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[专业英语]注册会计师考试常见英语单词辅导(十) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0楼 发表于: 2011-05-20
— 本帖被 阿文哥 从 注册会计师考试试题 移动到本区(2012-07-02) —
注册会计考试常见英语单词辅导(十),Overall review The objective of the overall review stage  of the audit is to assist the auditor in assessing conclusions reached and in  evaluation of the overall financial statement presentation. The overall review  includes reading the financial statements and notes and considering the adequacy  of evidence gathered in response to unusual or unexpected   s!YX<V  
231. Overall review The objective of the overall review stage of the audit is  to assist the auditor in assessing conclusions reached and in evaluation of the  overall financial statement presentation. The overall review includes reading  the financial statements and notes and considering the adequacy of evidence  gathered in response to unusual or unexpected balances. Results of an overall  review may indicate the need for additional evidence.   \ :@!rM  
232. Parallel   ]A-LgDsS  
233. Processing is the simultaneous performance of multiple operations,  usually in reference to computer systems.   Bt:M^b^   
234. Parity bit An extra bit added to a string of bits to increase the  accuracy of data transmission.   =u9e5n  
235. Password A sequence of characters required to gain access to a computer  system. Passwords are used to restrict computer system access to only authorized  persons.   u];\v%b  
236. Payroll Department that determines amounts of wage or salary due to each  employee.   >/C,1}p[  
237. Peer review A practice monitoring program in which the working papers of  one CPA firm are periodically reviewed by independent partners of other firms to  determine that the working papers conform to the standards of the  profession.   ;+f(1=x  
238. Pending   aF"PB h=  
239. Legal proceedings not yet decided.   <]S M$) =D  
240. Per diem An allowance for daily expenses. Often used to reimburse  employees for estimated expenses as opposed to accounting for each small  component of the expenses.   o%]b\Vl6  
241. Permanent audit working paper files include working papers related to  matters of continuing accounting significance, such as the analysis of balance  sheet accounts, and contingencies. Such information from a prior year is used by  the auditor in the current audit and is updated each year. Sometimes referred to  as the continuing file.   t9W*N\  
242. Perpetrate   ZyC[w 7$I2  
243. Carry out an action such as a crime.   r7U[QTM%  
244. Perpetual An inventory accounting system updated for each addition to  inventory and each issuance from inventory so the records indicate the exact  quantity on hand at any moment. The alternative is a periodic inventory system  where actual inventory on hand is determined only once a year.   Q"pZPpl&  
245. Personal financial statements of individuals present assets and  liabilities at estimated current value on an individuals balance sheet  (statement of financial condition). A statement of changes in net worth presents  major changes in net worth during a period. The accrual basis is used for assets  and liabilities which are presented in order of liquidity and maturity, without  classification as to current and noncurrent. The cash value of life insurance  less the amount of loans against it is an asset. Deferred income tax on the  difference between the income tax basis and estimated current values is  presented between liabilities and equity.   iN u k5  
246. Personnel The department that maintains records of each individuals  employment.   :WH0=Bieh  
247. Persuasive Having the power to influence. Most audit evidence is  persuasive, but not conclusive.   <Vyl*a{%  
248. Pervasive Having the ability to permeate. An error is pervasive if it is  material to more than one of the primary financial statements.   vy5{Vm".4  
249. Piecemeal opinion Expression of an opinion on an item in financial  statements is not permitted as part of a disclaimer or an adverse opinion on the  financial statements as a whole because piecemeal opinions tend to overshadow or  contradict a disclaimer of opinion or an adverse opinion.   ,0Udz0  
250. Plan Audit planning is developing an overall strategy for conduct and  scope of the audit. The nature, extent, and timing of planning vary with size  and complexity of the entity, experience with the entity, and knowledge of the  business. In planning the audit, the auditor considers the entitys business and  its industry, its accounting policies and procedures, methods used to process  accounting information, the planned assessed level of control risk, and the  auditors preliminary judgment about audit materiality levels.   m7> )p]]  
251. Pledge Something given as security to guarantee payment of a debt.   f]Z9=  
252. Population size The number of items in the population from which a  sample is drawn.   >> -{AR0  
