注册会计考试常见英语单词财务英语词汇(六),Federal National Mortgage Association [United States] 联邦国民抵押协会〔美国〕。 -44{b<:D
财务英语词汇 Ns3k(j16
face value 面值;票面价值 E RnuM
facility letter 提供贷款通知书;贷款确认书 (- ]A1WQ?
Fact Book 19XX 《19XX股市资料》 c& &^Do
Fact Sheet 《股市资料》 frsqnvm;+
factor analysis 因素分析 QPL6cU$&R
factor cost 要素成本;生产要素成本 fC1PPgQ\
factor market 生产要素市场 ^Bkwbj
factor of production 生产要素 j^ y9+W_b
factor price 要素价格;生产要素价格 "DWw]\xO](
factor system 因素计算法 R1CoS6
factoring company 代理融通公司;代理收帐公司 h?cf)L
facultative reinsurance business 临时再保险业务 /3( a'o[
Faculty of Actuaries of Scotland 苏格兰精算师学院 ~96fyk|
fair dealing 公平交易 3}U {~l!K
fair market value 公平市值 >b6!*Lrhs
fair return 合理利润;合理收益 Ab|
fall back 回落 K
false accounting 伪造帐目 V_)G=#6Dy
false claim of business expenses 虚报营业开支 (f Gmjx
false entry 虚假记项 w4 R!aWLd
false market 假市 |s<IZ2z]}R
family income 家庭收入 ED0Vlw+1
family living expenses 家庭生活开支 12W`7
family-owned company 家族公司 ! };OLQ
Far East Exchange 远东交易所 iR_j
Far Eastern Economic Review 《远东经济评论》 nu
Far Eastern Relief Fund 远东赈济基金 e|6kgj3/
fast market 快市;速动市场 ape\zZCV
fast trading 交投畅旺 -> $]`h"
favourable balance 顺差 {xW HKsI>,
favourable balance of trade 贸易顺差 +0{$J\s
Federal funds [United States] 联邦基金〔美国〕 %
Federal funds rate 联邦基金利率 H]^hEQ3DT
Federal National Mortgage Association [United States] 联邦国民抵押协会〔美国〕 I-L52%E]
Federal Open Market Committee [FOMC] [United States] 联邦公开市场委员会〔美国〕 R&lJ& SgC
Federal Reserve Board [FRB] [United States] 联邦储备局〔联储局〕〔美国〕 xEULV4Qw
Federal Reserve System [Fed] [United States] 联邦储备系统〔美国〕 >v
sy P
Federal Reserve Wire Network [Fedwire] [United States] 联邦储备系统通讯网络〔美国〕 j<BW/
Federation Internationale des Bourses de Valeurs [FIBV] 国际证券交易所联会 )qyJwN
Federation of Share Registrars 证券登记公司总会 U%<E9G594
fee collection procedure 收费程序 4Z'/dI`
fee payable 应缴费用 J(0E'o{ug
fees and charges 费用及收费 S-^:p5{r
fees and receipts other than appropriation-in-aid 不包括补助拨款的收费及收益 ^(w%m#
fellow subsidiary 同集团附属公司 3I}(as{Rp
Fidelity Fund 互保基金 mNc?`G_R
fiduciary 受信人;受托人 &oU) ,H
fiduciary capacity 受信人身分 CrvL[6i
fiduciary duty 受信责任 !+<OED=qe
fiduciary issue 信用发行 [UP-BX(
fiduciary loan 信用放款;信用贷款 D90.z"N\i9
field audit 实地审查〔税务〕 c >8IM
Field Audit Group [Inland Revenue Department] 实地审核组〔税务局〕 O)2==_f\
field audit staff 实地审计人员;实地核数人员 ,b b/
final account 决算帐户;最后结算 1" k_l.\,0
final and conclusive assessment 最终及决定性的评税 YI877T9>
final assessment 最后评税 Ci?BJ,
final consumption expenditure 最终消费开支 [osIQ!u;:
final dividend 末期股息;末期摊还债款 V:YN!
