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[对外交流]陈毓圭秘书长在国富浩华国际年会闭幕晚宴上的致辞 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0楼 发表于: 2012-07-27
  (2009年11月18日) sVFO&|L  
  尊敬的Mark Hildebrand主席,Frank Arford总裁, A!lZyG!3  
  女士们、先生们: E|@C:ghG  
  晚上好! bY~K)j v3&  
  很高兴出席国富浩华国际年会的闭幕晚宴。在此,我代表中国注册会计师协会,对国富浩华国际选择在中国举办50周年这一具有重大标志意义的年会表示欢迎,对年会的成功举办和取得的成果表示祝贺! c^r8<KlI9  
  今天晚宴选择的地点非常有创意。798艺术区在中国享有盛名,众多艺术机构和艺术家聚集于此,形成了集画廊、展厅、文化公司、时尚店铺和各类艺术工作室于一体的多元文化空间。就这一点来看,国富浩华国际似乎也有相同之处。因为国富浩华作为全球十大会计公司网络之一,其成员所遍布世界110个国家和地区,是一个汇聚了各个国家的多元文化的网络。今天在座各位的到来,为798多元文化空间,增添了新的多元文化的维度。 7[ m+r:y  
  注册会计师行业是市场经济的基础设施,是市场诚信链条的一环,在当前应对国际金融危机的背景下,注册会计师行业的作用愈发重要和突出。面对此次百年不遇的国际金融危机,各国首脑、政要、金融界、企业界以及注册会计师行业,都在积极应对,并对推进国际金融监管体系改革、加快全球高质量标准的建立实施,进行了新的思考,提出了新的要求,采取了新的行动。FSB、IFAC、IASB积极响应G20倡议,加快建立包括会计审计准则等在内的统一的国际监管标准。注册会计师行业作为金融市场的参与者和监督力量,有责任在增强市场的透明度和诚信度、构建国际金融新秩序中发挥更大的、更有效的作用,加紧推进会计准则、审计准则和职业道德准则的国际趋同,为全球经济的企稳和尽快复苏作出贡献。 (?qCtLZ  
  中国在市场经济的发展过程中,在改革开放的每一个重要阶段和领域,都一直高度重视发挥注册会计师行业的作用,中国注册会计师行业的发展已经与中国经济社会的发展形成了有机的良性互动。最近,中华人民共和国国务院办公厅发布了关于加快发展我国注册会计师行业的若干意见,系统提出了当前加快行业发展的原则、目标和措施,这不仅对于行业的自身发展,而且对于应对国际金融危机背景下行业作用的发挥,以及行业未来服务中国经济发展战略,都具有重大而深远的意义。 t ed:]  
  一直以来,中国注册会计师协会作为依《注册会计师法》履行行业管理职责的法定组织,始终坚持服务公众利益的宗旨,有力指导和推进行业的各项建设,并取得巨大成果。近几年来,我们围绕培养国际化人才的目标,顺利完成了注册会计师考试制度的改革;围绕服务中国经济发展和企业国际化,大力推进会计师事务所做大做强;围绕中国经济融入世界经济体系的新要求,积极推进中国审计准则和职业道德守则与国际准则的持续全面趋同。世界银行、国际会计师联合会在最近对外发布的报告中,均对中注协准则趋同的建设工作,给予充分肯定,誉之为“良好典范”。 J6Ilg@}\  
  在中国注册会计师行业的发展过程中,我们也得到了国际会计组织和境外友好会计师组织及机构的许多支持和帮助。浩华国际曾为中注协的CPA学生境外实习项目提供过帮助,在此表示感谢,同时也希望国富浩华国际继续支持中注协的人才培养项目。 #w{`6}p  
  开展国际合作,是世界会计职业发展的必然趋势,也是中国注册会计师行业国际化发展的内在需要。我们支持中国事务所在公平、互利的基础上加入国际网络,实现互惠双赢。我们注意到,国富浩华国际在中国只发展一家成员所,并且将对中国成员所在人才培养、技术开发等方面给予切实有效的支持,对此我们表示赞赏。同时也希望中国国富浩华加强与网络以及网络其他成员的合作,为国富浩华国际的品牌建设和市场发展,作出贡献。 8~'cP?  
