breach of trust 违反信托 |YnT;q
break clause 终止条款;中断条款 0PP5qeqN2n
breakdown 分成细目;明细表;分类细帐;分项数字 Dve+ #H6N
break-even 收支平衡;收支相抵;损益两平 D$
break-even point 收支平衡点;损益平衡点 DS|HN
Bretton Woods Agreement 《布雷顿森林协定》 j1~'[
Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林制度 fW3awR{
brief fee 诉讼费;承办费 O~*`YsL9
broad definition of money supply 广义货币供应 q?##S'
broker 经纪 dbsD\\,2%N
brokerage 经纪费;经纪佣金 EEJ OJ<
brokerage charges 经纪费;经纪佣金 7Zw.m
brokerage house 经纪行 9aoGptgN
Brokers' Fidelity Insurance Claims Sub-Committee [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 经纪忠诚保险计划索偿小组〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 BcaX:C?f
Brokers' Fidelity Insurance Scheme [BFI Scheme] 经纪忠诚保险计划〔忠诚保险计划〕 59MpHkr
broker's firm 经纪行 X,mqQ7+
broker's representative 经纪代表 ISDeLUihY
brought to credit 入帐 w D}g\{P
Brussels Stock Exchange 布鲁塞尔证券交易所 dd-`/A
Brussels Tariff Nomenclature [BTN] 《布鲁塞尔税则分类目录》 PZ.q
bucketing “对敲”;利用顾客资金买空卖空 h0z>dLA#2
bucketing offence “对敲”罪行 !;, Dlq-}
budget 财政预算案;预算 y[A%EMd
budget booklet 预算案小册 ($T"m-e
Budget Committee [Securities and Futures Commission] 财政预算委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕 Q<O(Ix
Budget Concluding Speech 《财政预算案总结演词》 .|g|X8X
budget cycle 财政预算案编制周期 U6xs
Budget Day 财政预算案发表日 N<e72x
budget debate 财政预算案辩论 MJ_]N+
budget deficit 财政预算赤字 |*5HNP
budget exercise 财政预算案编制工作 Qq{>]5<
budget guideline 财政预算案准则;财政预算案指引 0-at#
budget guideline ratio 财政预算案准则比率
budget proposal 财政预算案建议 MO-7yp:K
budget revenue 财政预算案收入 h%PbM`:}6
budget revenue measure 财政预算案税收措施;财政预算案收入措施 231,v,X[
Budget Speech 《财政预算案演词》
budget strategy 财政预算策略 Wi2Tg^
budget surplus 财政预算盈余 IBm"VCg{Ew
budgetary and cost control 预算与成本管制 0nsj ihw
budgetary criterion 开支预算准则 |y$8!*S~(
budgetary deficit 财政预算赤字 (N^tg8 Z<
budgetary guideline 财政预算指引 hM "6-60
budgetary implication 财政预算的影响 $'%.w|MJp
budgetary innovation 财政预算新措施 oD.[T)G?
budgetary management 财政预算管理 J^gElp
budgetary policy 财政预算政策 rE?Fp
budgetary position 财政预算状况 c`O(||UZT
budgetary strategy 财政预算策略
budgetary system 财政预算制度 0^9%E61YR
budgeted cost 预算成本 :lE_hY
budgeted for surplus 预算盈余 )cV*cDL1j
building cost index 建造成本指数 &xLCq&j1
built-in control of the money supply 货币供应的内在调节功能 oY<R[NYKu
built-in stabilizer 内在稳定因素;内在稳定措施 | IB4-p
bulk buying 大宗采购;大批购买 T=,A p a
bulk transfer 大额股票转名 l|j}Ggen
bull 看好股市者;“好友”;买空投机者 w#^z:7fI
bull bond 牛债券 PHR:BiMZ
bull market 牛市;升市;旺市;多头市场 @;t6Slc"~
bull position 长仓 B&rw R/d
bullion broker 金银经纪 /8Ru O
bullion market 金银市场 O48*"Z1
Bundesaufsichtsamt fur den Wertpapierhandel 德国联邦证券监管办事处 py }`thx
buoy up 上升 B1i&HoGbz
buoyant 活跃;蓬勃;坚挺;保持高价〔股票〕 h/pm$9A
buoyant market 市况活跃 ;!(GwgllD
bursary 助学金;补助金 @8eQ|.q]Q
business 商业;业务 z(eAhK}6?
business address 营业地址 "ph<V,lg
business association 业务协会 y
business bank account 银行营业户口 k9m9IE"9=$
business concession 特许经营权 7CDp$7v2
business cycle 商业周期;经济周期;商业循环 H;c3 x"
business day 营业日;交易日 &w%--!T
business expenses 营业开支;营业费用 _lMSW6
business for profit 牟利业务 ]x5+v0
business hour 营业时间 `e4gneQY
business income 营业收入 i
Business Manager [Companies Registry] 业务经理〔公司注册处〕 l4$Iv:
business of exchange currencies 货币兑换业务 *!MMl]gU?
business of taking deposits 接受存款业务 :r4o:@N'
business plan 业务计划 @@V{W)rl
business record 业务记录 O)$Pvll
business recovery 业务重整 $*
business registration application form 商业登记申请表 G\(cnqHk
business registration certificate 商业登记证 gP.PyYUV
business registration fee 商业登记费 'YvRkWf:KC
business registration inspector 商业登记督察 n?:%>O s$
business registration number 商业登记号码 L%HFsuIO-
Business Registration Office [Inland Revenue Department] 商业登记署〔税务局〕 DH Qs_8Df
Business Registration Officer 商业登记主任 4o|<zn
business sector 商界 W <u,S
business sentiment 营商意欲 >
business taxation 商业课税 (v}4,'dS
business turnover 营业额 /m|U2rrqb
business undertaking 商业经营 T#GTNk!v
business-friendly 方便商界;有利营商;利于商界运作 G|b
buy 买入 z\`tnz7>$
buy low and sell high 低价买入而高价卖出 722:2 {
buy order 买盘 u{Gci
buyer's market 买家市场 -*$ s ;G#
buyer's price 买价;买方出价 X/ lmj_v
buy-in 补进;补仓 &embAqW:
buying rate 买入价;买入汇率