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[知识整理]【2015年财管知识点总结】第四章:投资组合的风险计量 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0楼 发表于: 2014-12-02
1.相关系数与协方差:衡量两种证券收益率之间共同变动程度(相关性)的指标 G|V\^.f<  
  1)相关系数:-1≤r≤1(通常:0<r<1) UFk!dK+  
  相关系数(r)= p\ok_*b  
  ①r=+1:完全正相关,一种证券报酬率的增长总是与另一种证券报酬率的增长成比例,组合风险不变; JP_kQ  
  ②r=-1:完全负相关,一种证券报酬率的增长总是与另一种证券报酬率的减少成比例,组合风险可以为0; 6'vi68  
  ③若:-1<r<+1,则:0<组合风险<不变,即: KE#$+,?  
  相关系数越接近于+1,风险分散效应越弱; yjR)Z9t  
  相关系数为正(正相关),相关系数绝对值越大,风险分散效应越弱; HYFN?~G  
  相关系数越接近于-1,风险分散效应越强; |Ib.)  
  相关系数为负(负相关),相关系数绝对值越大,风险分散效应越强。 m|`VJ 0  
      2)协方差 2b~ HHVruX  
  ①公式:σjk=rjkσjσk N=<=dp(  
  ②某证券与其本身的协方差等于该证券的方差 .SBc5KX   
2.投资组合报酬率的标准差 lG < yJ~{  
  1)计算公式: mQnL<0_<f  
  投资组合报酬率的方差:组合内各证券两两配对组合(包括某证券自己和自己的配对)的协方差(n2个),再乘以两者的投资比重,加总的结果。 W%H]Uyt  
  2)协方差矩阵:组合内证券两两配对一共可得到n2个协方差项,构成协方差矩阵。 ip674'bq7R  
  以三种证券为例,协方差矩阵为: ] EV`dIk  
  σ1,1σ1,2σ1,3 U~hCn+0  
  σ2,1σ2,2σ2,3 >OTl2F}4 !  
  σ3,1σ3,2σ3,3 0ZT 0  
  沿矩阵对角线共有3个方差项(即:某证券自己和自己配对的协方差),其他不在对角线上的配对组合的协方差共有6个,且两两相等(如:σ1,2=σ2,1)。 [{/$9k-aF?  
      【结论1】 8L eK wb  
  对于由n种证券构成的组合,两两配对的协方差矩阵共有n2项,其中包括n个方差项和(n2-n)个协方差项。 ac3_L$X[  
  【结论2】 fYs?D+U;PF  
  协方差矩阵中,方差项代表个别证券的风险,协方差项代表证券之间的共同变动程度(相关性)。 "bi  !=  
  随着组合内证券数量的增加,方差项所占的比重越来越小,表明个别证券的风险对投资组合风险的影响越来越小,直至可以忽略不计;而协方差项所占比重越来越大,表明投资组合风险主要取决于组合内各证券收益率的相关性。 ,.q8Xf  
  因此,充分投资组合的风险,只受证券之间协方差(即相关性或共同变动程度)的影响,而与各证券本身的方差(个别风险)无关。 GGp{b>E+ #  
      3)投资组合标准差的计算:协方差矩阵中的每一项(n2个方差及协方差),分别乘以两种资产的投资比重,再计算合计数,得到投资组合的方差,开方即得到标准差。 \E~Q1eAJT  
  以两种资产A和B为例,假设投资比重分别为:WA和WB,则协方差矩阵为: M(NH 9E E  
  σA,AσA,B 2\ ,e   
  σB,AσB,B b<8q 92F  
  两种资产组合的方差 0+p 5/5  
  (类似于完全平方式) +L n M\n  








只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2015-09-05
Nike Free 4.0 V2 Black Red UK  "You know
e Moon's age has finally been revealed after scientists established a "geological clock" that shows when it formed.An international team of planetary scientists published their findings in the journal Nature and showed how the Moon formed almost 100 million years after our solar system.Researchers from France, Germany and the United States made this finding by using measurements from the Earth's interior along with computer simulations of the protoplanetary disk - from which Earth and other planets in our solar system formed.They analysed the growth of Mercury, Venus,Nike Free 5.0 Anti Fur Womens Dark Grey Green, Earth and Mars from a disk of thousands of planetary building blocks that orbit the Sun. Through 259 simulations, they found a relationship between the time when Earth was impacted by a huge object to create the moon, and the amount of material added after the impact.Researchers found a relationship that allowed for a "geological clock" in early solar system history that does not require measurements of radioactive decay.The authors wrote: "According to the generally accepted scenario,Nike Free 5.0 Anti-Fur Mens UK, the last giant impact on Earth formed the Moon and initiated the final phase of core formation by melting Earth's mantle. A key goal of geochemistry is to date this event, but different ages have been proposed.Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. poses beside the deployed flag of the United States during the Apollo XI moon landing, July 20, 1969.Reuters"Some argue for an early Moon-forming event, approximately 30 million years (Myr) after the condensation of the first solids in the Solar System, whereas others claim a date later than 50?Myr (and possibly as late as around 100?Myr) after condensation. Here we show that a Moon-forming event at 40?Myr after condensation, or earlier, is ruled out at a 99.9% confidence level."Lead author Seth Jacobson, from the Observatory de la Cote d'Azur in Nice, France, said: "We were excited to find a 'clock' for the formation time of the Moon that didn't rely on radiometric dating methods. This correlation just jumped out of the simulations and held in each set of old simulations we looked at."Through their findings, the researchers ascertained that the moon is around 4.47 billion years old.The team believes their geological clock will help to guide which radioactive dating methods are most accurate to make better estimates of other planetary ages.Kevin Walksh, from the Southwest Research Institute Space Science and Engineering Division, said: "This result is exciting because in the same simulations that can successfully form Mars in only two to five million years, we can also form the Moon at 100 million years. These vastly different timescales have been very hard to capture in simulations."  <div +fPNen4E  
Texas: Couple Claim to Capture Live Legendary Hairless El Chupacabra in GardenBy Lydia SmithApril 3,Nike Free Trainer 5.0 Black Fluorescence Green, 2014 09:40 BST   A Texas couple believe they have captured the mythical animal El Chupacabra in their back garden.Jackie and Bubba Stock, from Ratcliffe, found the hairless, cat-sized creature eating corn outside their home on Sunday.Jackie told KAVU-TV: "He called me to come and look, and I said 'Bubba, that looks like a baby chupacabra'."The animal has a hairless back, large claws, sharp teeth and was growling at the couple as they tried to capture it.Jackie and Bubba Stock believe they have captured the mysterious goat-killing chupacabraWMUR-TV YoutubeAccording to their neighbour, Arlen Parma, the animal is not a raccoon. He commented: "You know, I hunted coons 20 years with dogs and I ain't never seen anything that look like that right there."Parma added that the animal's growl differentiated it from the small, masked mammal."Coon don't make that noise,UK Nike Free 3.0 V5 Grey Silver, or a possum. What makes that noise? I guess a chupacabra does - I don't know."Although the residents of the town are convinced this is the elusive chupacabra, Brent Ortego, a biologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife, offered a different explanation.He told ABC news: "The animal in the cage as best I can tell from the view is some form of a small canine." Animals in this familial bracket could include a
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