虚账户(nominal accounts) h,]lN'JG{
序时账簿(book of chronological entry) TQvjU!>
一次凭证(single-record document) g
1B P
银行存款日记账(deposit journal) ]]5(:>l
永续盘存制(perpetual inventory system) r 2{7h>
原始凭证(source document) NVDIuh
暂记账户(suspense accounts) ol_&epG;ST
增减记账法(increase-decrease bookkeeping) -ilhC Y@M
债权结算账户(accounts for settlement of claim) h}S2b@e|
债权债务结算账户(accounts for settlement of claim and debt) j",*&sy
债务结算账户(accounts for settlement of debt) `2xt%kC
账户(account) U)z1RHP|z
账户编号(Account number) 37V$Qb_
账户对应关系(debit-credit relationship) ]0{,P
账项调整(adjustment of account) G)""^YB-
专用记账凭证(special-purpose voucher) 8"u.GL.
转回分录(reversing entry) dE(d'*+a
资金来源账户(accounts of sources of funds) Q"qJ0f)
资产负债账户(balance sheet accounts) E>"SC\#7
转账凭证(transfer voucher) d 5hx%M
资金运用账户(accounts of applications of funds) F[fs^Q6S$
自制原始凭证(internal source document) *LvdrPxU=
总分类账簿(general ledger) T{BGg
总分类账户(general account) i-x/h-
附加账户(adjunct accounts) O /h1ew
付款凭证(payment voucher) eE{
分类账簿(ledger) 0bGQO&s
中级会计 q"LT 8nD\
固定资产(fixed assets) gX*
利润总额 Pfm B{
利益分配(profit distribution) rj<-sfs
应计费用(accrued expense) kioIyV\=
商标权(trademarks and tradenames) 4U[X-AIY&