编者按:国际会计师联合会(IFAC)下设的工商业界职业会计师(PAIB)委员会发布了新的国际良好实务指南—《组织内部控制评价与改善》,重点指出很多组织在实际运用现行国际内部控制准则及框架时容易忽略的领域。现将该公告全文转发,供参考。 N,*'")k9
The Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has issued new International Good Practice Guidance, Evaluating and Improving Internal Control in Organizations, highlighting areas where the practical application of existing internal control standards and frameworks often fails in many organizations. N37CAbw0
“Sound internal control practices that are continuously adapted to changing circumstances are critical for organizations,” said Roger Tabor, chair of the PAIB Committee. “Organizations are most successful when they can take advantage of opportunities and defend against threats, both of which are enabled by an appropriate system of internal control.” *|gl1S
The new guidance will assist professional accountants in business as they work with their organizations to continuously evaluate and improve internal control, and ensure that it is an integrated part of the organization’s systems of governance and risk management. Better integrated internal controls can save the organization time and money while helping to create and preserve value. s=Kz9WLy
“Organizations need to evaluate and review their internal controls at all levels and within all functions to continue to achieve their objectives,” said Henny Kapteijn, chair of the PAIB Committee’s Risk Management and Internal Control Task Force. “A Professional accountant in business, armed with this guidance, can help lead his or her organization through this process to ensure ongoing, effective internal control.” MOm+t]vq1
About International Good Practice Guidance a%QgL&_5
International Good Practice Guidance (IGPG) issued by the PAIB Committee cover areas of international and strategic importance in which professional accountants in business are likely to engage. In issuing principles-based guidance, IFAC seeks to foster a common and consistent approach to those aspects of the work of professional accountants in business not covered by international standards. IFAC seeks to clearly identify principles that are generally accepted internationally and applicable to organizations of all sizes in commerce, industry, education, and the public and not-for-profit sectors. Previously issued IGPGs are available on the IFAC website, including Preface to IFAC’s International Good Practice Guidance. b{
About the PAIB Committee ?/(*cA
The PAIB Committee serves IFAC member bodies and professional accountants worldwide who work in commerce, industry, financial services, education, and the public and the not-for-profit sectors. Its aim is to promote and contribute to the value of professional accountants in business by increasing awareness of the important roles professional accountants play, supporting member bodies in enhancing the competence of their members, and facilitating the communication and sharing of good practices and ideas. ET%F+