grow at a respectable pace 有可观的增长;有不俗的增长率 ).71gp@&
Growth Enterprise Market Department [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 创业板部〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 tJ^p}yxO
growth momentum 增长劲力 Zonjk%tC
growth movement 增长趋势 1{a%V
growth path 增长线;增长途径 |
growth rate of domestic export 本地产品出口增长率 TDH^x1P
growth with stability 稳步增长 |oPRP1F-;e
guarantee 担保;保证 '`2KLO>!
guarantee company 担保公司;保证公司 A8m06
guarantee corporation 保证法团 fu5L)P^T
guarantee deposit and margin paid 缴付的保证按金 7X>IS#W]
guarantee deposit and margin received 存入的保证按金 $XF$ n#ua
guarantee fund 保证基金;担保基金 (7R?T}
Guarantee Law 《担保法》 -Uo11'{
guarantee of bank loan 银行贷款保证 U ]<l-~|
guarantee of due payment 付款保证书 qfDG.Zee
Guarantee Scheme [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 担保计划〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 o Xm
guaranteed benefit 保证利益 sT)>Vdwf_
guaranteed debenture 保付债权证 L2XhrLK.|
guaranteed line of credit 保证贷款限额 d/; tq
guaranteed note 保证票据;保证单;担保债券 uVEJV |^/
guaranteed surrender value 保证退保现金价值 RDdnOzx
guarantor 保证人;担保人 ,';|CGI cP
guardian 监护人 :c/54Ss~
Guide for Directors of Listed Companies 《上市公司董事指引》 |N&t
Guide to Applicants [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 《认可机构开业与经营指引》〔香港金融管理局〕 Q4u.v,sE
guideline figure 准则数字 {+67<&g
Guideline on Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading 《杠杆式外汇买卖指引》 zZ%[SW&vC
Guideline on Minimum Criteria for Authorization 《认可的最低准则的指引》 _*o<<C\E
Guideline on Recognition of Interest [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 《确认利息收入指引》〔香港金融管理局〕 >5FTBe[D
guideline ratio 准则比率 'I$FOH
Guidelines for the Exemption of Listed Companies from the Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance 《豁免上市公司遵守〈证券(披露权益)条例〉的指引》 %YR&>j
Guidelines for the Exemption of Listed Companies from the Share Repurchase Requirements of S.49BA of the Companies Ordinance 《豁免上市公司遵守〈公司条例〉第49BA条股份购回规定的指引》 iHPsRq!
guiding exchange rate 指导性汇率 ray3gM%JLj
Gulf Cooperation Council 海湾合作委员会 h.EI(Ev"GN
Gunma Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 群马财务(香港)有限公司