两笔交易观(two-transaction opinion) Gw./qu-W
破产清算(bankrupcy liquidation) 3/AUV%+
企业合并(business combination) K$.zO4
企业论(the enterprise theory) md`ToU
商品寄销(consignment) :qbG%_PJ
个人所得税(personal income tax) e?YbG.(E9
个人财务报表(personal financial state-ments)(美) V4-=Ni]k
改组计划(reorganization plan)(美) F[u%t34'
改组(reorganization) jQb D2x6(
复杂权益法(complex equity method) AH`15k_i
附属公司(associated company) 6:,^CI|@t
负权人偿金(dividend) HFr3(gNj@
浮动汇率(floating rate) [z~Nw#
分支机构会计(accounting for branch) nADd,|xD3
推定赎回损益(constructive gains and losses on bonds) k~R[5W|'
推定赎回(constructive retirement) e
投机(spculation) V.#8-?z
贴水(discount) 78)^vvn5~
特定物价指数(specific price index) ]Yg EnZ
分支机构(branch) Dkb&/k:)
分期收款销货(installment sales) _p&$X
分次清算(installment liquidation) `k&K"jA7$
分部报告(segmental reporting) qJA.+q.e$e
房地产收入(real estate revenue) sJoi fl
房地产成本(cost of real setate) !
房地产(real estate) G!8pF
多种汇率法(multiply exchange rate) kKM%
对境外实体的净投资(net investment in foreign entities) bY~ v0kg
订量单位:(units of measurement) yxN!*~BvL
递延法(deffered method) %?hLo8
当代理论(contemporary theory) lc-|Q#$3$
单一汇率法(singal method) d*$<%J
退休金(pension plan) tTH%YtG
退休金会计(accounting for pension plan)(