253. Positive assurance A statement as what the CPA believes is positive  assurance. An example is an opinion that the financial statements are presented  fairly in conformity with U.S. GAAP. The opposite is negative assurance, which  is a statement about what the CPA does not know. A statement that the CPA was  "not aware of material modifications that should be made to financial statements  for them to conform with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles" is  negative assurance used in review reports.   b7M)  
254. Positive confirmation (positive request) The positive form of  receivables confirmation asks the customer to respond whether the customer  agrees or disagrees with the clients reported receivable balance. The negative  form of accounts receivable confirmation asks the clients customer to respond  only if the customer disagrees with the balance determined by the client. The  negative form is used when controls over receivables are strong and accounts  receivable consists of many accounts with small balances. The positive form is  used when controls are weak or there are fewer, but larger, accounts.   /WAOpf5   
255. Predecessor auditor The auditor of a client for a prior year who no  longer audits that client.   v%c--cO(S4  
256. Presentation Assertions about presentation deal with whether particular  financial statement components are properly classified and described. For  example, management asserts that long-term liabilities in the balance sheet will  not mature in one year. Similarly, management asserts that extraordinary items  in the income statement are properly classified and described.   uZ1G,9  
257. Preventative control   0#e Pg6n  
258. A control designed to avoid an unintended event.   Hn)^C{RN*{  
259. Principal auditor The auditor responsible for the greater portion of  financial statements. The principal auditor may assume responsibility for the  work of the other auditor or divide responsibility with the other auditor.   zBrqh9%8e  
260. Pro forma The objective of pro forma financial information is to show  effects on historical financial information if a proposed event had occurred  earlier.   bb/A}< zD  
261. Probability proportional to size (pps) sampling A sampling plan that  bases the likelihood of selecting a particular account on the relative size of  that account, so larger accounts have a greater probability of being selected  for the sample than smaller accounts.   1RQM-0W,  
262. Probable A contingent loss is probable if it is uncertain but likely to  happen.   V,tYqhQ3  
263. Procedure An action, such as a step performed as part of an audit  program or as part of the clients internal controls.   M|z4Dy  
264. Processing control is an internal control included in computer software  designed to assure that all transactions are handled as authorized and none  omitted or added.   14-uy.0[  
265. Production cycle The portion of an entity that acquires resources and  converts them to the product or service for customers.   BXl Y V"  
266. Production order A document that initiates the manufacturing  process.   H0lAu]~R_W  
267. Proficiency Attainment of proficiency as an auditor begins with the  auditors formal education and extends to subsequent experience. The independent  auditor must undergo training adequate in technical scope, including  commensurate general education. The junior assistant, entering an auditing  career, must obtain professional experience with proper supervision and review  of his or her work by a more experienced superior.   Vc|QW  
268. Program An audit program is a listing of audit procedures to be  performed in completing the audit. A computer program (software) is a listing of  steps to be performed in processing the data.   tN;~.\TKg  
269. Programmed controls are built into computer software and include  reasonableness tests, control totals, and sequence checks.   Z +}# Ic  
270. Projection Financial projections are prospective financial statements  that present, to the best of the responsible partys knowledge, given one or more  hypothetical assumptions, an entitys expected financial position, results of  operations, and changes in financial position. A financial projection is  prepared to present hypothetical actions for evaluation.   )hA)`hL F  
271. Pronouncements of the FASB and GASB are rules that determine the  principles for external financial reporting and disclosure.   _B==S4^/yU  
272. Prospective financial statements are either financial forecasts or  financial projections. Although prospective financial statements may cover a  period that has partially expired, statements for periods that have completely  expired are not prospective financial statements.   gWjz3ob  
273. Prospectus A registration statement filed with the SEC includes audited  financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash  flows) for the previous three years. A prospectus contains the same information  and must be supplied to all parties to whom offers are made. There is a twenty  day waiting period between the filing of the registration statement and the  first sale of securities. During this period, preliminary ads and a "red  herring" prospectus can be provided to offerees but must be clearly marked as  preliminary.   _ =O;Lz$x  
