2011年注册会计师考试常见英语单词辅导(九),Cumulative effect of changing to a new accounting principle is the effect on retained earnings at the beginning of the current period. It is included in net income after extraordinary items. Only the direct effect (net of income tax effect) is considered. -q27N^A0
82. Corroborate [LK
83. (Corroborating) (corroboration) (corroborative) To strengthen with other evidence, to make more certain. (nm&\b~j
84. Count Enumerate some characteristic such as the number of items in inventory. q.4DwY5 L
85. Cumulative effect of changing to a new accounting principle is the effect on retained earnings at the beginning of the current period. It is included in net income after extraordinary items. Only the direct effect (net of income tax effect) is considered. f32nO
86. Current ratio Total current assets divided by total current liabilities. tFCeE=4%
87. Custodian One that has possession or is in charge of something. Some entities entrust marketable investment securities to a bank which is custodian of the companys securities. e"Z~%,^A
88. Custody 6IA
89. Possession. ;S/fe(C
90. Cutoff Designating a point of termination. An auditor uses tests of cutoff to obtain evidence that transactions for each year are included in the financial statements of the appropriate year. Wk?XlCj
91. Defalcation W=drp>Uj
92. To misuse or embezzle funds.
93. Deficiency An internal control shortcoming or opportunity to strengthen internal controls. QQcJUOxT9
94. Detection risk The risk audit procedures will lead to a conclusion that material error does not exist when in fact such error does exist. ]v#Q\Q8>
95. Detective control A control designed to discover an unintended event or result. n$>H } #q
96. Deviation Departure from prescribed internal control. Often expressed as a rate at which the departure occurs. LdL< 5Q[
97. Disclaimer (disclaim) A statement that the auditor is unable to express an opinion as to the presentation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP. _#I0m(
98. Disclosure Revealing information. Financial statement footnotes are one way of providing necessary disclosures. ]4PG[9J@
99. Discovery sampling Acceptance sampling (sampling to determine whether internal control compliance is greater than or less than the tolerable deviation rate) when expected attribute occurrence rate is zero.
100. Document b1+Nm
101. (Documentary) (documentation) Written or printed paper that bears information that can be used to furnish decisive evidence. Could also be a recording, computer readable information, or a photograph. }0
102. Dual date If a major event comes to the auditors attention between the report date and issuance of the report, the financial statements may include the event as an adjustment or disclosure. The auditor dual dates the audit report (as of the end of fieldwork, except footnote XX, which is dated later). @U,cj>K
103. Dual-purpose test Audit procedures are classified as substantive tests or tests of controls. If a procedure provides both types of evidence it is a dual-purpose test. d{Z
104. Edi “ G8@%)$A
105. Electronic Data Interchange” is the use of communication between an entity and customers or suppliers to transact business electronically. Purchase, shipping, billing, cash receipt, and cash disbursements can be completed entirely by exchanging electronic messages. aE+E'iL
106. Edit check Reasonableness, validity, limit, and completeness tests that are programmed routines designed to check input data and processing results for completeness, accuracy and reasonableness. =6'A8d
107. Edp “Electronic Data Processing”. Processing of information by computer as opposed to handwritten records. umciP
108. Effective income tax rate The income tax provision (expense) shown on an income statement divided by the pretax income. This differs from the statutory rate because of deductions, credits, and exclusions. 1-`8v[S
109. Effective internal control Reasonable assurance that the entity’s operational objectives are achieved, that published financial statements are reliably prepared, and applicable laws and regulations are complied with.
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110. Effectiveness Producing a desired outcome. An audit procedure is effective if the evidence supports a correct conclusion. 'yl`0,3wV
111. Efficiency The ratio of the audit evidence produced to audit resources used. 7ORwDR,`5
112. Embedded control performance k~R_Pq
113. Deals with unexpected changes to data. 9E+^FZ e
114. Embezzlement /}V9*mD2
115. To take assets in violation of trust. %tpjy,
116. Encryption is scrambling data so it is meaningless to anyone but the intended recipient, who has the key to unscramble the data. r(RJ&