我老婆是一名职业女性:注册会计师。当她要从冰箱里拿食物的时候总是使用后进先出法。 ov\Ct%]
I have a professional woman as my wife; a Chartered Accountant. She uses LIFO method while taking out the refrigerated food. 0M#N=%31
She thinks I am no good with numbers. Fine with me, for now she handles the budget of the house. Initially she used to send me a bill at the month end, but when I told her that I am not her client but her husband, she asks for the money in advance. The expenses had been rising steadily over the months, so one day I snooped into the papers maintained in a current file. vQ:x%=]
怪不得!她真是疯了!我告诉她,但是她却纠正我:不,亲爱的,我才是审计师。我顿时倍感黑暗。 VFilF<