会计科目名称和编号 | Chart of Accounts |
顺序号 | 编号 | 名称 | NO. | Code | Title |
| | 一、资产类 | | | I. Assets |
1 | 1001 | 现金 | 1 | 1001 | Cash on hand |
2 | 1002 | 银行存款 | 2 | 1002 | Cash in bank |
3 | 1009 | 其他货币资金 | 3 | 1009 | Other monetary funds |
| 100901 | 外埠存款 | | 100901 | Deposits in other cities |
| 100902 | 银行本票 | | 100902 | Cashier's Check |
| 100903 | 银行汇票 | | 100903 | Bank draft |
| 100904 | 信用卡 | | 100904 | Credit Card |
| 100905 | 信用证保证金 | | 100905 | L/C guarantee deposit |
| 100906 | 存出投资款 | | 100906 | Investment paid |
4 | 1101 | 短期投资 | 4 | 1101 | Short-term investments |
| 110101 | 股票 | | 110101 | Stock |
| 110102 | 债券 | | 110102 | Bond |
| 110103 | 基金 | | 110103 | Fund |
| 110110 | 其他 | | 110110 | Others |
5 | 1102 | 短期投资跌价准备 | 5 | 1102 | Provision for short-term investment Write—down |
6 | 1111 | 应收票据 | 6 | 1111 | Notes receivable |
7 | 1121 | 应收股利 | 7 | 1121 | Dividend receivable |
8 | 1122 | 应收利息 | 8 | 1122 | Interest receivable |
9 | 1131 | 应收账款 | 9 | 1131 | Accounts receivable |
10 | 1133 | 其他应收款 | 10 | 1133 | Other receivables |
11 | 1141 | 坏账准备 | 11 | 1141 | Provision for bad debts |
12 | 1151 | 预付账款 | 12 | 1151 | Advances to suppliers |
13 | 1161 | 应收补贴款 | 13 | 1161 | Subsidies receivable |
14 | 1201 | 物资采购 | 14 | 1201 | Materials purchased |
15 | 1211 | 原材料 | 15 | 1211 | Raw materials |
16 | 1221 | 包装物 | 16 | 1221 | Packaging materials |
17 | 1231 | 低值易耗品 | 17 | 1231 | Low-valued consumables |
18 | 1232 | 材料成本差异 | 18 | 1232 | Cost variance of materials |
19 | 1241 | 自制半成品 | 19 | 1241 | Self-manufactured semi-finished product |
20 | 1243 | 库存商品 | 20 | 1243 | Goods on hand |
21 | 1244 | 商品进销差价 | 21 | 1244 | Margin between Selling and purchasing prices |
22 | 1251 | 委托加工物资 | 22 | 1251 | Materials on Consignment for further processing |
23 | 1261 | 委托代销商品 | 23 | 1261 | Goods on consignment |
24 | 1271 | 受托代销商品 | 24 | 1271 | Fiduciary goods for sale |
25 | 1281 | 存货跌价准备 | 25 | 1281 | Provision for inventory write-down |
26 | 1291 | 分期收款发出商品 | 26 | 1291 | Goods on installment sale |
27 | 1301 | 待摊费用 | 27 | 1301 | Prepaid expenses |
28 | 1401 | 长期股权投资 | 28 | 1401 | Long-term equity investments |
| 140101 | 股票投资 | | 140101 | Stock investment |
| 140102 | 其他股权投资 | | 140102 | Other equity investment |
29 | 1402 | 长期债权投资 | 29 | 1402 | Long-term debt investments |
| 140201 | 债券投资 | | 140201 | Bond investment |
| 140202 | 其他债权投资 | | 140202 | Other debt investment |
30 | 1421 | 长期投资减值准备 | 30 | 1421 | Provision for impairment of long-term investments |
31 | 1431 | 委托贷款 | 31 | 1431 | Designated loan receivable |
| 143101 | 本金 | | 143101 | Principal |
| 143102 | 利息 | | 143102 | Interest |
| 143103 | 减值准备 | | 143103 | Provision for impairment |
32 | 1501 | 固定资产 | 32 | 1501 | Fixed assets |
33 | 1502 | 累计折旧 | 33 | 1502 | Accumulated depreciation |
34 | 1505 | 固定资产减值准备 | 34 | 1505 | Provision for impairment of fixed assets |
35 | 1601 | 工程物资 | 35 | 1601 | Construction materials |
| 160101 | 专用材料 | | 160101 | Materials for special use |
| 160102 | 专用设备 | | 160102 | Equipment for special use |
| 160103 | 预付大型设备款 | | 160103 | Advances to suppliers of giant equipment |
| 160104 | 为生产准备的工具及器具 | | 160104 | Tools and apparatus for use in production |
