSq
by-product 副產品
by-product sales 副產品銷售 jWxa
capital 股本 2 N &B
capital income 資本收益 / zNVJhC
capital outlay 資本支出 Ja*,ht(5
capital stock 股本 YK8l#8K
capital stock certificate 股票 $<Gt^3e
carried down 移後 {)r[?%FMgV
carried forward 移下頁 lmoYQFkYP
cash 現金 0K^@P#{hd
cash account 現金賬戶 E5P.x^
cash in bank 存銀行現金 =r]_$r%gR
cash on delivery 交貨收款 AM!P?${a
cash on hand 庫存現金 !lEV^SQJs
cash payment 現金支付 jzDPn<WQ
cash purchase 現購 j^ 8Hjg
cash sale 現沽 2xuU[
cashier 出?#123;員 6I=d0m.io
cashiers check 本票 x?{l<mc
certificate of deposit 存款單折 rS\mFt X
certificate of indebtedness 借據 B\AyG4J
certified check 保付支票 \J(~
certified public accountant 會計師 /P3Pv"r|8]
charges 費用 j/uMSE
charge for remittances 匯水手續費 )06. dZq\
charter 營業執照 Rb
chartered accountant 會計師 hZ<FCY,/?
chattles 動產 p|;#frj
check 支票 Sb?v5
che stub 支票存根 U.^%7.
closed account 己結清賬戶 uKIR$n"
closing 結算 9Y# vKb{>
closing entries 結賬紀錄 5 YIk
closing stock 期末存貨 Us&~d"n
closing the book 結賬 GF<SQHL,
columnar journal 多欄日記賬 =}0>S3a.7
combination 聯合 t2.]v><