A (1)ABC 作业基础成本计算 FCn_^l)EA
A (2)absorbed overhead 已吸收制造费用 -`t^7pr
A (3)absorption costing 吸收成本计算 bYPK h
A (4)account 账户,报表 YAmb`CP
A (5)accounting postulate 会计假设 m#F`] {
A (6)accounting series release 会计公告文件 4Z,!zFS$`
A (7)accounting valuation 会计计价 <Ok3FE.K
A (8)account sale 承销清单 y)gKxRaCS
A (9)accountability concept 经营责任概念 A +)`ZTuO
A (10)accountancy 会计职业 cFWc<55aX6
A (11)accountant 会计师 V470C@
A (12)accounting 会计 DFTyMB1H
A (13)agency cost 代理成本 j8`BdKg
A (14)accounting bases 会计基础 C6yuX\
A (15)accounting manual 会计手册 !Rt
A (16)accounting period 会计期间 H7j0K ~U0
A (17)accounting policies 会计方针 I!?}jo3
A (18)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率 2 Vrw
A (19)accounting reference date 会计参照日 *WT`o>
A (20)accounting reference period 会计参照期间 /FJu)H..U
A (21)accrual concept 应计概念 e 3TI|e_
A (22)accrual expenses 应计费用 8&aq/4:q0
A (23)acid test ration 速动比率(酸性测试比率) E@3aI
A (24)acquisition 购置 O0y_Lm\
A (25)acquisition accounting 收购会计 O8.5}>gDn.
A (26)activity based accounting 作业基础成本计算 ia 73?*mXT
A (27)adjusting events 调整事项 o0vUj
A (28)administrative expenses 行政管理费 DDH:)=;z
A (29)advice note 发货通知 baK$L;Xo:
A (30)amortization 摊销 #
A (31)analytical review 分析性检查 '6Q=#:mc\
A (32)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法 Z)aUt
A (33)annual report and accounts 年度报告和报表 [zM-
A (34)appraisal cost 检验成本 0_t`%l=
A (35)appropriation account 盈余分配账户 {!dV
A (36)articles of association 公司章程细则 ^ovR7+V
A (37)assets 资产 ]P?vdgEM&
A (38)assets cover 资产保障 xK\d4"
A (39)asset value per share 每股资产价值 \;"=QmRD%:
A (40)associated company 联营公司 Vy,DN~ag
A (41)attainable standard 可达标准 ox (%5c)b|
A (42)attributable profit 可归属利润 cjIh}:|'
A (43)audit 审计 >
A (44)audit report 审计报告 H
A (45)auditing standards 审计准则 H+Sz=tg5
A (46)authorized share capital 额定股本 )%@J=&G8TT
A (47)available hours 可用小时 /RC7"QzL
A (48)avoidable costs 可避免成本 )TH@#
B (49)back-to-back loan 易币贷款 #?9;uy<j.q
B (50)backflush accounting 倒退成本计算 v oj^pzZ
B (51)bad debts 坏帐 Tyf`j,=
B (52)bad debts ratio 坏帐比率 >s?S+W[L
B (53)bank charges 银行手续费 'CkIz"Wd
B (54)bank overdraft 银行透支 Gk /fBs
B (55)bank reconciliation 银行存款调节表 1HZO9cXJ
B (56)bank statement 银行对账单 7{I0s;R
B (57)bankruptcy 破产 M1iS(x
B (58)basis of apportionment 分摊基础 c|@bwat4
B (59)batch 批量 ^qD$z=z-
B (60)batch costing 分批成本计算 Y#P%6Fy
B (61)beta factor B(市场)风险因素 g~A`N=r;h
B (62)bill 账单 "u^H#L>-q
B (63)bill of exchange 汇票 <;Zmjeb+#
B (64)bill of landing 提单 9e,0\J
B (65)bill of materials 用料预计单 )C]gld;8
B (66)bill payable 应付票据 76h ,]xi
B (67)bill receivable 应收票据 (S\[Y9
B (68)bin card 存货记录卡 wyO4Y
B (69)bonus 红利 @8r pD"x
B (70)book-keeping 薄记 "]b<uV
B (71)Boston classification 波士顿分类 FSW_<%
B (72)breakeven chart 保本图 EE'io5\et
B (73)breakeven point 保本点 8i#2d1O
B (74)breaking-down time 复位时间 F%D.zvKN
B (75)budget 预算 ]*[ 2$
B (76)budget center 预算中心 R3&Iu=g
B (77)budget cost allowance 预算成本折让 54R#W:t
B (78)budget manual 预算手册 Xg!{K3OS
B (79)budget period 预算期间 T&u5ki4NE
B (80)budgetary control 预算控制 Lhb35;\
B (81)budgeted capacity 预算生产能力 "8jf81V*
B (82)burden 制造费用 41?HY{&2
B (83)business center 经营中心 UIN<2F_
B (84)business entity 营业个体 P%&0]FCx
B (85)business unit 经营单位 G.a b ql
B (86)buy-out management 管理性购买产权 j0evq+
B (87)by-product 副产品 Jgd'1'FOs
C (88)called-up share capital 催缴股本 =Qj{T
C (89)capacity 生产能力
C (90)capacity ratios 生产能力比率 .Una+Z
C (91)capital 资本 X296tA>C`
C (92)capital assets pricing model 资本资产计价模式 ryUQU^v
C (93)capital commitment 承诺资本 DJ [#5h5
C (94)capital employed 已运用的资本 f=gW]x7'R+
C (95)capital expenditure 资本支出 O$j7i:G'5
C (96)capital expenditure authorization 资本支出核准 9oR@UW1
C (97)capital expenditure control 资本支出控制 -23w2Qt
C (98)capital expenditure proposal 资本支出申请 `1{ZqRFQ
C (99)capital funding planning 资本基金筹集计划 Nk VK
C (100)capital gain 资本收益 4`]^@"{
C (101)capital investment appraisal 资本投资评估 O#~yKqB
C (102)capital maintenance 资本保全 9YQb&
C (103)capital resource planning 资本资源计划 4,gK[ dc
C (104)capital surplus 资本盈余 {|_M
C (105)capital turnover 资本周转率 _w+:Dv~*a
C (106)card 记录卡 &LZn
C (107)cash 现金 d#rf5<i
C (108)cash account 现金账户 a PfO$b:
C (109)cash book 现金账薄 J1RJ*mo7,
C (110)cash cow 金牛产品 oiT[de\S
C (111)cash flow 现金流量 Ed,~1GanY
C (112)cash discounted 现金贴现 hl (hJfp
C (113)cash flow budget 现金流量预算 )SRefW
C (114)cash flow statement 现金流量表 6x[}g
C (115)cash ledger 现金分类账 j94=hJVKi
C (116)cash limit 现金限额 2E/"hQw
C (117)CCA 现时成本会计 )E@.!Ut4o
C (118)center 中心 {9;CNsd
C (119)changeover time 变更时间 g:D>.lKd
C (120)chartered entity 特许经济个体 Yi+wC}
C (121)cheque 支票 xU>WEm2
C (122)cheque register 支票登记薄 (X1e5j>Ru
C (123)coin analysis 零钱分类 q#ClnG*
C (124)classification 分类 n :\~'+$
C (125)clock card 工时卡 T?soJ]A
C (126)code 代码 wb5baY9
C (127)commitment accounting 承诺确认会计
C (128)common cost 共同成本 m=A(NKZ
C (129)company limited by guarantee 有限担保责任公司