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IBA Credit Limited港基國際財務有限公司 ,' VT75
IBU International Finance LimitedIBU國際財務有限公司 tljZE)
idle fund游資;閒置資金 +yYxHIOZ(
illegal consideration違法代價 H@ Yj
illegal loan不合法貸款 uq?((
immediate interest直接及現有的利益 #gn{X!;-;
immediate outlook for the economy經濟近期展望 j3>0oe!
immediate parties有直接關係的各方 .TZ0FxW
immigration-linked investment scheme與移民有關的投資計劃 &O8vI,M
immovable property不動產 r9MS,KG8
immunity豁免權;免除責任 m}Xb #NAF8
implicit price deflator內含平減物價指數 @uA=v/>+
implied indemnity隱含彌償 >=Bl/0YH
import and export trade進出口貿易 [bM$n
import and export trade statistics進出口貿易統計數字 "/H B#
import demand進口需求 6d~[j<@2
import deposit scheme進口保證金計劃 )(bAi
import duty進口稅 (bhMo^3/*
import price進口價格 2L!s'^m-
import surcharge進口附加稅;進口附加費 |Y|6`9;
imported inflation進口通脹;輸入通脹 TwPpZ@
imposition of tax課稅;徵稅 7`eg;s^
imprest account預墊備用金帳戶;定額備用金帳戶 ,~8&0p
imprest cash預墊備用現金;定額備用現金 3oD?e
imprest fund預墊備用金;定額備用金 1. A@5* Q
imprest warrant預墊備用金令 rtM29~c>@
improper investment不當投資 gn82_
imputed cost推算成本;設算成本 #h=pU/R
imputed price估算價格 qmmQHS
in absolute cash terms按絕對現金數值 oZ]^zzoEcg
in absolute terms按絕對價值計算 t =LIkwD
in custody of firm商號保管 N
in debt負債 B:mtl?69g
in denomination of...以……為單位 F:$*0!
in money terms按貨幣計算 +"} #4
in net terms按淨額計算 `L~gERW#
in nominal terms按名義價值計算 6&oaxAp<s
in real terms按實值計算 .+3~
in relative terms按相對價值計算 zX]4DLl,
in terms of value-added按增值額計算 Rtywi}VV2
in the money正在賺錢;當時有利價;資金充裕 vw~=z6Ka
in value terms按價值計算 Yt]Y(
inactive warrant不活躍認股權證 #(pY~\
inchoate instrument不完整的票據 C" SG':
Inchroy Credit Corporation Limited英利信用財務有限公司 %*bGW'Cw
incidence of taxation納稅負擔 LI}@qL
incidental expenses雜項開支 \9t/*%:
incidental outlay附帶開支 k'6x_
income入息;收入;收益 E;1QD/E$
income after deductions扣除後入息實額 >DM^/EAG{
income and expenditure account收支帳;收支結算表;收支表 #'y4UN
income approach入息計算法
income band入息組別 R6m6bsZ`
income chargeable to salaries tax應課薪俸稅的入息 R)ep1X^
income collected in advance預收收益 Wf!u?nH.5
income derived beneficially所得並享有實益的入息 )#os!Ns_A
income distribution入息分配;收入分配;收益分配 5ho!}K
income from employment受僱的收入 } *:H\GL
income group入息組別 F_I.=zQr