36 | 1603 | 在建工程 | 36 | 1603 | Construction in progress |
37 | 1605 | 在建工程减值准备 | 37 | 1605 | Provision for impairment of construction in progress |
38 | 1701 | 固定资产清理 | 38 | 1701 | Disposal of fixed assets |
39 | 1801 | 无形资产 | 39 | 1801 | Intangible assets |
40 | 1805 | 无形资产减值准备 | 40 | 1805 | Provision for impairment of intangible assets |
41 | 1815 | 未确认融资费用 | 41 | 1815 | Unrecognized financing expenses |
42 | 1901 | 长期待摊费用 | 42 | 1901 | Long-term prepayments |
43 | 1911 | 待处理财产损溢 | 43 | 1911 | Asset gain or loss in suspense |
| 191101 | 待处理流动资产损溢 | | 191101 | Current asset gain or loss in suspense |
| 191102 | 待处理固定资产损溢 | | 191102 | Fixed asset gain or loss in suspense |
| | 二、负债类 | | | II. Liabilities |
44 | 2101 | 短期借款 | 44 | 2101 | Short-term loans |
45 | 2111 | 应付票据 | 45 | 2111 | Notes payable |
46 | 2121 | 应付账款 | 46 | 2121 | Accounts payable |
47 | 2131 | 预收账款 | 47 | 2131 | Advances from customers |
48 | 2141 | 代销商品款 | 48 | 2141 | Consignment-in money |
49 | 2151 | 应付工资 | 49 | 2151 | Accrued payroll |
50 | 2153 | 应付福利费 | 50 | 2153 | Welfare expenses payable |
51 | 2161 | 应付股利 | 51 | 2161 | Dividend payable |
52 | 2171 | 应交税金 | 52 | 2171 | Taxes payable |
| 217101 | 应交增值税 | | 217101 | VAT payable |
| 21710101 | 进项税额 | | 21710101 | Input VAT |
| 21710102 | 已交税金 | | 21710102 | Taxes paid |
| 21710103 | 转出未交增值税 | | 21710103 | Transfer-out of unpaid VAT |
| 21710104 | 减免税款 | | 21710104 | VAT deductions and exemptions |
| 21710105 | 销项税额 | | 21710105 | Output VAT |
| 21710106 | 出口退税 | | 21710106 | Refund of export duty |
| 21710107 | 进项税额转出 | | 21710107 | Transfer-out of input VAT |
| 21710108 | 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额 | | 21710108 | Export duty deductible from taxes payable on domestic sales |
| 21710109 | 转出多交增值税 | | 21710109 | Transfer-out of overpaid VAT |
| 21710110 | 未交增值税 | | 21710110 | Unpaid VAT |
| 217102 | 应交营业税 | | 217102 | Business tax payable |
| 217103 | 应交消费税 | | 217103 | Consumption tax payable |
| 217104 | 应交资源税 | | 217104 | Resources tax payable |
| 217105 | 应交所得税 | | 217105 | Income tax payable |
| 217106 | 应交土地增值税 | | 217106 | Land appreciation tax payable |
| 217107 | 应交城市维护建设税 | | 217107 | Urban construction and maintenance tax payable |
| 217108 | 应交房产税 | | 217108 | Property tax payable |
| 217109 | 应交土地使用税 | | 217109 | Land use tax payable |
| 217110 | 应交车船使用税 | | 217110 | Vehicle and vessel usage tax payable |
| 217111 | 应交个人所得税 | | 217111 | Individual income tax payable |
53 | 2176 | 其他应交款 | 53 | 2176 | Other payables |
54 | 2181 | 其他应付款 | 54 | 2181 | Other amounts payable |
55 | 2191 | 预提费用 | 55 | 2191 | Accrued expenses |
56 | 2201 | 待转资产价值 | 56 | 2201 | Asset value to be carried over |
57 | 2211 | 预计负债 | 57 | 2211 | Estimated liabilities |
58 | 2301 | 长期借款 | 58 | 2301 | Long-term borrowings |
59 | 2311 | 应付债券 | 59 | 2311 | Bond payable |
| 231101 | 债券面值 | | 231101 | Par value of bond |
| 231102 | 债券溢价 | | 231102 | Premium on bond |
| 231103 | 债券折价 | | 231103 | Discount on bond |
| 231104 | 应计利息 | | 231104 | Accrued interest |
60 | 2321 | 长期应付款 | 60 | 2321 | Long-term payables |
61 | 2331 | 专项应付款 | 61 | 2331 | Special payables |
62 | 2341 | 递延税款 | 62 | 2341 | Deferred taxes |
| | 三、所有者权益类 | | | Ⅲ .Owners' Equity |
