偿债基金(sinking fund) vOq N=bp
长期应付款(long-term payables) "ji+~%`^[t
长期投资(long-term investments) h"[:$~/UJ
长期借款(long-term loans) 7EVB|gTp
长期负债(long-term liability of long-term debt) +|TXKhm{
财务费用(financing expenses) ;/H/Gn+
拨定留存收益(appropriated retained earnings) pK ^$^*#
标准成本法(standard costing) HA[7)T N1E
变动成本法(variable costing) 4_# (y^9
比例履行法 %j2$ ezud
包装物 t*)!BZ
版权(copyrights) C;%dZ
高级会计 !N!AO(Z
期货交易市场(market of futures transaction) li{!Jp5]1b
期货交易(futures transaction) B4 5#-V
举债经营融资租赁(leveraged lease) ~z,qr09
金融工具(financial instruments) ?6HnN0A)
企业集团(business qroup) /}
年度报告(annual report) :98:U~d1
内部往来(transactions between home office and branches) O<ybiPR
合伙企业(partnership enterprise) yivWT;`
合并资产负债表(consolidated balance sheet) 64vj6 &L
合并主体的所得税会计(accounting for income taxes of consolidated entities)(美) [KCR@__
合并现金流量表(consolidated statement of cash flow) Xq<_r^
合并价差(cost-book value differentials) p 16+(m
合并会计报表(consolidated financial statements) 4P"XT
购买法(purchase methed) dn:\V?9
企业整体价值(the value of an enterprise as a whole) !R@jbM
权益结合法(pooling of interest method) GB;_!69I
期内所得税分摊(intraperiod tax allocation)(美) x&"P^gh)
期末存货的未实现损益(unrealized profit in ending inventory) l%p,m[
公司间的长期资产业务(intercompany transactions in long-term assets) Q#*R({)GH
名义货币保全(maintaining capital in units of money) 'Hs*