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The corporate media treats and has always treated Kissinger with such reverence. He was even considered a sex symbol in his prime. All that power and arrogance. Rank and age apparently have their privilege and have given him even more cachet thanks to the obsequious anointers and enablers of political celebrity such as Charlie Rose and David Gregory. As Gore Vidal once said, are the United States of Amnesia. The overblown funeral accolades for Ronald Reagan certainly intensified media putting celebrity over reality and integrity. `% sK F  
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In 2004,hi top trainers, Fernando Morientes was on loan at Monaco. As it turned out, Monaco unexpectedly faced Madrid in the Champions League and it was Morientes' goal that even more unexpectedly knocked Madrid out. He was not the only on loan player who had come back to haunt them   Pedro Munitis had done the same for Racing Santander. -LAYj:4  
Faced with projections for staggering increases in crude production in North America, pipeline companies have responded with ambitious plans to connect markets with new oil and gas reserves that are currently not on the grid. In Canada alone, energy companies are proposing to add nearly four million barrels per day of pipeline capacity to markets to the east,desert boots, west and south. That would support a projected increase in Canadian production to six million in 2025, up from 3.2 million barrels per day last year. President Barack Obama, who is facing enormous pressure from environmental groups to reject the pipeline. "The Keystone process is an independent process that really has nothing to do with this project," he told reporters Thursday. "The marketplace needs both of these pipelines   and probably more as we move forward." )H&rr(  
CHAIRMAN STEELE: I do very much,direct soccer, Beth. I think while it's a noble idea for the president to want to pitch his home city Chi town for the Olympics, and of course America would be more than honored to host the Olympics in the future, I think that at a time of war, I think at a time of recession,cheap football shirts, at a time where Americans have expressed rather significantly their concerns and frustrations over the course of the spring and summer about healthcare, about the economy, about a host of domestic issues,football boots children, even international issues, I think that this trip, while nice,football boots with blades, is not necessary for the president. I think the first lady would have been and should have been the lead here and let her go and sell Chicago. But the goal should be creating, not job opportunities seven years from now but job opportunities today. I think what the president is doing is not necessarily helpful and does not, in my view, instill the confidence in the American people that the focus is on jobs, wealth creation, and moving us beyond recession to prosperity. $RxS<_tj  
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Hurts a lot of young innocent kids, said Evelyn Apoko, who was disfigured when a military bombing targeted the LRA. don know how to protect themselves. Keesey responded by saying Invisible Children knew about these risks and has to do possible to protect those innocent women and children. Russell also told a Toronto radio station last week he believed mass casualties wouldn have to happen to get Kony arrested, and compared the warlord capture to landing on the moon. *qM)[XO  
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New Providence jumped out to a 1 0 lead in the second inning. Amelia Ekert singled and scored on an RBI from Suzie Gargiulo, but Elizabeth answered with a run of its own in the top of the third. Savannah Riotte singled, stole a base, and scored on an RBI single by Brielle Riotte. .66_g@1  
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