Pn[R.u(l F7~T=X)1 How to write a report/letter or memo? nVVQ^i}`G Q-M"+ HO Firstparagraph, introducing the background.
x^ruPiH .W)%*~ O!; Secondparagraph, describing the problem, situation or dilemma in the senario.
P,/=c(5\} XFU['BI Thirdparagraph, assessing and analysing the problem, situation or dilemma by usingappropriate knowledge from P1 syllubas. Once you put forward a theory or amodel, firstly please explain it clearly to the marker, secondly applyappropriate knowledge by quoting related sentence from the senario and make yourconcerns about the case.
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Fourth paragraph, make proposals and suggestions related to thesenario. chr^
>%Q_ vw/L|b7G 9e*v&A2Y' 答案:
6+hx64 = i)Three levels of Kohlberg’s theory
" g7 k&h3" KkJK5dZo ^mA ^7jB ii)In the case, Mr Mineta didn’t believe in right and wrong and once told her that‘I’m in this job for what I can get for myself – big risks bring big returns andbig bonuses for me.’ Mr. Mineta operated at pre-conventional stage. What his actis for the best interest of his own.
XpLK0YI V"T48~Ue iii)For a prfessional bank employee, the most appropirate stage is the second ofconventional. He should act to comply with law and regulations atleast.