274. Proxy A power of attorney granting a third party the right to a  stockholders vote. When management or others solicit proxies from stockholders,  a copy of the proxy statement must be filed with the SEC ten days before mailing  the solicitation. The proxy statement must include all information relevant to  the matter voted on.   `@ Ont+  
275. Purchase order A document sent by a buyer to a seller placing an order  and providing quantities and specifications.   #)%dG3)e  
276. Purport   MIAC'_<-e  
277. Intending to present.   h5H#xoCXp  
278. Qualified (qualify) An audit opinion that the financial statements as a  whole are presented in conformity with U.S. GAAP, with the exceptions noted.   /Q9iO&Vu  
279. Qualitative Relating to the quality of a trait, as opposed to  quantitative, which means expressed as a number.   LCpS}L;  
280. Quality control systems provide a CPA firm with reasonable assurance  that personnel comply with applicable professional standards and the firms  standards of quality, independence, integrity, and objectivity. It covers  personnel management, acceptance and continuance of clients and engagements,  engagement performance, and monitoring.   (TGG?V  
281. Quantitative (quantitatively) Expressed as a number, as opposed to  qualitative measurement.   [ 3SbWwg  
282. Questionnaire An internal control questionnaire is a list of questions  about the internal control system to be answered (with answers such as yes, no,  or not applicable) during audit field work. The questionnaire is part of the  audit working papers used to document the auditors understanding of the clients  internal controls.   6CWm;%B#G  
283. Quick ratio Quick assets divided by current liabilities. Quick assets  are current assets less inventories and prepaid expenses.   i'Q 4touy  
284. Random sample (random-number sampling) Identical probability of each  population item being selected for a sample. Also refers to the use of a table  of random numbers to select a random sample from a population.   7LW %:0  
285. Ratio estimation In audit sampling a ratio of the proportion of errors  in the sample applied to the population value to estimate total error.   _H2%6t/V  
286. Ratio The relation between two quantities expressed as the quotient of  one divided by the other. The ratio of 8 to 2 is written 8/2 and equals four.  Financial statement ratios are used in analytical procedures in audits.   -v WX L  
287. Reasonable assurance (in audit report) An auditor works within economic  limits. The audit opinion, to be economically useful, must be formed in a  reasonable time and at reasonable cost. The auditor must decide, exercising  professional judgment, whether evidence available within limits of time and cost  is sufficient to justify an opinion.   Q S.w#"X[  
288. Reasonable assurance (in internal control) An internal control, no  matter how well designed and operated, can not guarantee that an entity’s  objectives will be met because of inherent limitations in all internal controls  systems.   z a4:Jdr  
289. Reaudit When an auditor is asked to audit and report on financial  statements that have been previously audited and reported on.   %LdFS~  
290. Recalculate Perform procedures again and compare to original  results.   oJ}$ /_  
291. Receiving report A document completed in the receiving department which  identifies the purchase order that initiated the purchase, and the date,  quantity, and condition of goods received.   5fhe{d"si  
292. Recomputation Perform procedures again and compare to original  results.   _ <pO<S  
293. Reconcile   *3Ci4\E w  
294. (Reconciliation) A schedule establishing agreement between separate  sources of information, such as accounting records reconciled with the financial  statements.   X9uYqvP\(  
295. Registration statement A statement submitted to officially provide the  SEC with information about an offering of securities. A registration statement  includes audited financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, and  statement of cash flows) for the previous three years.   qc^qCGy!z  
296. Regression analysis A statistical method for finding the relationship  between two or more variables. Also called least squares or linear  regression.   ]M9r<x*  
297. Regulation s-x is a regulation of the SEC that explains the format of  information to be submitted to the SEC. It is entitled "Form and Content of and  Requirements for Financial Statements, Securities Act of 1933, Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, Investment  Company Act of 1940, and Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975."   UazUr=| e  
298. Related parties are those with whom the client has a relationship which  might destroy the self-interest of one of the parties (accounting is based on  measurement of arms length transactions). Related parties include affiliates of  the client, principle owners, management (decision makers who control business  policy) and members of their immediate families.   [E%Ov0OC  
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