final estimate 最终估计 *6C ]CS
final estimate of gross domestic product 本地生产总值的最后估计 Fj_
final goods 最终产品 FV 0x/)<z
%ZKP d8
Final Notice for Rates 差饷最后通知书 @k|V4
final salaries tax assessment 薪俸税最后评税 &d%0[Ui`
final settlement 最终结算 ,$H[DX
final settlement price 最终结算价格 >e'Hz (~'/
final statement 决算表 y Tb OBl
final tax 最后税款 ekR/X
finance 财务;融资 M/d6I$~7z
Finance and Management Services Division [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 财务及行政管理科〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 \f
Finance Bureau [FB] [Government Secretariat] 库务局〔政府总部〕 \#yKCA';
Finance Committee [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited, Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 财务委员会〔香港期货交易所有限公司;香港联合交易所有限公司〕 |H .
Finance Committee agenda item [FCai] [Legislative Council] 财务委员会议程文件〔立法会〕 Y&
Finance Committee of the Legislative Council 立法会财务委员会 c[E"
finance company 财务公司 y;GwMi$KI
Finance Department [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 财务部〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 \dx$G?R
Finance Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 财务处〔香港金融管理局〕 Ifx
finance lease 融资租赁 -;1nv:7Z3
finance sectorial index 金融分类指数 N=vb*3ECg
finance sub-index 金融分类指数
Financial Accounting Section [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 财务会计组〔香港金融管理局〕 ]Yw/}GKB
financial adjustment 财政调整 i".nnAI:
financial administration 财政管理;财务管理 h1_9Xp~N
financial adviser 财务顾问 ~zd+M/8
Financial and Accounting Regulations 《财务及会计规例》 q{c/TRp7
Financial and Institutional Coordinating Committee [FINSCOM] 财务监督委员会 )<~v~|re
financial appraisal 财政评估 @
L-] %C
financial arrangement 财政安排;财务安排 ii)DOq#2
financial assets 金融资产 3g{T+c*
financial assistance 经济援助;财政资助
financial auditing 财务审计 `[(.Q
financial capacity 经济能力 bTd94
financial centre 金融中心 K(:
Financial Circular 《财务通告》 U65a_dakk
financial commitment 财政承担;财政承担额 =/Lwprj
financial community 财经界 =[
financial conglomerate 金融集团 ([#4H3uO-
financial constraint 财政约束 O
L2 b
financial consultancy service 财务顾问服务 &tjv.t
financial contract 财务合约 R'z
financial control 财务管理;财务控制;财政规控 YCBcyE}p
financial derivative 金融衍生工具 8q"C=t7
financial derivative product 金融衍生产品 `p
financial discipline 财政纪律;财务约束 +lNAog
b\.l!v n0
financial disclosure 财务资料披露
financial disclosure rules 财务资料披露规则 V."qxKsz
financial exposure 财务风险 >hFg,5 _l3
financial futures 金融期货 ;;]^d_
financial guideline 财政准则 aSEzh78
financial implication 财政影响;财政负担;财政承担 jTh^#Q
financial information system 财务资料系统 y88lkV4a
financial infrastructure 金融基础建设;金融基础设施 *?`
Financial Infrastructure Section [Financial Services Bureau] 财经基建组〔财经事务局〕 JA]qAr
financial institution 财务机构;金融机构 `at>X&Ce,
financial instrument 金融工具;金融票据 v-MrurQ4
financial integrity 财政方面的稳健性 P.>5`^
financial intermediary 金融中介机构 (oG-h"^/
financial intermediation service 金融中介服务 )zMsKfQ
financial journalist 财经新闻工作者 4f-I,)qCBk
financial liberalization 金融市场自由化 ixjhZk i<
financial loss 财政损失 fnJ!~b*qo
financial management 财务管理 1=^edQ+
financial management and budgeting system 财务管理及预算系统 BK[ YX)
financial market 金融市场 R]xXG0
financial model 财政模式 IV]2#;OO?
