N (428)number of days stock 存货周转天数 +<I>]J2
N (429)number of weeks stock 存货周转周数 Rgg(rF=K6
O (430)objective classification 客体分类 #=h~Lr'UH
O (431)obsolescence 陈旧 V^"5cW
O (432)off balance sheet finance 资产负债表外筹资 (@]{=q<
O (433)offer for sale 标价出售 ~R3@GaL1
O (434)operating budget 经营预算 9
O (435)operating lease 经营租赁 %1S;y
O (436)operating statement 营业报表 ">|fB&~A
O (437)operation time 操作时间 wPOQy~:
O (438)operational control 经营控制 ?EdF&^[3rD
O (439)operational gearing 经营杠杆 \qKh9
O (440)operating plans 经营计划 26j ; RV
O (441)opportunity cost 机会成本 ZPHB$]ri
O (442)order 定单 Y*0mC "n}
O (443)ordinary shares 普通股 >Qr(#Bt)
O (444)out-of-date cheque 过期支票 4~DoqT
O (445)over capitalization 过分资本化 N,L$+wm
O (446)overhead 制造费用 zl$'W=[rFs
O (447)overhead absorption rate 制造费用分配率 yqZKn=1:
O (448)overhead cost 制造费用 =98@MX%P
O (449)overtrading 超过营业资金的经营 oJEind>8O
P (450)paid cheque 已付支票 "4C b dD//
P (451)paid-up share capital 认定股本 *1|&uE&_R
P (452)parent company 母公司 d=`hFwD9
P (453)pareto distribution 帕累托分布 S U04q+
P (454)participating preference shares 参与优先股 }Til $TT%H
P (455)partnership 合伙 e~oI0%xl^
P (456)payable ledger 应付款项账户 i.Yz)Bw
P (457)payback 回收期 )V7bi^r
P (458)payments and receipts account 收入和支出报表 z^bv)u
P (459)payments withheld 保留款额 =XuBan3
P (460)payroll 工资单 :T.j;~
P (461)payroll analysis 工资分析 Ny\p$v
P (462)percentage profit on turnover 利润对营业额比率 63 F@
P (463)period cost 期间成本 [WW3'= e^
P (464)perpetual inventory 永续盘存 0@k)Cz[0;
P (465)personal account 记名账户 w,n&K6<
P (466)PEPT 项目评审法 =c:K(N qL
P (467)petty cash account 备用金账户 w*n@_n={
P (468)petty cash voucher 备用金凭证 rZEL7{
P (469)physical inventory 实地盘存 Tc$Jvy-G4A
P (470)planning 计划 \b6H4aQii
P (471)planning horizon 计划时限