初级会计 E5$uvxCI
汇总原始凭证(cumulative source document) fwaM ;YN_
汇总记账凭证核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using summary ovchers) 0*o =JM]
工作底稿(working paper) IF3 V5Q
复式记账凭证(mvltiple account titles voucher) ~T&X#i
复式记账法(Double entry bookkeeping) KQ.cd]6
复合分录(compound entry) G_?qY#"(
划线更正法(correction by drawing a straight ling) Fprhu;h
汇总原始凭证(cumulative source document) .T}S[`Yx5
会计凭证(accounting documents) 66cPo
会计科目表(chart of accounts) V,:~FufM^
会计科目(account title) .,SWa;[iB
红字更正法(correction by using red ink) Zy >W2(<
会计核算形式(bookkeeping procedures) 2|LkCu)~,"
过账(posting) {4b8s%:!4
会计致迹╝ccounting entry) .?.Q[ic
会计循环(accounting cycle) '8fL)Zk
会计账簿(Book of accounts) 8wA'a'V.
活页式账簿(loose-leaf book) }pv<<7}|
集合分配账户(clearing accounts) /f
计价对比账户(matching accounts) ys|};*
记账方法(bookkeeping methods) ^os|yRzV*M
记账规则(recording rules) Q |^c5
记账凭证(voucher) 8 9f{8B]z
记账凭证核算形式(Bookkeeping proced ureusing vouchers) O)G^VD s
记账凭证汇总表核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary) oOK&+r7
简单分录(simple entry) _1P8rc"Dx
结算账户(settlement accounts) - Tr*G4
结账(closing account) R~(_m#6`:
结账分录(closing entry) )UG<KcdI
借贷记账法(debit-credit bookkeeping) G-sA)WOF
通用日记账核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using general journal) ^ZO3:"t!w
外来原始凭证(source document from outside) Le}-F{~`^
现金日记账(cash journal)