每个大学的图书馆墙上都会挂些标语或警句来激励来图书馆看书和自习的同学。哈佛大学图书馆墙上挂的标语很有意思,耐人寻味,现予以转载。 g[oa'.*OB
一、英文原文 @/MI
1. Sleep now, Dream will come out; Study now, Dream will come true y&ZyThqg
2. My wasteful today is the tomorrow those losers begging for. eP d
3. The earliest moment is when you think it's too late.
~ 4v
4 Better do it today than tomorrow. e-!6m#0
5 The pain of study is temporary, the pain of not study is lifelong (i1JDe
6 You do not lack time to study, you are lacking the efforts kPhdfF*Q
7 There might not be a ranking of happiness but there is surely a ranking of success.
8 Study is one but not the only component of your life, but if you cannot even overcome this single component, what can you overcome? "!V-@F$@N
9 Please enjoy the pain if it is unavoidable QKW\z aG
10 Get up early, Grind out hardy, Gain on success \kDQ[4mGq
11 Nobody success easily without complete self-control and strong perseverance <EhOIN7@*D
12 Time passes by z\d{A7
13 Today's slaver will drain into tomorrow's tear F@8G,$
14 Study like a Dog; Play like a gentalman!
15 Stop walking today and you'll have to run tomorrow oO0dN1/
16 People who invest the future are the true realists. .3X5~OH
17 Education equals income 4YuJ -
18 Today never comes back FAkrM?0/
19 Even at this very moment your competitors will not stop flipping pages. lOp7rW]$
20 No pain, No gain q,i&%
二、中文翻译 `"(FWK=8)"
1.此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。 .tdaj
2.我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日。 >>cb0fH5
3.觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。 J?wCqA
4.勿将今日之事拖到明日。 3WVH8S b
5.学习时的苦痛是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终生的。 Bi.,@7|>
6.学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。 Ulf'gD4e
7.幸福或许不排名次,但成功必排名次。 syJLcK+e
8.学习并不是人生的全部。但,既然连人生的一部分——学习也无法征服,还能做什么呢? lm;Dy*|<