今年6月考试计划报考S828青岛和S801新疆考点的学员请注意,以上两个考点的报名截止日期为3月2日(周五)。如果尚未收到英国邮寄来的考试报名表格,请您EMAIL至 ACCA北京代表处申请填写报名表格。
MUNeGqv 青岛(考场代码:S828) C%v@u$N SGH"m/ e Examfee: RMB300 per paper 1uv"5
`%s 特殊考场费用:人民币300元/科 d
71Ssk|L Paymentmethod: Fees should be paid through Business code postal order. Theinstruction is attached. j2#Vdw|j 付费方式:商务邮政汇款 (请见下方说明) +=MO6}5T \+v_6F Paymentdeadline: )xP]rOT One weekbefore the first ACCA exam date. ZzI^*Nyg 付费截止时间:2012年5月25日 ;4F[*VF!w v>g1\yIw Examvenue address: tF&%7(EU3 1F,BuildingX, China Ocean University, Xiang Gang Dong Lu, Qingdao <V"'j Contactdetails: Mr. Wu 13375563299 J mFzSR?} 考点地址:青岛市香港东路 中国海洋大学浮山校区 X区(进校门右转,见路标) ]&VD$Z984r 8ne'x!1 D 联系方式:吴老师 13375563299 +F 6KGK[ [}lv!KmzW 新疆(考场代码:S801) R]/F{Xs h=4m2m Examfee: RMB350 per paper ,D3q8?j 特殊考场费用:人民币350元/科 hS
+;HB, rN{&$+"2 Paymentmethod: Fees should be paid through Business code postal order. Theinstruction is attached. )sB`!:~HjP 付费方式:商务邮政汇款 (请见下方说明) a|5GC pp pWps-e Paymentdeadline: Ec0Ee0%A] One weekbefore the first ACCA exam date. jRB:o?S 付费截止时间:2012年5月25日 f]5bAs MH"c=mL: Examvenue address: ?Dm!
;Z+7 XinjiangUniversity of Finance and Economics, C(iA G No.237 WestHangzhou Road, Urumqi, Xinjiang, fdd
3H[ JiminBuilding Business School Xincheng Park Campus &.<{c
`- 考点地址:乌鲁木齐市杭州西路237号新疆财经大学新城公园校区商务学院济民楼 f|6%71 联系电话:(0991) 7804687;7842121 gNs@Q! 付款方式: X.Z?Ie •考生只能通过邮政商务汇款方式缴纳考试费用,请不要支付或邮寄现金。 K
$z@e19g T
•通过邮局汇款时,请选择商务汇款方式并在附言位置注明考生姓名及考试名称. )OH!<jW 收款人姓名:英国大使馆文化教育处考试部 %DPtK)X1 商户客户号:111410143 ]pb;q(?^ •汇款后请将汇款回执传真至英国大使馆文化教育处考试部010-65900977,或将回执扫描并电邮至UKexams.beijing@britishcouncil.org.cn ,请在传真或邮件上写明考生的姓名,e-mail地址和联系电话。 +#Ov9b •请参照所附范本填写汇款单: s/sH", 范本 3QUe:8 a%(1#2^`q! (注意:请提醒邮局工作人员将上述商务号和收款人姓名同时并准确输入汇款系统,以保证汇款成功。) %F&j B Terms ofpayment- Exam fee is payable by postal remittance only. Pleasedo not pay or mail cash to us.
- Please use the business code postal remittanceservice and write candidate name and purpose of payment in theremark column on the remittance form.
f#JLE+0Y Paymentreceiver: 英国大使馆文化教育处考试部 f
21w`Uk48 Businesscode: 111410143- Please fax/email the postal remittancereceipt to our office. Please write the candidate’s name, e-mail address andtelephone number on the fax/email. .Ji
Fax: 010-65900977 Email:UKexams.beijing@britishcouncil.org.cn - The postal remittance form should be filledin as in the sample:
C _[jQTr Sample(Note:Please remind Post Office staff to input the‘Business code’ and ‘Payment receiver’ information accurately into system tomake sure the payment can be processed.)