J: .A;e`cKb
Japan Securities Clearing Corporation日本证券结算公司 I{8fTod
Japanese Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations日本证券交易商自动报价协会 .}.?b
Japanese Securities Finance Company日本证券金融公司 3;M7^DM
Japanese Yen [JPY]日圆 _ZM$&6EC
Jardine Fleming Bank Limited怡富银行 +mM=`[Z`??
JCG Finance Company, Limited日本信用保证财务有限公司 M2K{{pGJ[&
Jian Sing Bank Limited建新银行 V$y6=Q<c
Job Costing System分批成本计算系统 AJk0jh\.j%
jobber证券经销经纪;证券批销经纪;“批家” en"]u,!
jobber trade当日平仓买卖 ~r<@
jobbing business证券经销业务 yc4?'k!
jobbing on client从顾客身上赚价 l@ +lUx8
jobbing system经销制度;批销制度 :}QBrd
joint account联名户口;联合帐户;共同帐户 ET]PF ,`
joint and several note共同及各别的承付票 ^SP/&w<c
joint assessment合并评税 2K^D%U
joint contract共同合约 +D[|Mi
joint creditor共同债权人 ^/nj2"
joint debt共同债项 -^ )
joint debtor共同债务人 Y7WxV>E
Joint Declaration on Cooperation and Supervision of Cross-Border Investment Management Activities《有关监管跨境投资管理活动的联合声明》 gN2$;hb?
joint estate共有产业 ~SI`%^L
joint estates account联权共有产业的帐目 7Hghn"ol
Joint Financial Intelligence Unit [Hong Kong Monetary Authority]联合财富情报组〔香港金融管理局〕 $;kFuJF
Joint Funding Scheme联合拨款资助计划 P$YY4|`
joint holder联名持有人 ;[-OMGr]#
joint liability连带责任;共同责任 ~d0:>8zQR
joint liquidator联合清盘人 RJpH1XQ
joint loan联合贷款 RMinZ}/
income level入息水平 vNMndo!
income limit入息限額 )7$1Da|.
income payment收益付款 vrRbUwL!
income spectrum入息組別 glMYEGz6p
income statement入息表;收入表;收益表 ^!Y]l
income tax入息稅;所得稅 `pMI@"m
income tax authority入息稅主管當局 {1 VHz])I
income threshold入息限額 Ban@$uf
incomplete return未填妥的報稅表 b3/@$x<
inconvertible currency不能自由兌換的貨幣 j@N z
incorporated accountant註冊會計師 ?]*WVjskE
incorporated company法團公司;具法團地位的公司 8Zj=:;
incorporated public officer公職人員法團 Hrjry$t/J
incorporation註冊成立 %bu$t,
incorrect return內容不確實的報稅表;填報不確的報稅表 Xk9mJ]31LC
incremental value增值;遞增價值 vY 0EffZ
incumbrance產權負擔 r]h>Bb
incumbrancer產權負擔持有人 1NHiW
indebtedness負債;債項;負債額 u|;?FQ$M
indemnify彌償 _&(\>{pm
indemnity彌償;彌償保證 <x QvS^|[
indemnity clause彌償損失條款 CbvP1*1
indent委託採購單;代購訂單 q=I8W}Zi
indenture雙聯契約 {6*$ yLWK
independent audit獨立審計 |j 9d.M
index bond指數債券 ~]sj.>P
index futures指數期貨;期指 ;(&$Iw9X
index futures contract指數期貨合約 PK C}!>2
index of average land values平均土地價值指數 (/mR
Index of Company Names公司名稱索引 lN(|EI
index of industrial production工業生產指數
index warrant指數認股權證