  预祝国富浩华在下一个50年里取得更大的成就! ^z *0  
  谢谢大家! g257jarkMF  
  Speech at the Closing Dinner of Ic/hVKYG5  
  Crowe Horwath International Annual Meeting - nb U5o  
  Dr. Chen Yugui jX7K- L  
  Secretary General, zIc6L3w $  
  The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants 8SjCU+V  
  November 18, 2009 yq~  
  Ladies and gentlemen, )PN8HJAArh  
  Good evening. %S312=w  
  It is my pleasure to attend the closing dinner of Crowe Horwath International (CHI) Annual Meeting. On behalf of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA), I would like to extend my warm welcome to you for holding this event marking CHI's 50th anniversary in Beijing, and I congratulate you on the successful convening of the annual meeting and your achievement. tV++QC7@L  
  You have been quite creative in selecting such a venue for tonight’s dinner party. The 798 Art Zone, as referred in Chinese "Qi Jiu Ba", boasts its reputation in China, with many art institutions and artists gathering here forming a multi-cultural space filled with galleries, exhibition halls, cultural boutiques, fashion shops and various art studios. CHI seems to possess similar point of view, since the group is currently one of the world's top ten accounting firms boasting members in 110 countries and jurisdictions, with a network incorporating different cultures. Your presences today at the “Qi Jiu Ba” have also added a new element to the multiculturalism. Igo`\JY  
  The accountancy profession is an infrastructure of the market economy playing an integral role in maintaining market integrity. In response to the current international financial crisis, the role of the accountancy profession has even more important and prominent. Facing this unprecedented financial crisis of the century, politicians and leaders from the international financial and business circles, which include the accountancy profession, are taking the initiatives to embark new thinking, new requirements and taking additional measures to promote the reform of international financial regulatory system to expedite the establishment and implementation of a single set of high quality standards. International bodies like FSB, IFAC, IASB, etc., are taking active steps in responding to the G20 proposals in building unified international regulatory standards, including accounting and auditing standards. As a participant and a watchdog of the financial market, the accountancy profession is obligated to make its due contribution to increase market transparency and integrity, play a greater and effective role in building a new international financial order as well as stepping up the international convergence of accounting standards, auditing standards and code of ethics to stabilize and recover the global economy expeditiously. M^kaik  
  Through the open policy, China has firmly imposed greater importance to the role of the accountancy profession in developing its market economy at each stage and phase of the reform. China's accountancy profession has been developing in conjunction with the country's economic and social progress. Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued Some Opinions on Speeding up the Development of China's Accountancy Profession, which puts forward a batch of principles, objectives and measures to speed up the development of the profession. These measures will have profound and far-reaching significance in the development of the profession to play a committed role in dealing with the international financial crisis and serving China's economic development strategy. $JFjR@j  
  CICPA, as a statutory body delegated by the CPA Law of the PRC, has been adhering to its mission of serving the public interest by providing effective guidance for a well-established profession. CICPA has recently devoted its effort in developing a pool of talents to gain international experience, and has also reformed the CPA examination system. In response to the trend of globalization in economy and businesses, CICPA has spared no effort to develop larger and more competitive accounting firms. Facing with China's economic integration into the international community, CICPA has been actively promoting full and consistent convergence of the Chinese accounting, auditing standards and code of ethics with the international standards and code. The reports recently issued by the World Bank and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) gave full recognitions on the effort of the CICPA’s approach to promote international convergence. This effort has been hailed as "a good model." 0)dpU1B#M  
  China’s accountancy profession has received significant assistance and support from international accounting organizations, bodies and institution.. I would like to express my gratitude to CHI for its assistance in CICPA’s overseas internship program for CPA major graduates. We hope CHI will continue to support and provide assistance to the training programs of professional talents launched by CICPA. \]x`f3F  
  International cooperation is the inevitable trend of the world's accountancy profession and the internal need of China’s accountancy profession for going international. We support the entry of Chinese firms into the international accounting network on a fair and mutually beneficial basis to realize a win-win situation. We note that CHI will develop a single China member firm instead of following other international networks’ practice of having more than one member firm. We appreciate the single firm approach, that CHI will undertake to provide effective support in training of professional talents and technology development, etc. In the meantime, we sincerely wish that Crowe Horwath China will strengthen its cooperation with CHI and its member firms, and contribute to the CHI branding and marketing strategy. LK h=jB^bT  
  I wish CHI a bright future in the next jubilee. ,+i^]yF3j  
  Thank you! Zo=,!@q(  
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