government conveyancing 政府产权转易 uwl;(zwh_
Government Economist 政府经济顾问 dw60m,m
government expenditure 政府开支 >~5>)yN_a1
government lotteries 政府奖券 0vs9# <&V
Government Lotteries Management Committee 政府奖券管理委员会 xrK%3nA4s"
government mortgage institution 政府按揭贷款机构 U'nz3
government property 政府财产 mk;l;!*T8
government property assets 政府物业资产 9 T4x1{mO
Government Regulations 《政府规例》 tIgKnKr^)
Government rent 地税;地租 @
government reserve 政府储备 .ya^8gM
government revenue 政府收入 pNo<:p
government securities consultant 政府证券业顾问 a(X?N.w
government trading department 参与商业活动的政府部门 eyZ /%4'q
government utility 政府公用事业 n:GK0wu.s
graduated rate 渐进税率 ;K:)R_H
grant 补助金;拨款 JU7EC~7|2c
grantor 授予人 38dXfl
gratuitous payment 赏金 Y" s1z<?
gratuity 酬金 vv
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gratuity benefit 酬金福利 P+sxlf:0
grey market 暗盘市场;灰市;暗市 Z~tOR{q
grey market trading 暗盘交易 'Pudy\Ab
gross amount 毛额 iNR6BP
gross capital formation 资本形成总额 !aD/I%X
gross claim 申索毛额 )g:\N8AZK
gross claim paid 已偿付申索毛额 j5ZeYcQ-
gross commission payable 须付的佣金毛额 U3 e3
gross contract value 合约总值 j(!M
gross domestic capital formation 本地资本形成总额 q@ >s#
gross domestic fixed capital formation 本地固定资本形成总额
gross domestic price capital formation 本地价格资本形成总额 _yyQ^M/
gross domestic product [GDP] 本地生产总值;国内生产总值 cjU*
gross domestic product at constant (1980) market price 按固定(一九八零年)市价计算的本地生产总值 /lSz8h2
gross domestic product at factor cost 按生产要素成本计算的本地生产总值 ~jb6
gross domestic product at market price 按市价计算的本地生产总值 _-%A_5lCRE
gross domestic product by industrial sector 按工业类别计算的本地生产总值 *r)/.rK_
gross domestic product component 本地生产总值的组成部分 0(;d<u)fS
gross domestic product deflator 本地生产总值平减物价指数 u{'bd;.7
gross domestic product estimate 估计本地生产总值;本地生产总值的估计数字 rS>JzbWa
gross domestic product per capita 按人口平均计算的本地生产总值 DD\:glo
gross expenditure 开支总额;总支出 %_wX9ZT
gross expenses 开支总额;总开支 maLKUSgo
gross income 收入总额;总收益 ;CD.8f]N
gross insurance liabilities 毛保险负债 ^zHBDRsb2F
gross liabilities 总负债 =yiRB?
gross loss 毛损;亏损总额 D;It0"
gross margin 毛利 Au$|@
gross margining 总额保证金制度 D*Y4B?,
gross national product [GNP] 本地居民生产总值;国民生产总值 k7Fa+Y)K
gross output 总产出;总产值;总产量 "#2z
gross premium 毛保费;保费总额 p6]4YGw*^
gross premium income 毛保费收入;保费收入总额 <J@Y=#G$2
gross principal value 基本价值总额 [rv"tz=
gross proceeds 总收益 ja}_u}:
gross proceeds from sales 销售总收入 q_5k2'4K
gross profit 毛利;溢利总额 'D8WNZ8Q
gross receipt 总收入 *z`_U]tP
gross return 总收益 \X5{>nNh
gross trading income 营业总收入 <Brq7:n|
group account 集团帐目 l [?o du4
group consolidated balance sheet 集团综合资产负债表 GFOd9=[
group loss relief 对集团的亏损给予税项宽免 p q7G[
Group of Seven [G7] 七大工业国 ~k?7XF I
Group of Seven leaders 七大工业国元首
Group of Ten [G10] 十国集团;十国财团组织 .oYUA}
group tax relief 集团税项宽减 /c
group trading system 集体贸易制度