Financial Monitoring Unit [FMU] [Economic Services Bureau] 财务监察组〔经济局〕 rv26vnJy"
financial objective 财政目标 dFw>SYrpu
financial obligation 财政承担;债务 6?uo6 I
financial performance 财政状况;财政业绩 FJC}xEMcN
financial planning 财政计划;财务规划 NNTUl$
financial planning guideline 财政计划准则 s6HfN'
financial position 财政状况;财务状况;经济状况 >VE!3' /'
financial pressure 财务压力 yu98d1
financial provision 财政拨款 Y5XhV;16
financial prudence 审慎理财 |\#6?y[o
financial requirement 财政需求;资金需要 qCUn.
financial resources 财政资源 wS%j!|xhlV
Financial Resources Rules: Notes for the Use of Securities Dealers 《财政资源规则:供证券交易商参考的注释》 s4kkzTnXE3
financial return 财政收益 e<E]8GAF
Financial Secretary 财政司司长 AfqthI
Financial Secretary Incorporated [FSI] 财政司法团 --'!5)U
Financial Secretary Incorporated Suspense Account 财政司法团暂记帐 U
Financial Secretarys Office 财政司司长办公室 `ZLA=oD
financial service 金融服务;财经服务 %.mHV7c)%
Financial Services Bureau [FSB] [Government Secretariat] 财经事务局〔政府总部〕 O~L/>Ya
financial services complex 金融服务综合大楼 !Bqmw
Financial Services Liaison Committee 金融事务联络委员会 ;qwNM~
financial services sector 金融服务业 j%TcW!D-_
financial sheet 财务报表 n^+rxG6L
financial situation 财务状况 7w8I6
financial statement 财政报告;财务报表 TD"w@jBA
financial support agreement 财务支持协议 &LM ^,xx}
Financial Times Index 《金融时报》指数 @`S8d%6P
Financial Times, The 《金融时报》 .`5BgX7W
financial transaction 财务交易 |h{#r7H0
financial vehicle 筹资工具 IHaNg
financial year 财政年度 YjTA+1}
financing 融资;提供资金;资金融通 g0M9v]c
financing cost 集资费用 Xx;4
financing package 融资方案 ]$xN`O4W{
financing study 融资研究 P+s-{vv{0
fine 罚款 Vv<Tjr
fineness 纯度;成色 ~L3]Wa.
fine-tuning 精确调整;仔细修订 %$3)xtS6
fire insurance 火险 nApkK1?
fire risk 火险 HLp9_Y{X.
firm 商号;事务所 Im0 #_
firm market 市况坚挺 4&a,7uVer
firm name 商号名称 DAHQ7#qfQC
firm of certified public accountants and public auditors 执业会计师及注册核数师事务所 -'wFaW0%I
firm quotation 实价 H6! <y-
firm up 回升;转强 C?h`i ^ >2
first and paramount lien 首要留置权 "JBTsQDj!
first buy order 首次买盘
first calculation 第一计算法 ,f2tG+P
First Commercial Bank 第一商业银行 HaiaDY)
first demand for rates 首次征收差饷通知书 Rb=8(#
First Fund 第一基金 d%C:%d
first in, first out method [FIFO method] 先进先出计算法 Eg;xj@S<2
first legal mortgage 首次法律按揭 Qin;{8I0
First Metro International Investment Company Limited 首都国际财务投资有限公司 7Ew.6!s#n1
first mortgage 第一按揭;第一抵押权 ^V5g[XL2
first mortgage debenture stock 第一抵押债权股证 )?qH#>mD6
First National Bank of Chicago 芝加哥第一国民银行 *M
^t@ h l
First Pacific Bank Limited 第一太平银行有限公司 :!nBTw