递延税款贷项 Deferred taxation credit )AX0x1I|E
股本 Share capital NVTNjDF%s
已归还投资 Investment returned r dc}e"v
利润分配-其他转入 Profit appropriation - other transfer in
利润分配-提取法定盈余公积 Profit appropriation - statutory surplus reserve jmcb-=ts
利润分配-提取法定公益金 Profit appropriation - statutory welfare reserve |CC(`<\R
利润分配-提取储备基金 Profit appropriation - reserve fund &r{.b#7\/A
利润分配-提取企业发展基金 Profit appropriation - enterprise development fund b :Knc$
利润分配-提取职工奖励及福利基金 Profit appropriation - staff bonus and welfare fund !_EaF`oh(
利润分配-利润归还投资 Profit appropriation - return investment by profit NbD"O8dL~E
利润分配-应付优先股股利 Profit appropriation - preference shares dividends t5%\`Yo?
利润分配-提取任意盈余公积 Profit appropriation - other surplus reserve 1-Fz#v7p
利润分配-应付普通股股利 Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends Dn6 k,nVh
利润分配-转作股本的普通股股利 Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends converted to shares ]m#.MZe
期初未分配利润 Retained earnings, beginning of the year nbnbG0r:
资本公积-股本溢价 Capital surplus - share premium n.[0#Ur&}
资本公积-接受捐赠非现金资产准备 Capital surplus - donation reserve Pgy&/-u
资本公积-接受现金捐赠 Capital surplus - cash donation \~(ww3e
资本公积-股权投资准备 Capital surplus - investment reserve sGf\!w
资本公积-拨款转入 Capital surplus - subsidiary \LFRu
资本公积-外币资本折算差额 Capital surplus - foreign currency translation {\OIowa
资本公积-其他 Capital surplus - others 5aF03+ko
盈余公积-法定盈余公积金 Surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve Q9lw~"
盈余公积-任意盈余公积金 Surplus reserve - other surplus reserve 5$r`e+Nf'
盈余公积-法定公益金 Surplus reserve - statutory welfare reserve -XVC,.Ly
盈余公积-储备基金 Surplus reserve - reserve fund AC=/BU3<yc
盈余公积-企业发展基金 Surplus reserve - enterprise development fund B%v2)+?@
盈余公积-利润归还投资 Surplus reserve - reture investment by investment Wdt
主营业务收入 Sales }`oe
主营业务成本 Cost of sales (l28,\Bel
主营业务税金及附加 Sales tax 1_Um6vS#
营业费用 Operating expenses 4T-9F
管理费用 General and administrative expenses 58H [sM4>
财务费用 Financial expenses q;T3bxp+
投资收益 Investment income dbkkx1{>Y
其他业务收入 Other operating income FuOP+r!H
营业外收入 Non-operating income
补贴收入 Subsidy income }w \["r
其他业务支出 Other operating expenses Dt~Jx\\
营业外支出 Non-operating expenses f`5e0;zm
所得税 Income tax s!\uR.
直接人工成本差异(direct labor variance) rh*Pl]'3z
直接材料成本差异(direct material variance) zMfr`&%e
在产品计价(work-in-process costing) Bi"7FF(z
联产品成本计算(joint products costing) Ni5~Buf
生产成本汇总程序(accumulation process of procluction cost) FhgO5@BO
制造费用差异(manufacturing expenses variance) |kvom 4 T
实际成本与估计成本(actual cost and estimated cost) EDR;" G(N
工资费用分配(salary costs allocation) Hno:"k?
成本曲线(cost curve) O a_2J#~$
农业生产成本(agriculture production cost) d}K"dr:W5
原始成本和重置成本(original cost and replacement cost) DiK@>$v
工程施工成本 <RmI)g>'_^
直接成本与间接成本(direct cost and indirect cost) `~Eo;'( +^
可控成本(controllable cost) *p;Fwj]
制造费用分配(manufacturing expenses allocation) 5oQy
理论成本与应用成本(theory cost and practice cost) eRC
辅助生产成本分配(auxiliary production cost allocation) 0]l _qxv
期间,费用 [>P@3t(/
成本控制程序(procedure of cost control) `A@{})+
成本记录(cost entry, cost recorder cost agenda) k+>-?S,
成本计算分批法(job costing method) j2T
成本计算分步法 QN_Zd@K*A
直接人工成本差异(direct labor variance) bk E4{P"
成本控制方法(cost control method)