63 | 3101 | 实收资本 ( 或股本 ) | 63 | 3101 | Paid-in capital (or stock) |
64 | 3103 | 归还投资 | 64 | 3103 | Investment returned |
65 | 3111 | 资本公积 | 65 | 3111 | Capital surplus |
| 311101 | 资本 ( 或股本 ) 溢价 | | 311101 | Premium on capital (or stock) |
| 311102 | 接受捐赠非现金资产准备 | | 311102 | Reserve of donated non-cash assets |
| 311103 | 接受现金捐赠 | | 311103 | Cash donation |
| 311104 | 股权投资准备 | | 311104 | Equity investment reserve |
| 311105 | 拨款转入 | | 311105 | Transfer-in of appropriations |
| 311106 | 外币资本折算差额 | | 311106 | Foreign currency translation difference |
| 311107 | 其他资本公积 | | 311107 | Other capital surplus |
66 | 3121 | 盈余公积 | 66 | 3121 | Surplus reserve |
| 312101 | 法定盈余公积 | | 312101 | Statutory surplus reserve |
| 312102 | 任意盈余公积 | | 312102 | Discretionary surplus reserve |
| 312103 | 法定公益金 | | 312103 | Statutory public welfare fund |
| 312104 | 储备基金 | | 312104 | Reserve fund |
| 312105 | 企业发展基金 | | 312105 | Enterprise expansion fund |
| 312106 | 利润归还投资 | | 312106 | Profit capitalized on return of investment |
67 | 3131 | 本年利润 | 67 | 3131 | Profit for the year |
68 | 3141 | 利润分配 | 68 | 3141 | Profit distribution |
| 314101 | 其他转入 | | 314101 | Other transfer-ins |
| 314102 | 提取法定盈余公积 | | 314102 | Appropriation of statutory surplus reserve |
| 314103 | 提取法定公益金 | | 314103 | Appropriation of statutory public welfare fund |
| 314104 | 提取储备基金 | | 314104 | Appropriation of reserve fund |
| 314105 | 提取企业发展基金 | | 314105 | Appropriation of enterprise expansion fund |
| 314106 | 提取职工奖励及福利基金 | | 314106 | Appropriation of employee welfare and bonus fund |
| 314107 | 利润归还投资 | | 314107 | Profit capitalized on return of investment |
| 314108 | 应付优先股股利 | | 314108 | Dividend payable on preferred stock |
| 314109 | 提取任意盈余公积 | | 314109 | Appropriation of discretionary surplus reserve |
| 314110 | 应付普通股股利 | | 314110 | Dividend payable on common stock |
| 314111 | 转作资本 ( 或股本 ) 的普通股股利 | | 314111 | Conversion of common stock dividend into capital (or stock) |
| 314115 | 未分配利润 | | 314115 | Undistributed profit |
| | 四、成本类 | | | IV. Costs |
69 | 4101 | 生产成本 | 69 | 4101 | Production cost |
| 410101 | 基本生产成本 | | 410101 | Primary production cost |
| 410102 | 辅助生产成本 | | 410102 | Auxiliary production cost |
70 | 4105 | 制造费用 | 70 | 4105 | Manufacturing expenses |
71 | 4107 | 劳务成本 | 71 | 4107 | Cost of service |
| | 五、损益类 | | | V. Income and losses |
72 | 5101 | 主营业务收入 | 72 | 5101 | Revenue from main operations |
73 | 5102 | 其他业务收入 | 73 | 5102 | Revenue from other operations |
74 | 5201 | 投资收益 | 74 | 5201 | Investment income |
75 | 5203 | 补贴收入 | 75 | 5203 | Revenue from subsidies |
76 | 5301 | 营业外收入 | 76 | 5301 | Non-operating revenue |
77 | 5401 | 主营业务成本 | 77 | 5401 | Cost of main operations |
78 | 5402 | 主营业务税金及附加 | 78 | 5402 | Taxes and surcharge for main operations |
79 | 5405 | 其他业务支出 | 79 | 5405 | Expenditures on other operations |
80 | 5501 | 营业费用 | 80 | 5501 | Operating expenses |
81 | 5502 | 管理费用 | 81 | 5502 | General and administrative expenses |
82 | 5503 | 财务费用 | 82 | 5503 | Financial expenses |
83 | 5601 | 营业外支出 | 83 | 5601 | Non-operating expenditures |
84 | 5701 | 所得税 | 84 | 5701 | Income tax |
85 | 5801 | 以前年度损益调整 | 85 | 5801 | Adjustment to prior years' income and losses |