盈余公积-利润归还投资 Surplus reserve - reture investment by investment LWbWj ^
主营业务收入 Sales |iM*}Ix-
主营业务成本 Cost of sales fJv0 B*
主营业务税金及附加 Sales tax 9+QLcb
营业费用 Operating expenses =mqV&FgRo
管理费用 General and administrative expenses <O$'3_S"D
财务费用 Financial expenses \)BKuIP
投资收益 Investment income a
其他业务收入 Other operating income *ep!gT*4
营业外收入 Non-operating income #bu`W!p}
补贴收入 Subsidy income Wr)%C
其他业务支出 Other operating expenses ?5mVC]W?]
营业外支出 Non-operating expenses 8gC(N3/E"
所得税 Income tax 0nie>
直接人工成本差异(direct labor variance) W\f7fVU
直接材料成本差异(direct material variance) lYw A5|+
在产品计价(work-in-process costing) 3"[ KXzn
联产品成本计算(joint products costing) $Z28nPd/
生产成本汇总程序(accumulation process of procluction cost) A#1y>k
制造费用差异(manufacturing expenses variance) PLLlo~Bb
实际成本与估计成本(actual cost and estimated cost) tu!u9jVv
工资费用分配(salary costs allocation) >Dtw^1i
成本曲线(cost curve) ObM5v rEk|
农业生产成本(agriculture production cost) [JAd1%$3
原始成本和重置成本(original cost and replacement cost) 9: ~,TH
工程施工成本 Tao lX*$5
直接成本与间接成本(direct cost and indirect cost) uaDU+ywL
可控成本(controllable cost) 1}jE?{V*
制造费用分配(manufacturing expenses allocation) R&xD|w8UjM
理论成本与应用成本(theory cost and practice cost) q=nMZVVlF(
辅助生产成本分配(auxiliary production cost allocation) KktTR`W
期间,费用 #-lk=>
成本控制程序(procedure of cost control) !;\-V}V
成本记录(cost entry, cost recorder cost agenda) aRG[F*BY