gain 收益;增益 +cRn%ioVi
garnishee order 债权扣押令 SS2%qv
GE Capital Finance Ltd. 通用金融财务有限公司 phz&zlD
gearing ratio 资本与负债比率;杠杆比率〔认股权证〕 (V@HR9?W)
general acceptance 一般承兑 _VXN#@y
general account 一般帐目;总帐 yDh6KUK
general administrator 一般遗产管理人 2Z%O7V~u
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT] 《关税及贸易总协定》〔《关贸总协定》〕 S|}L
General Agreement on Trade in Services [GATS] 《服务贸易总协定》 d"Y{UE
general apportionment 一般分摊 2t,zLwBdnJ
General Arrangements to Borrow [GAB] 《借款总安排》 8b=_Y;
general body of shareholders 全体股东 TsZ@
general business 一般业务 @%SQFu@FJ
general capital increase 总增资 K,UMqAmk
general clearing member 一般结算会员 T^q
General Consumer Price Index [GCPI] 一般消费物价指数 FiU#T.`9'
general crossed cheque 普通划线支票 Ir]\|t
general crossing 普通划线 `$NP>%J-
general expenses 一般开支 fc@A0Hf
general fund 普通基金 paMa+jhQQ
General Household Survey 综合住户统计调查 ,z?':TZ
General Insurance Council [Hong Kong Federation of Insurers] 一般保险总会〔香港保险业联会〕 bPMhfK2 %
general ledger 总分类帐 hv+zGID7
general levy 一般征款 ,+ ~W4<f
general offer 公开要约;全面收购建议 wA.\i
general partner 普通合伙人 E\$W_Lmr
general partnership 普通合伙 w*Ihk)
general policy 一般保单 2Rz
general proxy 一般委托书 H)&R=s
general rates 一般差饷 jh$='G n
general reserve 一般储备金 azU"G(6y?+
general revaluation [rates] 全面重估应课差饷租值 wNX]7wMX
general revenue 一般收入;政府一般收入 h7@6T+#WoT
General Revenue Account [GRA] 政府一般收入帐目 NuI9iU
General Revenue Account expenditure 政府一般收入帐目开支 y> (w\K9W
General Revenue Account revenue 政府一般收入帐目收入 J8~haim
general revenue balance 政府一般收入余额 YbLW/E\T
general support grant 一般经费补助金 _XT pU
general warrant 普通拨款令 B1Oq!k
Generale Belgian Bank (also known as Belgian Bank) 华比银行 O'~+_ykTl
generalized system of preference [GSP] 普及特惠制〔普惠制〕 :H[6Lg\*
gilt-edged investment 稳当投资 },[}$m%
gilt-edged market 金边证券市场 C.QO#b
gilt-edged securities 金边证券 -.3w^D"l
Gini Coefficient 基尼系数 CH/rp4NeSy
global allocation 总拨款;拨款总额 &?RQZHtg
global costing 整体成本计算法 Ct|A:/z(
go private 私有化;私营化 5:Uso{
go public 上市 F<w/PMb
godown warrant 仓单 'W#D(l9nI
going concern 经营中的机构;持续经营 ?hM64jI|
gold 黄金 >i
gold bullion 金条;黄金 Np)lIGE
gold bullion held on an allocated basis 特别划分方式持有的黄金 ]{L jRSV
gold bullion market 黄金市场 RGX=)
gold coin 金币 }&3~|kP~O
gold coin certificate 金币证明书;金币证 |D.ND%K&
gold coin coupon 金币配给券 $7uA%|\
gold exchange standard 黄金汇兑本位制 8i,K~Bu=
gold futures 黄金期货;期金 A(0lM`X
Gold Identity Marks Registry 黄金标记注册处 L.WljNo
gold market 黄金市场 Xry47a
gold on paper 黄金券;纸黄金 3BLq CZ
gold, silver and platinum held in physical form 实金、实银及实白金 *9i{,I@
gold standard 金本位;金本位制 #89!'W
good book debt 可收回的帐面债项 Lh<).<S
good delivery 合格交货;合格交割 FGQzoS
good year 丰年 IIqUZJ
goods and services 商品及服务;货物与服务 abEmRJTmW
goodwill 商誉;信誉 nxHkv`s k
government bond 政府债券 bJ;'`sw1
government consumption expenditure 政府消费开支